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KD was mad, he had a nife in his hand and a plan in his head.
Daddy Death would never see it comming, kid death would wait till DD (daddy death) was asleep then slit his throut and watch him bleed out.

As brutal as it sounds KD(kid death) was satisfied. But since DD was gone his position as Death would have to be filled.
KD didnt want to be Death he like watching the mortals below thrive , but his friend/crush KL(kid life) had already taken up her position as life a few years before. Once KD agreed to be Death, thats what he was referred to.

One day Life asked Death "Do you know why your dad killed your mom?" Death shaked his head as a tear rolled down his cheek."Thats very undeathly of you." Said life and death retaliated with "Do you really think I wanted this? Do you think I wanted my mom to die ad then find out years that my own father was the murder? Do you really think?"

Life was shocked as Death burst out sobbing wile reliving his darkest moments. All life could do was comfort him as she told him to let it all out. But they had responsibilitys to tend to so they had to cut short the momment. Death as the keeper of the gate to hell had to make sure to souls got out to get any revenge that most of them thirst for. As for life she tended to the heavans above comforting and showing around the resently deseaced and making sure everything was alright. Lifes dutys sound hardder to do but it was harder for death becasue these sould would stop at nothing to esacpe plus the constent hurtful thing the shouted at him.

But in the end it was all worth it to come home to see lifes beautiful face, skin as pale as untouched snow and hair as golden as the sun. He wanted to spend the rest of his days with her not because of her face but because of how patient and understanding she was, and when it came time he would marry her.

A/N hello readers second page of this story and we learned about only a few jobs of both life and death but there is much more to learn still so stay tooned and farewell readers

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