"Just leave us alone, Kris!", Harriette said to Kris when Yura followed Kris and she saw Harriette. 

 "Yura, you're here, you know my sister right? And this guy? He is Luhan, my stupid brainless brother-in-law", Kris laughed.

"I told you to stop it, Kris!", Harriette said again when Luhan attacked Kris and hit him with his fist on his face. Harriette grabbed Luhan who was angry for Kris and Kris fell on the ground with the side of his mouth bleeding so Yura helped Kris.

"What's wrong with you?! Let's just go, Kris", Yura angrily said to Luhan while Kris just seriously looked at him. After what happened, Luhan and Harriette decided to just go home. They just arrived and they are in the living room.

"Why did you hit my brother?", - Harriette

    "Harriette, didn't you see what your brother did to me a while ago in the restaurant? He humiliated me! I just defended myself! Are you mad at me for defending myself?! What your brother did was wrong, Harriette and you're still defending him?!", - Luhan 

"I'm not defending him but Luhan you should at least control yourself! You hit my brother! He was hurt! You hurt my brother, Luhan! My brother!", - Harriette

"What about me?! Every time Kris talk or look at me, he look at me like I am a piece of trash. You know what, Harriette this is the first time we fought I think let's just give each other time to think", Luhan walked away and left their home. Harriette cried because that was the first time that she and Luhan had a fight together. At Yura and Chanyeol's house, Yura was helping Kris to treat his wound with a cold ice while Chanyeol was just watching them.

"So, Chanyeol you were supposed to say to me yesterday that Harriette is married? Am I right?", Chanyeol slowly nodded.

"And Kris, what you also did a while ago was wrong. Harriette's husband did nothing wrong to you", - Yura

"Yura, if you were on my shoes you wouldn't let Harriette marry someone right? I know what's right for her", - Kris

"But, Kris maybe Harriette really loves him. I know Harriette. She will never make decisions if she know it's wrong. She married Luhan maybe because for her it's a right thing", - Yura

"No, Yura it's a very wrong decision and as her older brother I know what's right for her", Kris answered. While Luhan left Harriette after having a misunderstanding with her, Luhan and his best friend Xiumin decided to drink.

"Luhan, it's normal. No marriage are perfect even my parents, they fought sometimes but in the end they will be fine again", - Xiumin

"Xiumin, is marrying someone wrong?", - Luhan

"Of course no", - Xiumin

"But why? Why do people hate me and Harriette's marriage? Why can't they just accept the fact that we love each other? Why can't they just leave us alone? Why can't they be just happy for us? ", - Luhan

"Luhan, listen to me it's just a beginning of your married life most of the times, the beginnings are the hardest part but in the end it's worth it. Just be strong, prove to them that you're strong and don't let them down you and your love for Harriette. If you love Harriette, you won't let these challenges break your love for each other", Xiumin said and he took Luhan's bottle of beer from his hand.

"So, bro stop drinking. I think it's better that you should go home and talk to your wife. I know she's waiting for you", it's already morning so Luhan went home and found Harriette in the living room waiting for him so he approached her.

"I'm sorry if I shouted at you a while ago", - Luhan 

"I thought you're not coming back anymore", - Harriette

"I will never leave you, Harriette and sorry about--", Harriette interrupted him.

"It's fine. Let's just forget it okay?", Harriette said so both of them smiled. Even though they had a misunderstanding yesterday they always make sure that they will be fine again. Afterwards, Luhan dropped Harriette to her school. Still, Harriette's secret to Luhan is that she don't attend to school anymore. Harriette decided to just walk around the streets when across the street she saw a big poster so she went to the poster to read it.

"Wanted job", Harriette saw a coffee shop beside the poster so she went there.

"Excuse me? I saw the poster outside and I am applying for the job, sir", afterwards, the manager of the coffee shop interviewed her.

"Relationship status?", Harriette was a little surprised about the question.

"I'm single, sir", even though Harriette was really married, she's afraid that if she would say she is married, the manager might not accept her for the job.

"Okay you're hired. Your working hours starts at 9am-4pm. Suho! Suho, come here. This is Harriette, your new co-worker here. Teach her everything about her job here in the coffee shop, cleaning, washing the dishes and serving food and, Harriette this is your uniform", the manager threw Harriette's uniform to her face and he left.

"Our manager is really rude, Harriette so sorry about that. By the way, I'm Suho the handsome and the funniest guy here in the coffee shop", Suho said. Harriette thought that since she's secretly don't attend school anymore she thought that it will be better if she can have a job to earn money for herself and of course to help Luhan. Secretly too, she work in a coffee shop without Luhan, her brothers and her best friend Chanyeol knowing that she is now working. It's Harriette's first week working in the coffee shop and she's in charge to serve their costumers, clean their tables and take their orders when Suho saw Harriette taking a rest at the kitchen.

"Hey our manager dislike it if we take a rest during working hours. Just saying, I'm just afraid that he might scold you especially you're just new here so come on we have new costumers outside you take their orders. You can do this", Suho said. Harriette went out from the kitchen to take their new costumers order but Harriette was so surprised of what she saw.

"Luhan?!", Harriette saw that one of the costumers of their coffee shop was Luhan with Xiumin with their other college friends. It was their lunch time so they decided to drink coffee and eat cakes at the coffee shop. Harriette didn't know what to do when he saw Luhan as one of their costumers.

Message: Sorry again for the wrong grammars. This story was made by my imaginations only. Don't plagiarize this story and don't translate it to other languages.

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