My mate?

Confusion covers my face. The woman rolls her eyes then tosses a stone to me. Once it touches my skin i see a vision of a tall dark haired man with icy blue eyes standing in front of me. He smiles and I feel my whole world light up. Gasping, I drop the stone onto the rich green grass. Now I remember what the stones are...

The stones are usually used to bind someone into the pack. When you touch them you can usually feel the alpha's presence. And when the alpha's mate touches it, they see a vision of their mate.

"Do you feel him now?" The woman asks cockily.

I look up at the woman and glare at her. Her tone makes my wolf claw for control but I deny her that quickly. Wait until I'm alone in an alley with you!

I look at the small stone and stare at the crescent moon engraved on it. It's the pack's symbol. What pack is it though? Ugh... I wish I payed more attention when my dad was teaching me about other packs. Then I just decide to put two and two together. I think for a moment then my heart suddenly skips a beat. Oh crap no. The.....the The Blood Moon Pack.

"Who is he?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"He is your mate." The woman stares at me and smirks which makes me growl.

"No, I mean, WHO is he?" A silence fills the air which makes me beyond uncomfortable.

No one even looks at me. I look to the woman who is looking at the ground, biting her lower lip. I wait for an answer and finally a man speaks up.

"He is our alpha, Alpha Kayden of the Blood Moon pack." The man steps forward, his blonde, wind blown hair in his face and his brown eyes full of confidence. At once I know who he is.

"You must be the Beta." I say. It wasn't a question, it was a fact.

The man chuckles darkly, making me shiver. He comes closer to me until we are just feet apart which makes my heart race. I look up to him and her smirks.

"I'm Daniel." He holds out his hand but I don't take it.

I step back, knowing this pack is ruthless and blood thirsty. Though I'm beyond angry, I'm not stupid. He glares at me and I flinch back a bit. Afraid, my eyes change to their usual golden yellow. Don't be afraid of them Tara! I turn to the woman and step towards her. Fear floods her expression and she shakily steps back.

"Why am I even talking to you?! You killed my pack! You destroyed my life!" I yell.

Laughter fills Daniel's eyes, along with annoyance. My head snaps to him and I snarl. Anger flashes across his face but he quickly covers it up with a toothy smile. Yeah buddy, keep smiling...

"Yeah, and the only reason we didn't kill you is because our alpha's son felt his mate's presence. He forbade us to touch even one hair on your head. And his stupid father ordered us to obey him. And that's the only reason why you are alive right now. We would've killed you a long time ago if it wasn't for Kayden." He snarls at the end.

I shrink back which makes him smile. Not to self: He feeds on fear. I see the woman move out of the corner of my eyes and I whip around to see her looking very annoyed. The woman sighs and rolls her blood red eyes. This woman has something wrong with her eyes.

"Enough of this crap! Let's just get her to Kayden!" I feel the panic rising in me as I see them come toward me.

My breathing accelerates and my eyes are so golden yellow, they seem to glow. I step away but I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my arm. My inner wolf panics and in a split second, my fangs come in. I whip around and pounce the person who was holding me, ripping open his arms with one shake of my head. Realizing that I'm starting to shift involuntarily, I quickly get off of him but not before I rip his already bloody arm a little more.

Loving My Murderous MateWhere stories live. Discover now