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"Alpha White, Alpha White!" A voice cried out as everyone in the pack house stood on edge. One of the most experienced warriors crashed through the front door, panic etched all over his face, fear clearly evident in his voice.

My father, the Alpha, bolted out of his office, his Beta right on his heels. My mother, Gaile and the Beta's wife, Iris walked out of the kitchen, confusion clearly plaguing them.

"Corey, what's going on?" My father asked as he made his way over to the distraught warrior.

"Rogues and other packs have circled around our border. They killed Eric," he whispered that last part, but that didn't stop from one of the women to scream and collapse into tears. I watched as the Beta's daughter walked over to the sobbing woman and crouched down next to her.

Rielle wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders. She didn't say anything, she just let the woman cry. I had always admired Rielle for how strong she was. But then again, she had to be, we all had to be.

Everyone was silent, mourning the loss of our pack-mate. Everyone looked to my father to here his orders. I walked over to Rielle and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. We might not have talked much in the last few weeks, but we had grown up together, it would've been wrong of me just to leave her to suffer alone.

She turned her head up to look at me and she smiled gently. Nobody knew, but there was a deeper connected between myself and Rielle. She hadn't shifted yet, because she wasn't eighteen, but she was going to go through the shift any week now and she'd discover the secret that I had been trying to hard to hide from her. She was my mate and I would do anything for her.

"Oliver," I tore my gaze away from Rielle and looked to my father. I knew what had to happen, I knew the procedure. He, Rielle's father and the rest of the warriors were to go and defeat the pack that dared to threaten our pack and our territory.

The door slammed open and somebody staggered in, blood coated all over their clothes and body. Cuts and chunks of skin hung off their body and I could literally feel the tense atmosphere.

"Oh my god, David!" Rielle cried as she raced toward her brother, successfully catching him, although stumbling because of her small frame. I followed shortly after her, desperate to help my future Beta.

"Oliver," he gasped out as he lent heavily on Rielle and I.

"Don't talk David," I hushed him as I wrapped his arm around my shoulder, successfully taking most of his weight off of Rielle. "I need the pack doctor! NOW!" I cried out into the silent room. I saw the crowd part as somebody raced forward, taking Rielle's spot so we could drag David into the hospital wing and away from the eyes of the children.

"David!" Iris cried out as she ran to her son. Her eyes were filled with worry and I watched as Colin walked over to his wife, forever remaining calm as the pack doctor ran in, effectively taking David away from all of us and away to the hospital wing.

My whole body went rigid when I heard sobs coming from behind me. I turned my head over my shoulder and my heart broke at the sight of Rielle crying. I turned toward her, intending to take her in my arms and never let go, but thought better of it. No one knew that Rielle was my mate and I was intent on keeping it that way until she shifted.

"Oliver," my fathers voice sounded from behind me, his face grim. I already knew what he was going to say. He, Colin and the other Warriors were going to go and defend our pack. We were going up against one of the strongest packs in our area. There was no way we were going to survive a planned attack. But I wasn't about to go around and show people that I was afraid, what kind of Alpha would that make me?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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