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Hello my lovlies!! I have some sad news (okay its no that sad but what ever) I don't plan on updating today or tomarrow. I am sorry. I have alot if things to do these next two days. But I have some good news! I took it apon my self to learn ASL! That stands for American Sigh Language. I've always want to be fluent in it so Im starting now! It been an hour or so and I already know the whole alphabet, all the numbers, over 36 simple words and a greeting:
(Sign:~Are you deaf?~Signs:yes)
My name is (instert name here)!
What's your name?
Nice meeting you!
I only know a few signs
I'm sorry

Can you read lips?

It's not alot but I'm very excited to be learning it. Alright I love ALL
OF YOU!!!! (And yes I did that little comic at the top)

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