17 - Some call it love

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Counselling. The next devious thing in my mother's mind. She sent me for counselling. In school.

So basically, there I was sitting in maths class, when a woman I've never seen walks in to class and asks to see me. My teacher dismisses me, although I should have seen something coming faster when my classmates start whispering behind my back. At first, I thought it was because they were grumbling that they didn't have a reason to skip maths, which quite frankly, was absolutely boring.

The woman who came to see me was tall with rather long dyed-black hair. To me, I thought that the colour of hair kind of suited her blue eyes, which looked kind of like what I thought ice would look like if they had colour. All in all, I thought she was pretty.

I should have taken the hint by the time she started walking me to the main block of the school building, which was basically where all the offices like the general office, staff room, library and hall was located, and asked me all sorts of questions. At first, I thought that maybe something had happened. But then I should have realised it wasn't the case because of Terrence's absence.

I only actually got the hint when she walked up to the third level, which basically consisted of the consellors' offices. I know, that was pretty fast of me and everything, but all the while I was wondering about what it was that I had been called out of class for, so it didn't really occur to me that my mother had requested that I get counselling.

When the woman sent me to the office, she smiled at me. "Hello, Miranda!" She said enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes. "My name is Abigail, and I will be your counsellor for the next few weeks. We will have counselling twice a week, until the term ends."

I rolled my eyes again and sunk into the chair.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Because my mother is angry at me that I don't want to share with her about what's going on in my life, so she signs me up for counselling in school, which I can't skip, so that she can be sure that I'm actually attending these stupid sessions just so she can get her hands on my juicy secrets which she then tells everyone she knows so that they can all laugh at the troubled child?"

Abigail hardly looked surprised, although she did raise her eyebrows, like she had heard this many times. "Well, that is what you might think, but-"

"But what? The nurse thinks I need help with my panic attacks?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Tell me more about these panic attacks, Miranda."

"There's nothing to tell! The nurse was wrong because I don't have any panic attacks. I've never suffered from them, and I never will!!"

"Now, Miranda, it's perfectly normal for people to suffer from panic attacks. In fact, most people would suffer from them for at least one or two times in their entire lifetime! Miranda, there's nothing to be ashamed of having panic attacks."

I glared at her.

"Now why don't you tell me about these panic attacks? You have 45 minutes here, and I can have this staring game if that's what you want. I'm pretty free from now until the end of the session. And you can't get out early."

I continued to glare at her. She stared back coolly, hardly flinching in the process.

"I'm not telling you. All you adults ever do is to judge me, tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't. I think it's hardly fair. All just because you're older, you all expect me to do whatever you tell me to do."

She looked at me with an amused smile playing by her lips. "What makes you say that, Miranda?"

I continued to glare at her. She hardly seemed to notice, though. I think she was more happy that I was actually talking to her and not sulking.

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Where stories live. Discover now