"Thanks, Josh. I loved it." She said with a shy smile in the corner of her mouth.

"Want something to drink?" Josh asked, his elbows planted onto the grimy bar as she chatted with the woman.

"No thanks. I need to go home. I'm exhausted! Can I have my check please?" the woman asked, her voice sweet as she talked with the man.

"Sure, wait here..." Josh, the bartender, said as he walked into an office behind the counter.

Logan was still glancing at her from the corner of his eye. She was what many people call petite, which, to him, made her look sweet and friendly. He took a sip of his drink, trying to think of a way to start a conversation with her.

"Nice voice," he finally said.

"Oh, thank you." She answered, her cheeks turning red, making her light freckles more visible.

Usually, she would try to end the small talk here to avoid any uncomfortable situations that might occur, but not this time. To her surprise, she felt comfortable and safe enough talking to the man beside her.

"Do you come here often?" she asked, trying to get the conversation going.

"From time to time, to get some fresh -"

"Hey, Megan, here you go." Josh interrupted walking out of the office and gave her an envelope.

"Great! Thank you, Josh. See you next week." The woman named Megan said as she put the envelope in the pocket of her jacket and turned back to Logan.

She gazed at him for a moment. Her mind fighting between staying a little longer or heading off, but despite the temptation, she decided it was better to go home.

"Have a nice night," she breathed, giving Logan a large smile. She didn't wait for an answer before walking away.

Logan's eyes followed her out of the bar and as the door closed behind her, where he noticed another man also staring at her while talking on the phone. Logan sensed something off about him and listened in to hear what the man was saying.

"She left. Don't screw it up. Remember we need her alive." The man hung up his phone and left the place.

Logan turned quickly in his seat, tossing a few bills onto the bar before pulling his leather jacket on.

Outside, Megan headed towards the bus stop, two streets away from the bar and walked into a small alley to take a shortcut. The area was deserted and dark, but she was too deep into her thoughts to get creeped out.

She smiled, thinking about the man she spoke with at the bar. He was quite her type, and it had been a while since the last time she met a man she felt comfortable around. It was odd for her to think so since only a few words had passed between the two of them. Her smile faded away as her heart filled with regret. She should have stayed to at least ask his name or see if he would come again next week.

"So we meet again..." a cold voice sounded behind her, interrupting her thoughts. She stopped, looking around to see who spoke, but at the same moment, two silhouettes appeared in front of her.

"Shit..." she whispered, her heart pounding in her chest as panic took over her body.

"So, what do you think about you being a good little girl and come with me without a fight?" the man behind her continued.

"If I were you, I would leave her alone." Logan's voice demanded as he appeared behind the first man.

The man laughed, "This is none of your business. There's three of us and one of you."

Logan smiled and unsheathed his claws, a growl ripping from his throat.

"Interesting," the man answered to Logan's threat.

He then turned to his men. "You two take care of this thing. I will take care of the girl."

The two men obeyed and charged against Logan as their leader approached Megan. Before the man got close, she reached towards her ankles and pulled out two daggers.

"Why are you making things so complicated?" he asked her.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Megan demanded, holding her daggers in front of her defiantly.

Her breathing was heavy and her hands firmly squeezing the daggers' handles. She had been trained from a rather young age in combat, but situations like this were daunting. When her adversary tried to seize her right hand, she was faster. She retracted her hand and struck, cutting the man's face.

"You little bitch!" he screamed, holding his bleeding cheek. "I had enough of this crap. You are going to come with me." The man threatened, pulling a gun from his jacket and aiming it at her. "Put down your little toys."

There was nothing her daggers could do against a bullet and she had no choice but to let go of them. She let them drop to the ground, the sound of metal hitting concrete the only noise which echoed throughout the small alley.

She was staring deep into the man's eyes when three claws penetrated the man's chest.

A gunshot echoed through the street, the shock of the attack making his finger pull against the trigger. Logan retracted his claws, letting the man's body fall to the ground and his eyes raised, locking on a confused woman holding her left shoulder covered in a spreading crimson stain.

"Shit!" he yelled, catching Megan before she fell to the ground.

She looked up in Logan's eyes to help her keep herself calm, but her vision blurred. She could feel the blood running down her shoulder, but the pain was too intense for her to understand where the bullet hit her.

Logan laid Megan down and took out his cellphone.

"Hang in there. I'm calling for help." Logan told her, his fingers dialling across the keypad as he noticed Megan struggling to stay conscious.

"Don't pass out on me. I need you awake." Logan said in a desperate effort to keep her conscious. His free hand shook her body as he listened to the dial tone continue ringing on the phone.

"I'm trying... I..."

Megan tried to focus on Logan's voice to stay awake, but she gave up to the pain and closed her eyes, her head rolling to the side.

"Damn it! Come on, pick up." Logan growled, nearly tossing the phone as he shook Megan, trying to rouse her.

A woman's voice finally answered the call.


"Storm, I need your help..."

Healing Hearts (  a Wolverine X OC Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz