12 - Some call it love

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Whenever I agree to do something with the three boys I call friends (and one brother too), more often than not, it ends up being a bad idea. A really bad idea. And eventually all the bad ideas all come back in my face and blows up. Like how adding too much pressure to something to explosive will eventually lead to it exploding. 

Of course, I knew that, but I still waited for everything to blow up in my face. I let all these things happen to my life, to bring me down. It was my fault that Friday night had turned out to be such a big disaster. If a magical genie would grant me even just one wish, I would wish that this night would have never happened. 

The night started alright. Hardly anyone noticed us as we came into the party, which was good for me. Then Derek, being Derek, he headed straight for the alcohol table and then crack open a can of beer. I rolled my eyes and then went to go find something to eat, which wasn't too hard seeing how that there were so many bags of chips. 

Terrence never once left my side, which was kind of nice. I mean, he could be out trying to get himself a new girlfriend, but he was next to me to make sure that no one dared to pick on me. For that, I loved him. It was so rare to find siblings who actually had a good relationship with each other, and I was really very grateful to be one of those rare few who did have a good one with my brother. 

Soon, a very drunk Derek came over to the both of us. "Ginger! Terry! Come on! We're starting with the games, hurry up!"

"Umm, Derek, I really don't want to-"

"No choice, Ginger! You're coming and that's that!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to wherever they were playing the game. 

I looked to Terrence for help, but he simply shrugged and followed me. There, Derek pushed me next to Connor and Terrence settled down next to me. "What are we playing?" I asked Connor. 

He gave me the smile that showed off his amazing dimples. "Basically, its this game where we go in one round, and within this circle, we get to kiss any person of our choice. 

I smiled at him. It sounded pretty stupid, because I already knew who I'd be kissing. "So who's starting?" 

I took a look around the circle. Derek, Connor, me, Terrence, this boy I didn't know, one of Terrence's ex, Kelly, and two other girls from her group. "Me," Kelly's haughty voice said. I looked at her, and she smiled smugly.

"Umm, okay."

She got up and then walked straight up to Terrence and kissed him in the lips. My eyes widened as I felt the bile rise up to my throat. I swallowed it down quickly as I shook my head and sighed. Connor laughed from next to me. "You're pale," he commented. I gave him a look and he laughed. 

"I hope I never get used to seeing that," I said, nodding towards Kelly kissing my brother and my brother kissing back just for the hell of it. Who would have thought he was so desperate. I noticed his ex-girlfriend narrowing her eyes at Kelly. I sighed. 

Her first friend kissed the guy next to Terrence and the third kissed Derek. Terrence, Connor and I laughed at it. It was Derek's turn. Thinking he would do something hilarious like kiss the girl right back, we all continued to cheer him on. However, to my absolute horror, he bounced up right in front of me and grinned. I groaned as I realised what was coming next. 

I sighed and let him kiss me. My eyes were wide open the whole way. He grinned at me and then bounced back to his seat. I smacked my forehead with my palm as Terrence's mouth hung wide open. To be honest, I was equally as shocked if not more than him. Connor avoided my gaze. 

Connor's turn. He walked right over to Kelly Morgan and kissed her. My jaw dropped and Terrence's hand immediately felt for mine and squeezed it. No matter how horrifying, I couldn't look away. I was just... Hurt. Very, very hurt. 

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora