Chapter ninty five

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"Good morning beautiful," Shawn gently kissed my forehead. "Good morning gorgeous," I smiled back kissing hiss cheek. "Summer and JJ came to pick Easton up about twenty minutes ago," he held me close to him. "Ok so we need to go to my mom go grocery shopping and then I'm all yours," I kissed his lips gently. "Alright baby," he held me against his chest. "Let's go get dressed and then go grocery shopping." He kissed my nose. "Let's go," I smiled standing up and extending my hand for him. "Thank you," he smiled while he stood up. I walked towards my closet and he walked towards his. I put on one of my only pairs of jeans I had left in my closet before walking into Shawn closet wearing only jeans and my bra. "Hello," he laughed as I scanned his clothing. "Leather jacket?" I put it over my shoulder making him laugh. "Why are your arms so damn long." I looked at the sleeves. "Because I'm taller than you," he laughed taking it back. "How about this," I put on his sleeveless flannel. It was black and green with a hood. And it looked like the sleeves has been ripped off. "I like it," he kissed me. "You ready," I looked at him. "Almost," he put a flannel on and then nodded leading me out of the closet. "Grocery shopping first or to my moms first?" He shrugged leading me down the stairs. "We should probably go to my moms first because she's gonna wanna talk." I laughed a little. "Alright." He smiled helping me into the car and heading to hi side and getting in himself. "Let's go," he held my hand in his before pulling out of the driveway. "My moms gonna be so excited," I smiled. "I'm excited," Shawn squeezed my hand. "I love you," I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand. "I love you too," he smiled as we neared my moms house. "Don't do anything weird." I told him sternly as we arrived at my moms house. "What could I possibly do?" He smirked. "Shawn please," I held his hands in mine. "I promise," he kissed me. "Ok. Let's go," I pulled away letting go of his hands. I opened my door and jumped out waiting for Shawn to appear before beginning to walk towards the door. He held my hand as I knocked. "Maddy," she smiled hugging me. "And-" she cut herself off and squealed. "Hello mrs-" he cut himself off. "Hi," he smiled sheepishly. "Im happy for you two," she hugged Shawn. "So are we," I smiled entering the house. "I thought you were staying with jack," she led us to the living room. "No I've been at home with Shawn and Easton." I smiled. "How's Easton doing? I've been told he understood the whole divorce thing?" I shrugged. "Somewhat. He understood that it meant mommy and daddy weren't gonna be together anymore. But he didn't understand anything past that," I sighed. "And then I told him last night we were getting back together and even Shawn heard him at how excited he got." I laughed a little. "He's such a smart kid," Shawn added. "That's nice. Where is Easton?" My mother questioned from the couch across from where we sat. "He's hanging out with Summer and JJ," I squeezed Shawn's arm. "And by that I take it you have some big news," my mother smiled. "Summers pregnant." I squealed. "She told us last night." My mother smiled. "Soon I will have two grandchildren," my mother smiled wider. "How far?" She asked. "Six weeks," I nodded. "She says JJ wants a girl. But she wants her oldest to be a boy like Shawn and I," she nodded. "How are they doing?" She tried making small talk. "They're good." I nodded. "Is Easton excited to have a new cousin?" She smiled. "He's got a brief understanding of what it means and I think with his knowledge he's pretty excited." I nodded. "How bout you Shawn. You excited for another kid to join the family?" She looked at him. "I am. I had no idea how much fun it is to have babies around. I mean their a lot of work but they are so much fun to have. And now Easton won't be so lonely." He laughed at the last part. "Yeah that's good." She nodded. "Alright well you guys can go. On and do whatever it is that you came here for I'll see you guys later." She smiled waving us away as she walked into the office. "Thank you for not being stupid," I kissed him quickly. "Since when do I ever act stupid?" he scoffed. "Since always," I laughed. He pouted. "I'm sorry baby," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Come on." He pulled back leading me up the stairs and to my room. "Ok let's see," he started throwing my clothing at me. "Shawn," I whined. He laughed coming towards me and helping me fold my clothes a put them in the suitcase. My phone buzzed in my pocket. "One sec," I pulled it out of my pocket and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I sat on the bed. "Hi it's the children's hospital calling about an appointment for Easton Mendes?" She questioned. "Mhm," I nodded. "The appointment is tomorrow at noon," I nodded. "Alright thank you," I hung the phone up. "Who was that?" Shawn asked as I started folding again. "The children's hospital." He gave me a questioning look. "Easton's appointment tomorrow." He nodded. "You good?" He asked as I put the last item of clothing into the suitcase. "I'm good," I smiled. I zipped the suitcase up and Shawn grabbed it off of the bed. "I can't take it," I reached out. "But I've got it," he smiled pecking my lips. "Thank you," I smiled following him down the stairs. "Bye mom," I called. "Bye guys," she yelled back. "Bye," Shawn smiled. He put the suitcase into the trunk and then got into the car next to me. "It's almost 11:00 so by the time we're done everything it'll be about 12:30 and then we can go out." I smiled. "Alright then." He smiled back. We neared the grocery store. "So what do we need?" He asked trying to find a parking space. "Almost everything," I laughed. I opened my phone looking at the list. "Eggs, milk, bread, vegetables, need I say more." He laughed slightly. "No I think I got it." He smiled as we pulled into a parking space. "We also need some more baby products." I finished getting out of the car. "Let's go," I waited for him once again as he grabbed my hand leading me inside the grocery store. "What should we get first?" I grabbed a cart and started pushing it around. "Dairy?" He pointed. I shrugged and followed him towards the dairy section. "Milk." I asked. "Got it," he replied. "Eggs?" "Mhm," "cheese?" "Yup." I finished stating everything we needed for dairy and we left that section heading towards produce. "You get fruits I'll get vegetables." I suggested. He nodded walking towards the fruit. I started getting the vegetables. Once I was sure I had everything I walked towards Shawn. He put the fruit into the cart. "Anything else?" I nodded. "Bread meat and baby products." I stated. "I'll get the bread and meat you get the baby products?" He questioned. "Sure. Come meet me in the baby section after," I told him as he pushed the cart away. I walked towards the baby section searching for the formula that Easton uses. When I finally found it I went to look for the diapers. "I got everything we need," Shawn kissed my neck. "All we need is diapers." I held his hand in mine. I scanned the racks quickly finding the diapers. "We're good." I smiled pushing the cart towards check out. "So." Shawn stood next to me. "What are we gonna do today?" I questioned stopping in line. "It's a surprise," he kissed my nose. "Please," I pouted. "Nope," he kissed my pouting lips. "Fine," I huffed. "It'll be worth it I promise." His fingers laced in mine. "Ok," I smiled resting my head against his shoulder. We got checked out and walked to the car. "Ok after we drop this off at home and you take your pills we can go out," he smiled. "Alright," I leaned back in my seat. "You ok?" He slowly back out of the parking space. "Yeah I'm good," I blinked. "Maddy. What's wrong," he said sternly. "I feel light headed," I closed my eyes briefly. "We'll be home soon," he kissed my hand a number of times as we pulled into the driveway. "Which pills do you need?" He came onto my side of the car and helped me out. "My anorexia pills," he led me up the stairs and towards the kitchen. He sat me down on one of the barstools and went to get me my pills along with some water. "Take your pills. I'm gonna start getting the groceries." His hand rubbed up and down my back. "Alright." I nodded taking two of the pills. I swallowed the pills and went to stand up. "Nope. You will sit here, and wait for me to finish bringing the groceries in." He stood in front of me. "Shawn. I wanna help," I whined. "Too bad," he shrugged walking back outside. I laughed resting my head in my hands. I watched as he brought bag after bag in. "Now can I stand up?" I asked as he brought in the last bag. "Now you may," he smiled. We started putting things away. "You feeling better now?" He asked as we put the last few groceries away. "Yeah. So what are we gonna do?" I smiled. "Let's go find out shall we," he smiled holding a hand out for me to grab. "Let's do it," I grabbed his hand following him to the car. He helped me in on my side (something that he's always done) and then got in on his side. "Can I know where we're going now?" He pulled onto the main road. "Nope." He smirked. "But I promise you'll like it." He kissed my hand. "Alright," I sighed looking out the window to try and figure out where we were going. "We're here," he parked the car and got out coming to my side. "Shawn," I smiled pouting slightly. "This is the sweetest thing," I looked across the street at the café where we met. "You still remember?" I laughed slightly wanting to cry. "I could never forget. I walked into the café and there you sat with Summer. I smiled at you and you turned red and then Summer yelled. 'He's cute you should talk to him,' and then we talked for a while and I asked you out." He recited the story of how we met. "Shawn this-" I cut myself off by smashing my lips into his. "You are the best boyfriend in all of the world." I kissed him again. "I love you," I smiled. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too," he held onto me. "Let's go," he led me into the small café. "That's the table you two were sitting at. And this is the table you and I sat at," he smiled pointing. "The same table we sat at every time we came in here." He smiled at me. "I can't believe you remember." I smiled at him. "How could I forget," he kissed me sweetly. "Do you remember the first thing you said to me?" Shawn questioned as we sat down. "That was so embarrassing." I shook my head. "Hi I'm Maddy and you must be hot," he mocked. "Shut up," I kicked his leg. "And then you turned bright red and walked back over to Summer, who pushed you into me." He smiled. "And then you caught me and told me I was cute and that your name was Shawn and not hot," I laughed. "And then you started stuttering your words and when I asked you if I made you nervous-" I cut him off. "No please don't," I shook my head from the embarrassing memory. "You told me I scared you," he laughed a little. "And when I asked you how," I put my hand over his mouth. "Please don't," I shook my head. He held both of my hands down with his. "You said I was too tall and muscular," I turned red again hiding my face in my hands. "It was cute baby," he stood coming to my side. "It was so embarrassing." I shook my head. "And I'm gonna remember it forever." He kissed my head. "So." He smirked. "Do I still intimidate you by my tall and muscular image?" He flexed. "No. But it embarrasses every time you do that," I pushed his arms down. "Do what. This," he started flexing again. "Shawn," I whined. He hugged me. "Im just messing with you," he smiled sitting back down. "Want something?" He held my hands in his. "You remember that drink you always used to order?" I smiled at him. "Yeah and you would make fun of me for it because the name was so long and what you ordered would have like two words in it." He laughed. "Anyway what do you want," he stood. "Anything," I shrugged as he went to the counter. He ordered some stuff and minutes later came back and handed me one. "Thank you," I grabbed one of his hands. "Welcome," he smiled. "What other embarrassing memories do I have of you in this café?" He sipped his coffee. "Remember our second date?" He laughed. "Yeah like two hours before you and your friends were sitting here and I walked in to get a coffee and you smiled at me and I pretended I didn't know you," I laughed. "Yeah. I didn't understand why you did that until school on Monday when everyone started asking you if we were dating. And I remember how much you hated attention." He laughed. "Do you remember junior year of high school. When you finally let me tell people we were dating and I had the cheerleaders and the rest of the football team help me do it at one of our games." He laughed. "Yeah. I left in the middle of that," I nodded. "Yeah and you were so mad at me," he shook his head and I sipped my coffee. "Yeah I didn't talk to you for two days," he laughed. "And then I annoyed you so bad that you had no choice but to talk to me again." He laughed. "When we broke up," he looked around the small café. I came in here everyday and just sat at this table." He sighed. "I would imagine you there, and-" I cut him off. "You don't have to anymore," I squeezed his hand. "I'm not leaving ever again," I shook my head. "Good," he kissed my hand gently. "Should we go get Easton and stop Summer and JJ's suffering or let them suffer a little longer so we can go and have some fun?" I smirked. "Let's go have some fun," he returned the smirk. "Alright then," I smiled as we left. We got into the car. "What kind of fun did you have in mind?" He put his hand on my thigh. "Once we get home I can show you," I put my hand atop his. "I can't wait." He bit his lip as we pulled onto our street. He soon pulled into the driveway and we got out of the car. I walked inside first and he followed closely behind me. I sat on the couch and he followed. I rolled slightly so I sat on his lap pressing my lips against his. "How much fun do you wanna have?" I bit on his bottom lip. "This is good," he continued kissing me with much force and passion. "I love you," this time he bit my lip. "Your so sweet," he smiled deepening the kiss more. His tongue hit mine with such hunger. Mine fought back. "We should go save them. And Easton," I pulled back but he bit my lip. "They can wait." He pushed my head back onto his. His tongue slid around my mouth tasting every inch of it. My hands quickly found his hair. My finger knotted in his soft brown locks. My tongue explored his mouth tasting everywhere it could until finally our tongues met. Moving in perfect unison we fought for dominance. Shawn won leaving me inferior. "Ok. Now we can go save them," he pulled back. I pecked his lips once before he stood up holding me against him. He gently let my feet hit the ground before kissing me again. "Yeah ok let's go." He pulled back. I laughed before leading him towards the car. "I'll drive." I grabbed the keys. "Or I can," he took them from my hand. "Shawn," I whined. "Maddy," he mocked. "Shut up," I pushed his head back and got into the passengers side. He just laughed getting into the drivers side of the car. Meet drove in silence. "Maddy," he grabbed my hand. "Hmm?" I turned to him even though he wouldn't look at me because he was driving. "Are you mad at me?" His fingers laced in mine. "I little bit," I wrapped my fingers around his hand. "Why? I'm sorry," he kissed my hand. "It's ok," I squeezed his hand as we pulled into their drive way. "One more kiss?" He turned to me. I used one of my hands to cup his face while pressing my lips onto his. We both slowly pulled away. "Let's go," he opened his door and I opened mine. I jumped out of the car and walked towards his side where he waited for me as we walked to the door hand in hand. I knocked on the door. "JJ?" Summer called. "I've got it," he called back opening it. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi." I smiled back. He opened the door wider for us to go in. Summer came down the stairs holding Easton. "Hi," I smiled at her. His head rested on her shoulder as he slept. "Was he good?" I took him from her. "Yeah he was. He played with JJ for a while and then he ate and had a little nap and then we all played together. He said hi to the baby," she laughed slightly. "Was he gentile," I bit my lip looking at the sleeping child Shawn had put into his car seat. "He was don't worry," she nodded. "Anyway." She smiled looking at us. "What'd you guys do today?" She beamed. "We visited my moms and move my stuff back and then we went grocery shopping." She looked disappointed. "And then we took a walk down memory lane." I smiled. "Meaning?" She beamed again. "We visited the café where we met." He smiled. I wrapped my arms around his. She squealed but quietly. "We even sat at our table," I laughed. "And he was telling me the story of how we met." She laughed. "All of the embarrassing parts might I add." I finished making him chuckle. "Like when I sent you to talk to him and you said hi I'm Maddy and you must be hot," she burst into laughter. "Thanks guys. Really," I rolled my eyes. "Or when you told him his hight and muscle intimidated you." She laughed harder. "And when he told the school about your guys' relationship at the football game and you didn't talk to him for two days." She finished wiping the tears that had fallen from her laughing too hard. "Yeah all of that embarrassing stuff," I nodded. "Oh Shawn you remember that crazy complicated drink you always ordered?" She laughed. "And how it took you like five minutes to order because of the name." She laughed. "Or when you and your friends were at the café and Maddy pretended not to know you," she laughed again. "Are you done making fun of us yet?" Shawn whined impatiently. "Not quite." She laughed some more. "Remember that time in school when Shawn was trying to look all cool and stood next to your locker and you hit him in the face with it?" She laughed at the both of us. "And then for a month after he had a fear of that locker." She was dying she laughed so hard. "Ok calm down. The baby remember?" JJ put his hand on her stomach. "Ok ok I'll stop but I will always judge you guys because of those moments." She pointed. "Whatever. Anyway we'll get going. I have to do some stuff for work." I sighed picking up Easton's car seat. "See you guys tomorrow?" They nodded. "It's at noon right?" I nodded while we walked out. I clipped his seat in the back of the car. "Wanna drive?" Shawn held the keys out to me. "Kinda," I took the keys from his hand walking to the other side. I put the keys into the ignition and started driving away. It was only about a five minute drive from our house to theirs. Shawn phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes and ended the call. "Who was it?" I asked as we neared our house. "Andrew. I'll call him back when we're inside because I know that I'm gonna end up using my big voice and Easton's gonna cry." I nodded opening the gate and pulling into the garage. "Go call him I've got Easton." I sent him inside. He pecked my lips. "I'll be out back until you've got Easton upstairs." He walked inside. I got Easton's bag and then I took his seat out of the car. I walked inside and I could already hear Shawn yelling. I walked quickly up the stairs to Easton's room putting him in his crib and setting his seat in the corner. I covered him with his blanket and then walked out closing the door. I walked down the stairs and saw Shawn in the kitchen. "No you listen to me," he started. "You need to start talking to me before you book these things because now. I have a family to look after. I can't go," he said simply. "Andrew," he groaned aloud hanging the phone up. I stood behind him. I rested my hand on his shoulder and I set him down on a barstool. "What's wrong?" I dug my fingers into his back. "I have a radio interview tomorrow at noon," he sighed as I tried to massage all of the stress out of him. "It's ok baby," I kissed his neck. "No it's not. This is his first doctors appointment. I wanna be there and know he's gonna be ok in the future. I wanted to there when they tell us there's nothing wrong with him or if there is something wrong with him and now I can't be." He sighed. "I just feel like I'm never around. Like I need to step up and start acting like more of a dad." He moaned quietly as I continued to massage his back. "You are an amazing dad Shawn. You do everything for that kid and he loves you. That's all that matters." I kissed his jawbone. "I have to go and do some work. But we can talk after," I kissed his nose. "Ok?" He nodded his head and I pecked his lips before walking towards the office. I put my glasses on and opened my computer. I started going threw and editing the scripts. I was the final editor and the one that gave it to the tv shows and movie directors. I had the highest ranked job in the company. After editing about ten scripts and sending them out Easton started crying. "I've got him," Shawn smiled from the doorway. "Thank you," I smiled going back to editing. I continued typing for hours. I felt Shawn's hands on my back. "Are you done yet?" He kissed my neck. "Almost," I continued typing. "Baby you've been in here for hours. In starting to worry. It's almost eight," his hands gently massaged my back while I continued typing. I re read it once more before sending it out. "Come on baby," Shawn closed my computer and held his hands out for me. I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up. "You look good in your glasses," he kissed my nose. I took them off and put them in front of my computer. "Come on. You need to eat. Easton's asleep." He added randomly while leading me to the kitchen. "I'm sorry," I wrapped my arms around his neck. "It's alright baby. I'm not mad I just don't like it when you spend so long in front of your computer." He kissed me. "I know," I put my head on his shoulder. "And I'm sorry," I softly kissed his neck. "Here," he handed me a plate full of food that he had wrapped. "Shawn," I whined. "Now I feel worse," I pouted. "It's alright," he laughed sitting me down. I are small bites of the food. "You don't have to eat the whole plate but you do have to eat at least a quarter." He sat next to me. I ate a couple more bites of the food. "Ok that pretty good," he nodded. I are only a little bit more than a quarter. "Go up to bed. You went to sleep really late last night and you were really tired today." He kissed my forehead. "Alright. But you have to promise to come up right away," I stood at the stairs. "I promise now go," he shewed. I walked up the stairs and into our room stripping myself of my clothing and staying in only my undergarments because it was hot. Shawn soon came up the stairs and after stripping himself he crawled into the bed behind me. "Goodnight baby girl," he kissed the skin below my ear. "Goodnight shawny baby," I turned and kissed his chest. "Sweet dreams," he smiled a I closed my eyes.

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