Learning How To Cook

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A/N: And so I decided to write another oneshot... This time about SnK. Hope you guys enjoy this!

"So, what do you want me to do?" Eren Jeager asked.

A blond boy fiddling with his fingers said. "Ah, well... you know about my... problem in the kitchen and um... I was wondering..."

Eren raised and eyebrow. "Wondering?"

"Umm... Can you teach me how to cook?"

The brunette stifled a laugh. "Seriously Armin? You were embarrassed to ask me that!?"

His best friend pouted. "Oh look how cute he is." Eren thought. "When he does that, his adorable lips make me want to ki- no bad Eren. You don't think of your best friend like that, even if he is rape material."

"It's not my fault that everyone thinks that I can cook!" Armin complained. "Even Mikasa does! I can't just say that I don't know how to! It's embarrassing..."

Eren grinned. "I get it okay! So, what's the reason why you want to learn? You never asked before."

To this, Armin turned bright red. "Oh, you know, Jean told me that he wants to try my cooking so..."

Suddenly, all the happiness and rainbows inside Eren vanished. He scowled. "You want to cook for horse-face?"

Armin tilted his head in confusion. Sure, he knew that Jean and Eren hates each other but it can't be that bad can it? "Is there something wrong with it?"

"Of course! That bastard doesn't deserve your kindness. I ain't helping!"

The shorter male huffed. "Well I guess I'll just have to ask Reiner-"

"Wait!" Eren cried out. "Reiner?" He thought angrily. "That guy has his eyes all over for Armin ever since Christa rejected his marriage confession. I can't let them be alone together! And Armin not knowing how to cook is our secret only!"

He took a deep breath. "I'll teach you how to cook."

Armin smiled his angelic smile. "I knew I can always count on you!"

This time, it was Eren's turn to blush. "We-Well yeah..." He stammered while scratching his cheek in an awkward manner. "That's what friends are for right? Anyways! Come to my house at four okay! And don't worry about the ingredients! I'll have them!"

"Really!? I'll be there then!"

When Armin came that evening, Eren was the only one home.

"Where's Mikasa?" Armin asked while he plopped himself onto the couch.

"Sasha, Christa and Ymir dragged Annie and her to the mall for 'girl's time' a few minuets before. I pity her. Mom went to a friend's house and dad's at work. So we're all alon-" That's when Eren realized it.

"Shit!" He thought. "We're alone! Armin and I are alone!"

His stomach started to flutter like what happens to the girls in the weird Japanese comics Mikasa hides on top of her closet and his hands started to become sweaty.

"So, Let's go to the kitchen." He said, wiping his hands on his shirt. "We're going to cook today right?"

Armin nodded and started to follow him into the kitchen. "So, what are we cooking? You never told me that."

"Oh yeah." Eren said. "I didn't want to make anything sweet so I thought of making curry! It's simple and easy!"

"Besides." He thought. "The thought of you giving Jean something cute and sweet makes me want to punch something. And if Armin can cook curry, he can greet me with a delicious curry rice when I come home from work- wait, what?"

To be honest, Armin did not know how cooking curry is easier and better but Eren was the one who knew how to cook so he washed his hands and said cheerfully. "Let's start then!"

Teaching Armin how to cook curry turned out to be a bad idea. He couldn't chop the vegetables properly, didn't know how to peel, and kept cutting himself. Finally, the curry was done.

"Well... It looks nice..." Eren said after taking a look at it.

Actually, he was terrified of the thing that Armin cooked. It looked nothing like curry at all. Armin, however, didn't seem to notice anything bad about the curry.

"Really?" The blond asked, with his eyes shining in happiness.

Eren gulped. He definitely can't say it now.

"Then..." Armin said, while shoving some curry into a spoon and bringing it towards Eren. "Could you try it? Since you say it looks good, I guess that means that the extra ingredients I added did the job!"

"Extra ingredients?" Eren asked.

"Yup!" Armin exclaimed. "While you were on the phone talking to Mikasa a while before, I saw some things which looked tasty so I added them in too!"

"I... see.." Eren said. He wished he didn't go pick up the phone. That way it wouldn't have turned out like this at least.

By looking at Armin's hopeful face, he knew he couldn't say no. So he ate it.

"Well?" Armin asked.

Eren swallowed the curry. "It- It- It tastes-"

And then, he fainted.


A/N: So, how was it? This is my first Eremin and SnK oneshot too, so I hope I did good.

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