Chapter 6

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Harry's bedroom above. Enjoy ;)

Wait what?" Jazmine asked again surprised by the information I had just told her.
"Harry. Wants me. To go. Into. His room." I repeated pausing every other word.
"Yeah, I heard it the first time you don't need to repeat it," she told me waving her hand at me. "I'm just surprised. No one has ever been inside his room before." She explained.
"Yeah, I know," I sighed.
"When do you start?" She asked.
"Tomorrow, and I'm really not looking forward to it."
"You're one of the only girls here that doesn't want Harry to fūck them relentlessly, you know that right?" She laughed.
"Jazmine!" I gasped at her choice of words.
"What? Unless you do because if you do I totally get-"
"No, I do not want him to do that, thank you very much," I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.
There was a moment of silence until Jazmine spoke up again.
"You know what we should do?" I looked up at her.
"We should have a girls night," she suggested with a huge grin plastered across her face.
"Are we allowed to?" I asked her. I honestly did not want to risk having to deal with an angry Harry because when Harry's angry everybody's miserable.
"He shouldn't mind we've done it before." She explained.
I bit my lip still not 100% sold.
"Listen you don't have to worry, we won't get into trouble alright?" She reassured.
I nodded my head. "Ok." I responded.
"Good. Meet me in my room at 7."


When I arrived at Jazmine's door, I could hear laughter coming from the other side. I took a deep breathe and opened the door slowly. I noticed all the attention was on me and I suddenly became self conscious.
"Hey Aria! Come here!" Jazmine said waving me over. I dropped my things in next to the door, and walked over to her, siting down.
"You actually came," she chuckled causing me to laugh.
"Yep I was thinking about not coming but I changed my mind," I told her.
"Well I'm glad you came," Jazmine smiled, causing me to give her one in return.
"So who is everyone here?" I asked looking around at the unfamiliar faces.
"Oh yeah, I'll introduce you to everyone." She started on the left with a pretty red headed girl with green eyes and freckles. "This is Meghan," she said, Meghan gave me a little wave. "Hello," she chirped.
"Hi," I responded.
The next girl was a brunette with brown eyes and tanned skin. "This is Hayley,"
She smiled and waved at me and I did the same in return.
"This is Cristy," she said gesturing towards and girl with long black hair and brown eyes.
"And finally, Perrie, who I'm sure you know," she said.
Damn. I thought as I looked over at her. She was giving me a devious looking smile. She's up to something. I thought to myself biting my lip.
"So Aria, I heard that Harry asked you to work in his room?" Meghan asked her face filled with curiosity.
Perrie shot her head up and looked at me with a shocked expression.
I smirked and returned my attention back over to Meghan.
"Uh yes actually. I start tomorrow," I explained, causing all of the other girls talk over one another besides Perrie who just crossed her arms and pouted.
"The new guy though, is sooo cute," Cristy gushed putting her hands on either one of her cheeks.
"Yeah he's ok." Said Hayley as she inspected her finger nails.
"Aria, how's Niall?" Jazmine asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.
I felt my face grow hot while the other girls just laughed, except for Perrie of course. "He's ok I guess," I said after they all contained themselves.
"Aww no juicy details? Cristy asked disappointment across her face.
"Well, we had a pretty heated makeup," I said quietly looking down. They all gasped, causing my cheeks to go red.
I heard Perrie mutter slut under her breath but I choose to ignore. Besides, that girl has probably seen more d*cks then she has her own reflection. And she stares at herself ALOT.
"Is he a good kisser?" Asked Hayley finally looking up from her nails.
"He's pretty good," I said nodding my head and smiling.
"Well guys, it's 11 we gotta go to bed," said Meghan, causing all of us to groan.
We all crawled into our sleeping bags and said our good nights. After a while of laying down with my eyes closed, I finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to someone violently shaking me yelling at me to wake up. I groaned, pulling my blanket up to my chin.
"Aria. It's 11:45 you gotta be at Harry's room at 12," I heard Jazmine say.
At that I shot my eyes open and got up, scrambling around trying to get my belongings.
Shit shit shit shit shit. I thought to myself as I rolled up my sleeping bag.
"Thank you for the sleepover guys, I had a great time!" I said as I opened the door.
"Your welcome. Now go!" Jazmine said, ushering me out the door and into the hall.
I ran down the hall stopping at my door and pushing it open. I threw my things down on my bed, and ran into the bathroom, turning on the shower. As I let it warm up, I got out my uniform, laying it out on my bed and grabbed a towel. By this time, the water was finally warm enough, so I put my hair up in a bun, undressed, and stepped into the shower. I quickly washed my face and body and shaved my armpits and legs. I cut myself a few times, causing me to wince in pain. After a few minutes, I was finally done and stepped out of the shower. I quickly took my hair out, put on my uniform, applied some mascara and eyeshadow and I ran down the hall to the elevator. When I arrived on Harry's floor, there were two, black large doors in front of me. I hesitated before knocking lightly on the door.
I heard a mumbled 'come in' so I slowly opened the door. In front of me, I saw Harry facing away from me with his arms behind his back. He was wearing a black shirt, and black pants. Damn he looks real good. I thought to myself.
I then noticed that his back muscles were extremely prominent through his shirt. I licked my lips.
"Hello Aria," he said in his deep voice causing me to jump.
"Ugh, hi," I responded crossing my arms across my chest.
He turned around, and finally looked at me for the first time. There was a moment of silence before he decided to speak up again. "I have a few things that you could do for me," he said rubbing his chin.
"Alright, what are those things?" I asked.
"I need you to clean my bathroom too to bottom because it is an absolute disaster," he began. "I also need you to make my bed, organize my closet, clean off my desk, and dust." He finished.
I sighed. "Well alright then, I guess I'll get started," I began walking towards the bathroom. "Ugh, where are the cleaning supplies?" I asked him.
"They should be inside of the closet in the bathroom," he responded.
I nodded my head mumbling a 'thanks' and sure enough they were there. I decided to start with the hardest thing; the bathroom. Harry was not lying when he said it was a disaster. Clothes littered the floor, the toilet was covered In disgusting stuff, and the sink was covered in toothpaste. Well, let's get started.
I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Done. I thought to myself after I had made Harry's bed.
"Well done Harry complimented after he noticed I had finished.
"You work very fast,"
"Thank you," I responded.
We stared at each other in silence. If you dropped a pin on the floor you would hear it land.
"Well, you may leave," he said turning on his heel, walking towards his desk.
Ok. I thought as I walked towards the door. Right when my hand touched to door handle, I heard swift foot steps, and next thug I knew, Harry grabbed me by the shoulders turning me around to face him. He pinned me up against the door, causing him to smirk.
I just stared at him in fear as I gulped down a limp in my throat.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked. Chocking on my words.
"Because," he began. "I own you,"
I gulped as he lowered his head down to my neck and began leaving kisses. I stood there frozen in place not knowing what to do. He began to suck on my neck, causing me to moan. I quickly shut my mouth, causing Harry to chuckle at my reaction.
"Don't hold anything back love." He said. "Let it happen." With that, he started up again. Fūck it. I thought.
I grabbed his curls, pulling him closer to me. I pulled at his roots, causing him to let out a throaty groan.
He removed his lips from my skin, and blew on it, causing me to wince, knowing it would leave a mark.
"Unfortunately, we have to stop here," Harry said looking down at me with a smirk.
"Same time as tomorrow," he said as he walked over to his desk, sitting down.
I stood there in shock, until I finally realized I was still there. I grabbed the door handle opening and closing it swiftly, pressing the button to the elevator.
What the actual fūck just happened?

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Xoxo Alora Mae 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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