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Red carpet has nothing to do with this chapter just liked the picture.

December 5, 2013

One Direction was also basking in the success of their album. This one being their third though. They were also on cloud nine from the success of their movie. So this holiday season they got most of the earlier days of the month off and two days before and after Christmas off. But before they could finish off their year they had to do some promotional interviews and performances for their Midnight Memories album.

So currently they were in a van, on their way to do a radio interview at a station in New York. Liam, Niall, and Louis were in the middle row while Harry and Zayn were in the back. Their driver and manager in the front seat. They had about another thirty minute drive, so the boys took advantage of the time and took a nap.

All except Zayn.

He was up watching Little Mix's cover to their songs. But to be more specific he was watching and rewatching Perrie's part of the video. Zayn thought all the girls were equally talented but each in their own special way.

Jesy to him had a strong vibrato, and her voice could go low.

Jade could go very high and, was good at holding out notes.

Leigh-Anne had great range and, was good at vocal riffs.

But Perrie to him, had the voice of an angel.

So since three days ago when the video was posted, twitter had been blowing up about how the boys needed to watch the video. Zayn saw this and went to watch it immediately because he had a little schoolboy crush on Perrie.

So Zayn sat watching the video for another fifteen minutes until Harry woke up.

"Mate you've had that phone glued to your hand for the past couple of days. What are you looking at?" Harry said, his voice laced with sleep.

"Nothing." Zayn answered while locking his phone.

"Zayn you know if your into to watching that kind of stuff I won't judge-" Zayn interrupted Harry before he could continue.

"Harry I'm not watching...that," Zayn started, "I just been talking to my mom a lot, trying to figure out our holiday plans."

"Oh," Harry looked down at his lap and chuckled, "I was like, almost positive that's what you were doing."

"Eyes glued to the screen, screen close to your face, determined and focused expression I just thought..." Harry trailed off.

"Anyway what is your plans mate, for the holidays." Zayn said changing the subject.

"Um, I'm going back to Holmes Chapel and laying low." Harry answered.

"That sound good mate," Zayn fake yawned, "I'm beat I think I'm gonna squeeze a nap in before the interview."


Zayn leaned over and closed his eyes. He didn't know why he just lied to Harry about watching the video. He guessed it was because the boys knew he had a liking for Perrie and, knew that if they found out he was watching her video on repeat they would tease him because of it. But he knew Harry and knew that he wouldn't do that.

But Harry also knew Zayn, and that his behavior was abnormal and he wasn't texting his mom at all.

Because he saw what he was watching on screen before he had fallen asleep.


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