Bruiseshipping | Midnight Cuddles

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A/N This is my first Yaoi book I really hope you all like it so yeah but befor we start let's have a little chat with thy ninja shall we

(With the Ninja)

Cole: Da fuk Jay why did you eat my cake

Jay: I didn't eat your cake the onlycake I eat is vanilla and you mainly eat chocolate cake

Zane: Plz stop  fighting we are sort of busy

Cole&Jay: Wut

Kai: Yeah so shut up

Cole&Jay: You can't tell us what to do

Kai: Oh are the couple speaking at the sametime trying to defend eachother how sweet

Cole&Jay: Wha-What we are not dating o/////o

Lloyd: Surrrrrre 

Cole&Jay: Shut up

Pichu/Me: O-okay worst time to walk in then

Zane: Posative you should come back in about 5 hours or so they will have calmed down by then

Pichu: Welp fuk this shit i'm out *stretches arms out in a v shape and walks out*

All the Ninja: Welp that was surprisingly exspected well plz enjoy the chapter Pikachus

Pichu: *Run back in* THAT IS MY LINE *Punches then all in the face except Zane*

Italic means dream land

 Bold means A/N

Regular mean life

I never use underline

Jay was just about to goto sleep when he heard  the news

"Breaking news there has been a murdur in New Ninjago City but plz stay calm the police are on the case" the newsman had explained.

Jay did the exact opposite of what he newsman said he. Hypervenolated. He tried to fall asleep it was hard at first but he was soon able to sleep

Dream land

"Kai, Zane, Lloyd, Cole where are you guys" Jay yelled as he walked throuh the empty bounty. He then smelled the faint smell of blood voming from the game room.  The closer he got to it the stonger the sent got. "G-g-guys this is nnot fudging (A/N sorry I just find Jay one not to cuss) f-f-funny and I k-know funny" he explained. Once he got to the game room and opened the door he almost threw up (A/N warning this next part contains blood if you are not confortable with seeing blood (Like Jay) of reading about blood I adise you to skip this part but if you are fine with blood then proseed at will). There was blood everywhere on the roof on the game consol just everwhere. Worst of all the blood was none other than his friends. The first one he spotted was Lloyd he was in his casual green hoodie, blue black jeans, and green converse but covered in blood. The next one was Kai. He was mostly in red. Red hoodie, shoes, even pants. Then only thing not red was his hat his hat was green technically it was Lloyd's hat. Jay barely saw the blood on his red attire but he saw it. Second to last was Zane poor Zane. Hewas in his Ninja Gi all covered in blood "discusting" Jay thought.  Last but not least Jays crush (A/N no not Nya this is Bruiseshipping not Jaya and this is a Yaoi book) Cole laying there blood covered him front and back and right as he was going to go up to Cole there was a knife up to his throught.

"You're next" a voice said andhe got a glimse of purple.

Jay shot up screaming "Don't kill me I'm too cute to die." Cole came running in once he heard Jay scream.

"What happened" Cole asked.

"I h-had a nightma-mare" Jay said scared.

"Could you explain it" Cole asked again.

So Jay told Cole everything that he had had a nightmare of. "Jay I'm here for you okay" Cole eplained "next time you have a nightmare come to meh." The way he said "me amde Jay laugh as he nodded. Jay looked up at Cole.

Cole's POV

"Damn those blue eyes are so perfect and his lips fuck I just want to kiss him" I thought, next thing I know I'm leaning forward but what confused me is that Jay was keaning in too. Soon our lips meet. We soon pull apart I swear I heard Jay whine. "I-I I'm sorry I didn't mean to mph" I was cut off by JAY KISSING ME. I soon relaxed and kissed back. He pulled back ad this time I whined.

"C-Cole I love ye" Jay said. Heh so cute how he say ye.

"I-I-I Love you too" I replied " you know i'll just go."

"NUUUUUUUU Stayy" Jay whined "I need ye."

"Okay, but only cuz you are cute and I don't want anyone hurting you" I explained.

"Never call meh cute" he whined. I just laughed. I walked him over to his bed and we cuddled for hours.

Next Morning

I woke up to camera flashes and Awws, they are so cute togethers, and I wish I had someone like that. I just remembered I stayed with Jay last night. I knew ewas awake he was just tucked real tight in my chest. "Guys gooooo" I whined at them I heard footsteps and the door shut. I looked around no one was there good. "Hey Jay-bear get up the others are gone" I explained.

"Really" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Good" he said deeply.

Welp sorry to cut it off but don't want to go over board nope anyways we have another ninja chat.

Cole,Jay,Kai,&Lloyd: Why didn't you smack Zane

Pichu: Two reasons 1 Zane is bae 2 you four are corupting Zane's brain with bad stuff.

Zane: o////O wut

Pichu: Nothing

Everyone: See you later Pikachus

Pichu: *Smacks everyone except Zane again

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