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~Jack's P.O.V~

"His hair..." I mumble to myself. I sit up and grab my sketch book once more. "Aww I was enjoying looking into your eyes." Mark said in a whiny voice sitting up to see what I was doing. Did he just day that? I blushed and turned to my left. I picked up my bag. I rummaged blindly through my bookbag, searching for the familiar shape of my water colors. It was a german art palette that my mother had gotten for me about a year ago. It was double staged with different variations of paints. I loved it so much because the paints are like normal pastel paints but they work as water paints. It's weird but they are great. I felt a cool plastic in the shape of a large rectangle. There it is. I pulled it out and set it on my lap. I fished through my bag again untill I pulled out what I thought were paintbrushes. There was only two paintbrushes and the rest were pencils. I grabbed the paintbrushes and tossed the pencils back in my bag. "What are you doing?" Mark asked taking the paintbrushes out of my hand. "Something." I said blankly with a smirk. He let out a whine. "Tell meeeee!" He said shaking my arm. "No." I said with a big smile now. He let out another whine and layed back down. I opened My paints and grabbed an empty cup from my bag. I reached and pulled out a bottle of old water and filled my cup up with it. I packed all of my art supplies. You never know when there's a chance to paint or draw. "Can I have my paintbrushes please?" I asked turning over to see his eyes closed. The light speckled down across his face. "No." He said in a blank tone and a smirk like I did to him. "Please?" I asked again. "Come and get 'em" he said and tucked them behind his back. I Smirked and hopped on top of him and straddled his stomach with a growl. I started to tickle him so I could get his hand out from under him. I leaned down and started to tickle under his arms and neck but all he did was shift around. He didn't laugh or anything. I looked at his face and saw that he was blushing and looking away. "Are not ticklish or something?" I said sitting back more in the straddle than I had before. He let out a slight groan and blushed more. "N-No I am, It's just...." He trailed off. "Just what?" I asked trying to get him back on track. He looked at me, his face practically glowing red now. "It's just that you're in a spot..." He said looking away. I looked down and saw that I wasn't sitting on his stomache but on his hips and my hands were on his lower stomache. I instantly started to glow red aswell and started to get up. "I-I'm so s-sorry Mark! I-I didn't know! I-I'm SO sorry!" I started to get up. "Jack, It's fine It's Just...." I sat back down next to him. I didn't ask him to finish his sentence because when I glanced down, I noticed a small lump in his pants. I didn't do that did I? No, it was just the pressure. He doesn't like me. No one does. "Sorry, Jack" he said sitting up and handing me my paintbrushes. "It's not your fault Mark, It was mine."

We sat in silence for a while and and I started to just play with the water colors. I glanced at Mark who looked like he was zoning out. He still had the flower in his hair. He's so beautiful. "Hey Jack?" Mark asked looking at me. "Yeah Mark?" I said. I hope he couldn't tell I was thinking about him. "You can come here when ever you want just, just tell me that you're coming here or have me with you. I don't want anything to happen to you. Like you falling on the way down here or something." Does he care about me? "Yeah, No problem Mark. I'll let you know." He didn't seem like that whole situation fazed him but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Did I really cause....all that. No it had to have been just the pressure and besides, He isn't even GAY. Is he? No, Jack stop, nothing will change. Don't let it happen again. "We should go, it's almost sundown." Mark said standing up. I jumped alittle, being too deep in my thoughts. "Right, okay, yeah." I dumped out my cup of paint/water and packed everything in my bag. I threw my bag over my sholder and turned to Mark who was waiting by the area where we walked in. "Ready?" He asked. "Yep!" We walked out.

It didn't take as long as I remeber to get to steap hill. It was much more harder to get up it then it was to go down it. Mark clung to me from behind like his life depended on it. This time he grabbed my waist and not my hips. When we reached the top he stepped infront of me to finish leading the way. We left the tree line and returned to reality as we reached the sidewalk. We went to a nearby CVS so we could actually pick up some weird medicine so it didn't look like we were lying when we told the lady we left the school to go get medicine. We were walking back when my stomache groweled at me. "Mark, I'm hungry are you gunna make me chicken and dumplings?" I asked trying to break the silence. He chuckled at me. "Sorry Jack, mabey another time. It's too late to get the ingredients." I nodded sadly and we kept walking. "I'm still hungry though." I mumbled to my self. "Fine, ya wanna get a pizza then?" He said. I looked up. He must have heard me....He sounds agitated.....I feel bad..... "Yeah, that sounds good." I said quietly. We stopped and got a large pepperoni pizza to split between both of us and walked back to the school. We made a couple jokes here and there but we remained quite most of the walk.

~Mark's P.O.V~

We walked in silence to the school. I would have talked to him but I was mad. Mad that I couldn't have him. Him as in Jack. Whenever I heard his laugh or saw his smile, Seeing his determination or his sparkling eyes, It just made me mad because Jack would never me mine. Not a bad mad, more of a disappointed mad. I was disappointed that I would fall for someone so perfect as Jack. I knew he was gay, I could tell, but He would never fall for me. I'm a kid from a broken home who is just thrown away by everyone. "Mark can I hold the Pizza?" Jack asked. I nodded and handed him the pizza box. We walked into the enter building for the school. I gave the old lady the pink slip she gave us when we left and we headed to the dorms. When we walked in and Jack sat on his bed, setting the pizza down next to him. "Go ahead and start on the pizza Jack, I'm grabbing a shower." I said walking into the bathroom. I heard a small 'okay' as I shut the bathroom door. Is Jack okay? He sounds sad. I turned on the water and while I waited for it to get warm I looked through my phone notifications that I had missed that day. I was on Instagram when I came across Jack's profile. Every picture of him, He just looked adorable. I groaned. Why can't He love me? I'm a piece of shit thats why. I hopped in the shower with a sigh. I just love him too much to tell him.

~Jack's P.O.V.~

I opened the pozza box and took a slice out. Geez I made Mark mad didn't I.....I said something to make him mad didn't I. I fucked up like I always do. I looked down and saw I was still wearing Mark's flannel. Where is my favorite hoodie? I set my pizza slice down and started to look through my drawers. Nothing. Wait.....Mabey......I walked over to Mark's dresser. I opened the first drawer and low and behold, My favorite hoodie was neatly folded right on top of Mark's other shirts. Didn't Mark say he didn't know where my hoodie was and that's why he gave me his flannel? Then why is it in his dresser? Wait a minute, mabey he didn't see it. No. It's right here, plain as day. He hid my hoodie so I wouldn't find it and he wanted me to wear his flannel....but why? I heard the shower turn off. Crap. I quickly and quietly shut his dresser and sat on my bed, picking my pizza slice back up. Just then Mark walked out of the bathroom. He just had a towel on. It was loosely on his hips, showing his V line. I starred as he walked to his dresser. He glanced at me. I blushed and quickly looked down at my pizza. I slowly took a bite as I looked up to see if he saw me. He was slipping a white shirt on. He reached into his dresser and pulled out sleeping pants. They were black with white 'M's on them and pink mustaches. He stepped into them and started to pull them up under his towel. Right when the were almost the whole way up, his towel slipped off and I saw the top of his ass. He pulled up his pants the whole way and turned around. "What?" He asked picking the towel off the ground. I relized that I had my mouth open and the pizza just hanging by my open mouth, like I was about to take a bite of the pizza and stopped half way. I just ate the pizza and looked down, blushing like crazy.

Hey lovlies!
Sorry for not updating more but I love all of you and all of your crazy minds!

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