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"Noona," poke, "Noona!" Another poke. Dino was sitting in between my legs as I leaned against the wall. We had been rehearsing jam jam and tweaking a few of the moves but it was obvious I wasn't on my A-game so they called a break. I used the time to send Mark a few messages but just like the night before, they sent but never received a reply.

"Yes, Dino?" I turned to him, bringing on my brightest smile. He squinted his eyes at me and leaned closer until I was sure he was going to kiss me. Then he pushed himself off of the floor and dragged me up, grabbing my hands and placing them on his shoulders.

"Dance with me?" He asked sweetly, his eyes disappearing.

"We were dancing, that's why they called a break." I retorted, anxious to get back on the floor and text Mark a few more times.

He gave me a pointed look, "No June, just dance." I leaned into him and pressed my forehead against his shoulder blade. He wasn't that much taller than me so I didn't exactly have to look up at him, nonetheless he still wrapped his hands around my waist.

Music began playing and a few members joined along with us, it took me a few minutes but then I realized that the beautiful 'love song' that had been playing was actually the high school musical soundtrack. How they knew the songs was beyond my knowledge.

"Why are you so sad today?" He asked lowly, his usual goofy expression disappearing. I hated worrying him. It felt like my problems would mess up his beautiful mind.

"Someone very important to me hasn't been answering my calls or messages." I admitted, feeling guilty that I was burdening him with my petty issues.

"Is it Mark?" He asked, his head tilting to the side in curiosity.

"Yeah," I whispered, then quickly added, "I wasn't lying when I said we weren't dating. He was just really nice to me when we met and we got along so well that we blew the kiss off. We're really good friends now, I really care for him. I'm just worried that he won't talk to me ever again." I looked down at our feet, my eyes unfocused.

"Don't worry, I always believed you. Everyone did. Seungkwan was just being a good friend." he grinned.

"Are you all in on his little 'get Vernon to admit his feelings' scheme?" I scowled, pulling back from his grasp a little.

He grabbed my hands again and pushed me to continue dancing, "not all of us, but most of us are rooting for you two."

"Why? I'm closer to you than I am to him and it seems to me like you have deeper feeling for me than him." I scoffed, raising an eyebrow at the blushing boy.

"That's just the way that he is. I promise, if you get to know him you'll really like him. And I don't have feelings for you, June. I'm just more social than him. I know a few more people who have a thing for you and are pretty obvious about it yet you never notice."

My ears perked up, suddenly wanting to know who my secret admirers were, "really? Who?"

"I can't tell you...." He laughed loudly. I looked at us swaying in the mirror and caught Vernon's eyes from across the room where seungkwan was forcing him to slow dance.

"Fine but eventually I'll figure it out." I mumbled, looking at each member closely to see who else besides Vernon was into me. I didn't know why I was so curious, maybe it was because I had never been liked before so it felt good to know that more than one person in a group of friends did. I don't know, it was also strange since every time I would talk to them I would have a little bug at the back of my mind screaming that the person could be one of my admirers.

TWO WORLDS || Hansol Vernon ChweWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu