The Meeting

174 8 2

June 15, 2016

Jade's POV

Whenever we got a message from management it always made me nervous. There were very few people on our management team who were friendly, one of them being our manager. Everyone else had one thing on their minds, money, so they were nothing but business. They never thought about anyone else's feelings just the money so you could understand why I was nervous.

We got a message about a week ago saying that next week on June 15, today, we would need to attend and urgent meeting. We were all positive they found out about our plan so we went ahead and took precautionary measures.

The girls and I began looking at new management teams in case Modest! decided to drop us. We didn't get to serious about it because like I said, Modest! was about money and Little Mix were currently racking some pretty decent checks.

We didn't let on that either group was nervous about the meeting but, we did ask Renee what it was about. She responded "you'll find out next week" and then she hung up on us but, that's really what we were expecting.

So today on the day of the meeting, we were practically shitting ourselves in the waiting area. The boys were yet to arrive and the meeting was supposed to start 10 minutes ago.

"We canceled two days of promo for an unorganized, supposedly urgent, meeting." Jesy said breaking the silence. We disappointed thousands of Australian Mixer's by canceling a festival performance and when we told them it was because of a meeting with management, Modest!'s twitter account got a few choice words.

Perrie was nervously tapping her foot, her heels clicking causing Leigh to squeeze her knee, both to reassure her and to silently tell her to stop. She muttered a quiet 'sorry' before speaking up, "What could they do if they find out our plan. I mean would they drop us?"

Jesy never looking up from her phone responded, "Pez, we already talked about this. Just breathe."

Whenever we were in a nerve-wracking situation, Jesy was always the best at hiding her anxiety and calming the rest of us down.

"Right," Pez sighed, "Jest breath.". She took deep breaths and closed her eyes.

I sat on the other side of Jesy reading one of the magazines they had scattered across the coffee table sat in front of us. I usually never read celebrity magazines because it was full of rubbish but, I needed to get my mind off the thing that has been consuming it since last week.

"Stay right in the waiting area." I heard the receptionist say. I looked up and saw Louis walking towards us. He was wearing a light colored denim jacket and black shirt and jeans. He smiled over in the girl's direction then turned his gaze towards me and keeping it there.

I stood from my seat and walked towards him. I threw my hands around his middle when I reached him and he wrapped his around me shoulder tightly. I tilted my chin up and pecked his lips.

"Hi babe," I greeted, copying his infectious smile.

"Hi, love," He responded, leaning back down to peck my lips again.

I heard faint gagging noises behind me and when I turned around, Liam, Harry, and Niall had joined the girls and they all had open mouths with a finger pointing into it.

I giggled and turned back around to Louis who was giving them mean looks. I let go of his torso and grabbed his hand and leading him back to where I was seated before.

I looked over at Leigh who was now seated on Harry's lap playing with his hands and leaning against his chest. "I know you two weren't sating anything about us?"

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