Baking or cooking?


Which genre do you absolutely HATE? And what would the title of a story of this genre be if you were forced to write it?

1D Fanfic. Okay, maybe not the whole genre. But the ones that seem like they are written by three year olds. Those ones.

What do you want to/did you major in, in university?

I want to study Health Science. Either nursing or psychology.

Would you rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?

Academy Awards.

You have to set your story in a country that isn't your own, and isn't the US, the UK, Canada or Australia. Where would you set it?


Would you rather be an extra in a huge, blockbuster movie or have a character named after you in a self-published, unpopular book?


What time period/place (e.g. middle ages, 12th century China, Ancient Egypt) would you like to live in and why?

I would love to go back to the 70s/80s in England.

What, in your opinion, is the most unrealistic thing about zombie movies?

Everything? I must say, zombies are my least favourite super natural being.

--Story Question--

Insert a fandom: 'Fans of.....would love my story!'

Harry Potter, Immortal Instruments, Divergent, House of Night, Hunger Games, etc.

These are my favourite books and I am inspired by all of them and I think that comes out in my writing style and characters.

On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the world in your book? (Ten being a world that is completely horrible, one being a utopian heaven).

7 or 8.

List a song that fits with the beginning third of your book, a song that fits the middle and a song that fits the end. (Basically, a three song playlist that sums up your book).

Kill of the Night by Gin Wigmore

Just Tonight by The Pretty Reckless

Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy

One of your characters can come to life; who is it and why?

Asher. He is a kind, caring and funny guy who is also sexy and sarcastic. My perfect guy.

If you had to write the book from another character's perspective (or from a character's perspective full stop, if 3rd person) whose would it be and why?

Probably Asher's. Cameron has so much self-hatred. I think it would be good to be able to see her struggle through the eyes of someone who loves her, despite what she's done.

Paste your favourite quote from your story and explain why you love it.

"The good thing about being Immortal is you can't literally drink yourself to death, like college boys can. The bad thing about being Immortal is you can't literally drink yourself to death, so you wake up the next morning, or the morning after that, and you feel everything you'd be spared feeling if only you had been lucky enough to die."

This is the opening paragraph. It shows Cameron's sarcasm and dry sense of humour.

Did you/are you writing this in correct order or just whatever scene you feel like should be written next?

Nope. I wish I did that! I kind of just write whatever is in my head and then try to make sense of it as I go along. I have never really had a plan.

Guesstimate how many hours of planning you did before beginning to write this story.

None? I never have any plans for my novels. I don't even know the name before I start.

Who, or what, is the main antagonist? Explain them. Are they evil, misunderstood or something else?

The antagonist in this story is not the bad guy. He is Asher, Cameron's love interest. He represents everything Cameron hates and wishes she has. Humanity, mortality, innocence, love...

Describe the most attractive (in any way) character in the series: features, clothing and personality.

Cameron. She is perfect (physically). Her hair is long and golden and falls perfectly. Her 'witch' eyes are beautiful. Her lips are full. Her body is curvy in all the right places.

Which is the strongest in your story: setting, characters or plot?


Who is the best couple in your story?

Cameron and Asher.

If you had to cut one main or main supporting character from your story, who would it be?

If I had to... Dixie. She isn't crucial to the plot but she acts as a distraction for Cameron.

Do you want to get this story published one day?

Yes. This is by far my best novel.

Interview With An Author: Quirky StyleWhere stories live. Discover now