Art is my Strong point

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Once French was over I followed my classmates to a very large room in the back of the school. It was very unorganized. That bothered be so much. I looked around and saw a ton of art supplies everywhere. This must be the art room. Perfect. I tought studying every detail of the room. The desks were art desks that could be adjusted to tilt so you could be at a better angle when you drew or painted. They where put in groups of four or five. There where four of these groups. One group on the far left, close to the window. There was a group about 3 feet behind it. Next to it was another group and one infront of it, forming a square. I studied which seat would be the best. My eyes setteled on the second group of desks by the window. I sat at the desk facing the window, 10 feet from the teachers desk. The light through the window around this time of day was just right for drawing. The amount the teacher projected their voice, I did not know but 10 feet from the Teachers desk should he enough. My eye sight was great but I wanted to be safe. I sat at the desk and looked around. The fan the teacher had put out was blowing onto my desk. That could move my paper as I drew. I got up and moved it a foot to the left and pointed twords the front if the class. I took this much care to finding the perfect place to draw because I took drawing very seriously. It was my passion and no one or anything would interfere with it. No one sat near me. I took out my sketch book and some pencils. Ive been waiting for this class all day. I opened my sketch book and heard a soft voice behind me. "Bonjour!" (Hello!) I turned around. "Bonjour." I said with a slight chuckle. It was Mark. He was beaming at me. Why is he so happy? I thought. "I've never met anyone be as serious as me with French!" He said sitting next to me. There it is I thought, smiling. "I mean, everyone here hates French except me but you seem to enjoy it! Well, seeing as you're fluent in it!" He said laughing. I smiled and started to flip through my sketch book. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine, stopping me on a page with the drawing of my father on it. I looked to see that Mark was the one who stopped me. His hand was still on mine. He was staring intently at the drawing. Studying it. I started blushing. Mark move your hand! I thought but I couldn't speak. He let go after what seemed like forever. "Wow Sean," He said looking at me. "This is amazing! It looks so real!" "T-Thank you," I sais still shocked, Why was I so shocked? "But please, call me Jack." I said with a small smile. "Okay, I'll call you Jack then." He smiled at me. He had these Hazel/Dark brown eyes. They were dark brown at the top but spots of a light hazel down at the bottom. He wore glasses and they looked good on him. "GOOD AFTERNOON!!!" I jumped turning around to see the teacher. She was smiling widely at everyone. "Welcome to another day in the world of art!!! Today is Wednesday so its a free day to do as you please!" People got up and started to talk while others went and got random supplies. "Hey!" I looked to see Mark getting up from his desk. "Come sit with me in the back!" Mark said smiling at me. Why is everyone so happy? "S-Sorry, but right here is perfect for drawing." I looked back down at my sketch book and started to turn to a new page. What sould I draw..... I heard a sigh and Mark sat back down beside me. "Mark," He said. "What?" I said confused on why he just said his name. "Mark, thats my name. My name is Mark Fischbach." Oh right, he didnt know I already knew his name. He stuck out his had and I shook it. "You must already know my name." I said softly. "Yeah, so what are you going to draw?" He asked looking at my blank page. "I dunno." I said looking back at the blank paper. "Draw me!" He said. I looked at him. He was so interested in my drawing. "Alright" I said after a bit. I turned and looked at him. Putting my feet on ny seat so I could use my knees to put my sketch book on. I started with the basic outline of a head. I then started to do his face shape. He had a very attractive chin and jaw. I drew his hairline and his hair floof. I then drew his eyes and nose, then his smile. I made it an open mouth smile even though he was just smiling with his lips. I did some shading and then grabbed by colored pencils. None for them could match his hair's beautiful red color. It was vibrant and it had a lot of meaning behind it. I saw a warm sun making everything it touched glow with happiness. Children played in its warmth. It was amazing how much that red made me think. "So, you done? Class is almost over." Mark said looking at the clock. "Hm? Oh yes! But um, I didnt color in your hair or anything....." I said showing him the drawing."Holy Crap Sea-....oh um Jack! That's amazing!" He said grabbing it from me. A few people walked behind Mark to glance at it but ran up behind him so they could look at it more. A crowd started to form. I started to get nervous. I didn't like people and groups gave me anxiety. "I-It's not done yet!" I said snatching my book out of Mark's hands. He and eveyone stared at me. Just then the bell rang and everyone headed for the door. I blushed seeing as Mark was still looking at me. I shoved the book in my satchel and headed out the door, leaving Mark all by himself.

     I started tword the front door of the building. I had alot of cleaning to do  once I got back to the dorm. I straighten my beanie before going to open the door. "McLoughin!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see a bearded man fastly walking twords me. "Yes sir?" I said slightly stepping twords him. "You're the new exchange student correct?" He said slightly out of breath. "Yes Sir, my name is Sean McL-" He cut me off by raising his hand. "As I understand, You were put alone in your dormitory?" He asked straightening his tie. "Yes sir." I said softly. "You will he assigned a room mate from now on. He will be arriving later today with his things. He was just notified of this aswell, I apologize for this sudden arrangement." He said and walked off. Oh god, now I have to deal with (probably) a total douche all year at home. Like school isn't enough. I started my walk to the Dorm.

Hey lovlies!!!! Hope you like the story!!!

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