This Could Mean Two Things

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Third Person POV

After the eight of them sung the song, management for the first time ever did not know what to do or to say. So they said nothing, they just left them without telling them anything.

The two group's management teams were nervous. They were nervous but they were also excited.

They were nervous because this was something that they never dealt with before in fact, they were sure that no one in this business has ever dealt with it before. Little Mix and One Direction were two of the biggest groups in the world. They had surpassed the Spice Girls and the Beetles, the two groups they were often compared to, in some ways. The two groups were doing something big but they were doing it together and that was something that had never been done before. The eight of them didn't even know what was going to happen after this performance but, there managements did.

But, on the other hand there managements were excited. Many people in the music business cared about one thing and one thing only. Money. Modest! Knew that if the performance caused as much frenzy as they thought it would then, they would have tons of money in their future. People would be offering them to perform together, people requesting more music from the both of they. Of course none of this would come right away but they knew it would come and when it did they knew they would have hit the jackpot.

So you could imagine the conflict they were in.

Jack called a meeting after the two groups left the venue to discuss what doing this could mean. Obviously they all agreed that they sounded fantastic and it would be a crime to not let them do the show. So that was the first thing they agreed on, letting Little Mix and One Direction perform at the 2015 Teen Choice Awards together.

The next thing they needed to discuss was the fans reaction to the performance. They knew that both fandom's were loyal and when the banded together they were a force to be reckoned with. So if they requested more collaboration's with the groups and management denied it the threats would begin to roll in. Any person on Earth that says they are not affected by death threats, or any threat for that matter are liars. No matter how much you try and ignore them you can't help but feel insecure.

So the next thing they needed to talk about was what they would do when and if, the fandom's started going crazy about the thought of the band continuing to collaborate. They kept it simple for the first few ideas, stuff that they had already been doing. For example, the groups had been asked to come onto various late night television shows together so they could just perform together then. Small stuff so if things got to extreme they could give the fans something big and keep them satisfied.

Jack was an experienced man, since he had been in the business from almost forty years. But never in all of his days had he seen die hard fans like theirs. He also hadn't seen a closer friendship in two celebrities before, especially being as big as they were. All of them were so down to earth and never let there heads get to big from all of their fame and that was what he liked about them. That was also why he was nice to them.

So he wanted them to be successful and he wanted their fans to be happy, so he worked until two o'clock the next morning with the management team to get things prepared for one, the frenzy that was coming once the announcement video came was released, two, the frenzy of fans once they actually performed, and three, the frenzy to come after the performance because he knew it was coming.

But Jack didn't know that this could go two ways and could mean two things.

The two bands perform well and the fans want more, which management grants them without question. They start off with doing some small performances maybe doing another award show performance then end the One Direction, Little Mix collaboration era.

Or, the two bands perform well together and the fans are more out of control than they anticipated and the One Direction Little Mix would just be beginning.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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