Chapter 11

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I can't believe my parents. They just couldn't let us eat dinner without any issues. What possesed them to think those questions were ok? I wanna ask Alaska about her parents but I don't want her to push me away. I will wait until she's open with me. It's hard though when I'm stressed out for her.

I remember the first day I met Ava, when she ran into Alaska's office, she said her Nana dropped her off. Last night though, it seemed that there is more to Alaska's story. I just wish she would tell me.

I look over at Alaska as she sleeps. Ava and I woke up earlier, I had her go out and play with Erin. I wanted Alaska to sleep as long as she can, she was restless through the night.

Alaska started to stir, when she opened her eyes, I leaned down and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss, putting her arms around me to keep me in place, she swipped her tongue across my bottom lip. Alaska growled and pouted against my lips. I reached over her and pinched her butt, she squealed. I took that time to slip my tongue into her mouth. I smiled in victory as she moaned while I massaged her tongue.

I pulled away and smiled down at her, "good morning, my love."

She blushed and kissed my cheek, "good morning, smooth talker."

She looked down and took a deep breath. "Where is Ava? I want to talk to you."

"Ava is playing with Erin, she's ok."

"Rose, you love me, right?"

"Of course, talk to me please, I am here to listen."

"When I was 18, I was forced to be courted by my father's business partner's son. My father didn't like that I was a lesbian, my mother just figured it was a phase and it would pass. Anyways my father set up this courtship to try and force me to be straight, also this will seal the deal of the firm being passed down to their kids. No one else will get the company and no fighting will ensue. I agreed to it only because my father threatened to withhold my money and not pay for my college. At the time, I thought loosing that money would be the end of the world, I was a trustfund baby. Two months before the wedding, I called it off. I had decided my happiness was worth more than all the money my father had. That day my father took everything I had."

Alaska stopped and started sobbing hard. All I could do was hold her. After a minute she started up again.

"The boy I was to marry wasn't happy about me calling off the arrangement. He came to my home and told my father he needed to see me. My father and him went to my room. The boy punched me. I screamed and asked my father to stop him as he beat me. My father did nothing. My mother had gotten off work and ran to my room as she heard my screams. She tried to pull the boy off of me but he pulled out a gun and shot my mom in the chest. Someone must of heard because the police had arrived. After that I was in and out of consciousness. My father and the boy were sent to prison for life. My mom didn't make it. Two years went by. I was in college trying to make something of my life for my mom. My mom, the day she died, put money into a bank for me. She knew my father would take everything from me. She was the only reason I was able to attend college. I couldn't let her money go to waste on the drugs and alcohol I wanted to spend it on. My friend convinced me to go out to a party because we had just finished our last exam for the semester. I didn't know the boy had escaped prison. He had found out where I was and was following me for weeks. When I went to thay party, he knew it was the perfect time to strike. As i walked through the house with a drink in my hand, he slipped something into in while hiding in the crowd. One thing lead to another and he got me into a room alone. My friend went and searched for me after an hour, when she found me, he was ontop of me. She had a few guys from the football team hold him down while she called the police. She just didn't find me in time. Two months later I found out I was pregnant with Ava."

When she stopped all I could think to do was promise her she was safe now. I wouldn't let anyone touch her again, no ons will touch my family. Though I still had one question.

"Do you remember the first day I met Ava? She said Nana dropped her off, who is Nana?"

Alaska smiled at me through tears, "Nana is my best friend, the one who found me, her name is actually Natasha. Ava never was able to pronouce her name so we jist started calling her Nana."

I smiled at the cute little story. In that moment Ava ran into the room.

"Come on Mommy and Mama, you've been in bed forever!"

We laughed at her and I replied, " letus get dressed, Little One. We'll be out soon."

This one is longer than my other ones. I hope you enjoyed it! I have over 1k reads!! Thank you all so much! I am so happy I couldn't stop telling my friends.  I turn 19 in two days, so I have had so much excitement from all of this. If youre enjoying it, I hope you like it and comment on it. The smiles I have when I see a new vote or comment are so big. Plus you should give the birthday girl some love. Kidding....maybe.

You Will Be Loved. (Lesbian Story) (TeacherxStudent)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin