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Badly wounded, life found the strength to hold on long enough to tell Death " Death, please when I go please, please move on. I love you to the ends of the earth." Life was slipping throuh his fingers, with her last breath she turned to dust leaving behind a white rose stained by the blood tears of death, and a small jem. The jem was a beautiful opal waith a note tied with a string that said when the time comes a baby girl will e born to take my place take care of her like your own because she is what is left of me, with love- Life

Death teared up when his babygirl was born, he would teach her everything his mother had taught him, and by the time his time was up a new replacement would e there to love her a take good care of Deaths little girl.

A/N hello that was the end but but but there is one more chapter that tells you what happend after the The End and there is a name for it but I I cant spell it off the top of my mind but until then bu-bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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