"Stop him from what?" I watched intently as my brothers argued and I just remained silent. ****************************** ****************************** *******

Riley's POV

"Stop him from what?" I asked. Dylan sighed and pulled me closer to him.

"I talked to Faith today about you."

"Me? What about me and why couldn't you just ask me yourself?" Dylan tried to tuck my hair behind my ear but I gently slapped his hand away. "Dylan, I'm waiting." Dylan looked at Derek for support but he shrugged his shoulders. "You have twenty seconds to tell me." I warned.

"Okay, there's someone after you, Riley." Dylan said quickly.

"I thought you said everything was okay." I mumbled completely out of my mind.

"And it is. Baby, I promise you that everything is okay. I'm going to get this figured out." I cleared my throat and sat down on a chair.

"What did you find out about me."

"Nothing. Faith didn't have a clue about you." He said and was about to relax until he added, "But what happened to your mom?"

My head shot up and I felt my pulse increase quickly. "Is she okay, is she in danger?"

Dylan was by my side instantly. "No baby, she's fine. Everyone is fine, but Faith mentioned her and I need to know about her." I pushed him away gently and stood up.

"I need to go lay down for a little bit . . . alone." Dylan's face dropped and turned into sadness. After everything that Dean told me I felt bad about this, but I wasn't ready to talk about my mom. To anyone, let alone a man that I could possibly be entirely in love with.

"Baby I-"

I put a hand up and cut him off. "It's not you I promise. It's just a lot to take in right now, and it's making my head spin." Dylan stepped aside and let me pass by him quickly and quietly.

As I was making my way to my room I heard Dylan desperately ask himself. "What have I done?"

I shook my head and continued on my way to the room. When I finally reached it I locked the door, and hopped into bed. I grabbed the pillow that was laying next to me and wrapped myself around it. I began to sob into until I was in a deep sleep. ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** *******************

I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. I was in my room that I had as a child. It was pink and covered in posters and there were dolls everywhere. Suddenly the door slammed opened and I felt fear overtake my body. What was I so afraid of? I moved until I was under my bed with my dolly in my hand.

"HE'S COMING! HIDE SO THE MONSTER DOESN'T GET YOU!" My head screamed and I obeyed. Who was the monster and what did he want with me?

"Riley come out and play with me. Come on honey it's just me." I cringed at the sound of his voice and held on to my doll tight.

Just stay quiet Riley, he can't find you if he can't hear you. I closed my eyes again and pictured rainbows and horses running in the fields. Anything to get my mind off of 'him'. I heard footsteps and thought he went away. I sighed in relief until I felt something cold and hard grab my ankle roughly and pulled me from under the bed. I screamed and screamed and screamed but no one could save, me no one. ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** **************

I woke up still screaming. I quickly quieted myself and felt my whole body shake.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream damnit!" I told myself, but the shaking wouldn't stop.

What the hell was the dream about? I got up off of bed and it felt as if the walls were closing in on me. I roughly rubbed my hands on my face.

"I need to get out of here, get some fresh air. Yeah. Fresh air." I said talking to myself. God I was going crazy.

I got out of the bedroom and made my way to the living room where I saw a peaceful Dylan sleeping on the couch with the news on t.v. I turned the t.v. off and grabbed a blanket. I quickly covered Dylan up and pecked his cheek. He stirred but didn't wake up.

"I'll be back soon." I whispered to him before making my way to the front door where I grabbed a pair of shoes and my keys to Dylan's car. After slipping my sneakers on, I made my way outside to Dylan's car and looked at the house that was surrounded by the darkness of night, I sighed.I hope Dylan would forgive me for leaving like this, but I needed to get away, and there was only one place I had in mind to go.

A/N Okay so here we go Chapter Fifteen!!!!!!! I hope you all enjoyed it and btw I'm already planning sequels for later not that this book is far from over.

I want to give a big shout out to MaryLahr for taking a look at this chapter and editing it for me so everybody say THANK YOU!!!!!

And finally the question of the day. Who do you think is Riley's so-called monster. Leave comments below for a chance at a dedication. I love you guys so much thanks for reading.



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