23 - Some call it love

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I watched sadly as Terrence was packing his bags. I was in his room sitting on his bed, being the helpful sister I was, telling him the clothes in which I thought that he would be needing in England. I basically told him anything that wasn't warm wouldn't be necessary, and that he would need about seven soccer kits if he was going to be playing everyday. Pretty useful advice if you ask me. As for hs shoes, I told him all he'd need would be his cleats and his sneakers.

Sure, he had been given a packing list, but I still felt it my duty to make sure he had everything that he needed, and didn't have anything he didn't. Although, it was really rather funny because he was dutifully ignoring me as he followed whatever had been stated on the packing list.

"Come on, Terrence! Those gummies are definitely necessary!" I exclaimed, taking one more from the bottle of gummy sweets. He took a second thought, and then eventually succumbed and let me put it into his suitcase.

See? I was helpful! I mean, imagine if the plane they were in crashed and the boys got sick of all the chips most of them brought? With Terrence, they would be able to enjoy the great taste of Haribos. It was a genius idea.

This way, he'd be able to get more friends too. Although I was quite sure as soon as Derek, who luckily for him was his room mate, found out that he had those precious cargo, would eat everything as soon as they come. I didn't doubt Derek's abilities, and I knew that it was definitely possible.

His flight was leaving in a few hours, and like the ever-ready person he was, he had totally forgotten to pack for the trip, until the coach had reminded them a few hours ago about packing, did he realise that he really needed to start packing. So here we were in his room, packing things we both thought were necessary. Finally, he had zipped up his bag, and then we were ready to go.

Dad had sent him to the airport. Before he left, mum had made him promise to call every day. I, on the other hand, just buried my face in his shirt wanting to memorise his smell, because for the next week until they got back, I was going to be loner, with neither Derek nor Terrence to keep me entertained. As far as I knew, everyone from the team was sent overseas except for Connor, who chose Kelly over the rest of the team. Sucks for him.

When mum and I were alone at home, she grinned at me. "Guess who just got invites to Mr. Morgan's party event?"

I looked at her. She made it seem like I should be as excited as her, but I didn't seem to share her excitement, because well, what was there to be excited about? It was, after all, Kelly's dad's party, so what exactly was there to look forward to? Not exactly catching her excitement, I blinked.

"Don't you get it, Miranda? This is where you'll really have to impress that Connor boy. It's a formal party, so you'll have to dress really well. Your dad and I are going, and I think you should too. I mean, Terrence isn't here, so you'll need someone to take his place, and since Connor is going there, don't you think it'll be rather embarrassing to her? Besides, her mother and I had a bet and if I manage to get rid of him, whom she rather dislikes, she'll give me fifty dollars, so it's a win-win situation!"

As I pondered through it, the more appealing it sounded. I really wanted to impress Connor, and something formal would definitely sweep him off his feet. I mean, all he's going to be wearing at most was a tux, so I didn't think I was going to be very impressed, seeing how they all looked the same to me. But if I could impress him, now that will be something that they would make him unsure of whether to stay by Kelly's side after all.

It was a perfect idea, and coming from my mother, I was amazed at what was in the little devilish mind of hers.

So on that day, mum dressed me up in one of the sexiest dresses I had and then did my hair and makeup to absolute perfection, even if I do say so myself. Then, she had curled my hair and even gotten my hair cut such that I now had a side fringe. Just before I left, I looked at myself at the mirror, and decided that I was rather impressed with my looks.

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Where stories live. Discover now