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Not only did Death have to watch the gate he had to... kill people even if he didnt want too. Death wasnt that kind of person  but he was forced into it by his father. Death was still mad at his father not to mention he DD was in heaven. He shouldnt be but there was a mix up, and Death intended to fix it.

It was set he was going to drag into hell for what he did to his mother. He had a plan, life took in her break around 12 am so he would slip in then , put DD in cuffs and drag him to hell. Resulting in justice for his mom, life! Oh my gosh life she must be comming back soon, i better be quick, in and out.

DD's white clothes faded to black as they desended to hell. You could hear the deafaning wails of the dead draging them deeper and deeper...

When they reached the gates there was a crash, Death didnt pay much attention at first but then he heard life. "DEATH...DEATH WHERE ARE YOU I NEED HELP!" When death finally reahed life it was too late she was on the floor crying "Death I lost one, I lost an angle what do I do?" Death replied with "what does this angle go by?" "He goes by DD , do you kow anyone named DD?" "Noooo..." he said sarcastically.  "Its your dad isnt it?" "Yep." "You took him to hell,correct?" "Yes." "Death!, what am I going to do with you?" "Mary me?" "Yea, its destiny, but more on tht later. Why, why do such a thing?" "Its justice." "Its wrong! I'll talk to you after I clean up your mess." *sigh* "I guess not everything I do is right, but im Death arent I.

Hello readers I smell tension a brewin between Life and Death what will that mean for Dife (Life&Death) stay tooned to find out farewell readers:)

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