A world where

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The Doctor continued to eat from your jam jar as he contemplated his answer. He must've come to some kind of consensus within himself, because he flicked his old eyes up into yours and put the jar down. He walked towards you.

"We go somewhere." He answered excitedly.

"Woah, woah, woah." You scoffed. "And why would I go anywhere with you just because you showed up with your good suit and your fancy flowers?"

"(Y/n), why are you still cross with me? You have to understand that this change was for the best. I mean, had I not regenerated, there would've been a lot worse consequences than this old thing." He explained, pointing at his face. "I don't even understand why I chose it in the first place, but I'm sure there's a purpose in here somewhere."

"I understand that."

"Then why are you so angry?" The Doctor's thick Scottish accent rang in your ears. It made you excited to feel that you had never heard the Doctor talk with a Scottish accent before now, but also depressed.

"Because you left- No." You wondered if it was appropriate to be honest with him right now. "Because you changed. Not just your face, but everything. You're not the Doctor I used to know. You're a rude old man who travels the universe under the title, "Doctor". You're not my Doctor, though. And it kills me because I want you to be my Doctor again." You felt tears rising in your eyes, the pit in your stomach going deep. "I want to love you like I did. And I want you to know that it's okay." You broke your sentence with a sob. "Whatever you're going through, whatever's got you so bitter, it's okay. I'm here for you." The Doctor's eyes glazed over, and you fell to the ground, unable to keep yourself balanced. You hugged your legs to your chest as the Doctor slumped down before you, his eyes telling you that he had taken your answer deeply. He slowly stretched his hands to your face while you sobbed uncontrollably. He wiped your tears away with his thumbs and rubbed your hair. You rested your head in his hands, but soon his breath began to hitch, eyes now watering profusely.

"(Y/n)," he started weakly, pressing his head into your knees. "My dear, dear (Y/n). What I wouldn't give for a world where-" A sob escaped him, surprising the both of you. "I know that I've changed. And I'm just a silly old man who gets rude and mean. But I'm still the Doctor, and I'm still your Doctor." He shook and you felt wetness dripping down your knees. He was actually crying. You suddenly felt even more horrible. This was the first time he'd cried for all the time you'd been traveling with him; the first time with this face, and it was your fault. "I am sorry. I am a man whose got nothing left. No people, no true friends, no family, and no home. Just a box and endless space." His accent was starting to become unclear as he continued sobbing, but you got the gist of it. He lifted his head to look at you through puffy, red eyes. "That's why you're so special." He broke contact with you, which allowed you to sit up on your knees and wipe your tears with the back of your sleeve. "(Y/f/n)," you put your hands to the sides of his face and tried to make the streaks from his tears disappear. He grabbed your fingers and closed his eyes. "You are perfect. Not just because you fill that void, but because you are unconditional. When you know something is right, you fight for it. You are so beautifully human in that way, but just as wonderfully impossible because you stay by me. You stay by this terrible old man and you teach him."

"But what can I teach you? I'm just a human, and you're... Well... You." Your voice cracked. He opened his eyes to let more tears fall.

"Oh, so much." He chuckled. "Like the number of times it is acceptable to get on and off of a bus within an hour." You chuckled at the memory of the time when you and the Doctor had to ride a bus to the city because the Tardis wasn't working. He had been so impatient with the hour long ride that even though he knew your stop would be the last, he continually jumped off the bus at every first stop, and ran to catch the bus at every second. Needless to say, you earned some pretty decent "weirdo" stares that day. "How to say I love you." You stopped laughing and looked him seriously in the eyes, the Doctor practically mirroring your expression. You let your hands fall from his face and after a moment, threw your arms around his neck in an unexpected hug. He wasted no time joining the hug with twice the strength of you. You didn't get the feeling the Doctor liked hugs anymore, but realization had dawned on you. The Doctor just admitted that he loved you. "I love you, my beautiful, impossible, unconditional (Y/n)." He cradled the back of your head and you buried your face in his shoulder, the familiar scent just as comfortable as his touch. "And in a world where things could be different, I'd make you happy. I'd do everything in my power to make absolute sure that you were given everything you deserved and nothing less. I'd be younger and less irritating. I'd be your Doctor again." He suppressed another sniff. You closed your eyes for a bit, falling into the Doctor's warmth. Then, you pushed him back slightly and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I don't need another world." You began as he looked at you in confusion. "I've got you."  His lips curled up into a tight smile to mask the tears that were on their way back. "A new Doctor, though. That'd be nice." You joked, making the Doctor laugh.

"Is that so?"

"Oh yeah. He'd be a little more in shape."


"He'd be less Scottish."

"Yes, of course."

"He'd also be ginger."

"Oh don't we both wish?" The Doctor chuckled, his smile finally reaching his big insightful eyes. It was a good look, him smiling with passion. You liked it. He began to struggle in trying to stand when you realized that he couldn't actually get up. You giggled and got up before him, offering your hands as a balance. He graciously took them and stood up with much less difficulty.

"And Doctor?" You sat down in the seat you'd been in before. He looked at you. "I love you too." He smiled even wider than he had before and leaned down to you. He tilted your chin with his hands and placed an understanding kiss to your forehead.

"I thought you might."

Ruffled feathers 12th DoctorxReader (oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now