Chapter 5

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"Wait, what?" Niall gasped sitting up.
"There's a new slave here." Liam answered walking over and sitting in a chair nearby.
"Well what's this persons name?" He asked.
"I'm not really sure, but he's downstairs right now if you want to meet him." Liam explained.
Niall looked over at me then back at Liam, standing up with a groan, and headed forwards the door.
"I'm going to go meet this mystery person. Aria, you wait her." Niall told me.
"No," I said standing up.
He turned back to look at me surprised.
"I'm going with you," I told him walking up to Niall opening the door.
Niall cleared his throat. "Alright then. Let's go." He responded grabbing the top of the door and holding it open for me. I walked out into the hallway with Niall behind me, Liam coming afterwards and shutting the door.
"This way," said Liam guiding us down the hallway and to the elevator.
When the doors parted open, we all stepped inside and Liam hit the first floor button. The doors closed, and I noticed Niall was tapping his foot impatiently and had his arms folded. I rubbed his upper arm causing him to whip his head to look at me. His face instantly softened and I smiled at him slightly, only to get one in return. The doors parted open and we all rushed down the steps to the main entry way. We looked in all of the rooms, finally coming to the living room, to see and brunette boy sitting in a red arm chair facing us. When he noticed us, he looked up at us with his bright eyes, pursing his lips into a thin line.
"Hello," breathed Niall.
The boy quickly stood up and rubbed his hands over his jeans.
"Hi," said the boy looking down, and then up at him again.
"My name is Niall," Niall told the boy reaching his hand out for the boy to shake. He took it firmly in his own hand.
"Louis," he responded.
"Well Louis, it's nice to meet you," said Niall.
"And also, this is Liam and Aria. They are also slaves here," when he said my name, I waved at him and looked him in the eye, and when he saw me, he smiled lightly.
"Nice to meet you Louis," I told him with a warm smile.
"Your from America?" He asked looking at me with a surprised expression.
"Ugh yeah I am," I laughed looking down for a split second.
"Huh that's interesting," he chuckled.
"Yeah I guess so."
"Would you like a tour of the house? You are going to be living here after all," Liam chirped in.
"Sure why not," Louis shrugged, following Liam back to the main entrance. When they were out of sight, I turned to Niall.
"Well he seems nice," I said looking at his expression.
"Yeah I guess. I don't know if I trust him that much though," he responded crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows. There was silence until I decided to speak up.
"Do you wanna go back up to your room?" I asked him.
He looked up at me and his face softened. "Sure," he replied and we walked up the stairs to the elevator.

I woke up the next morning up against something hard. I felt around a bit.
Or more like somebody. I thought to myself.
I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Niall beside me with his lips slightly parted. I could hear him lightly snoring and he looked extremely adorable. I smiled and laid my head down on his chest, taking his hand and beginning to play with his fingers. I felt him shift underneath me and he llet out a groan. I looked up at him to see his eyes opened slightly, a small smile plastered on his face.
"Hi," he said in his husky morning voice which sent chills down my spine.
"Hi," I answered.
"How are you?" He asked pulling me closer.
"Ok," I responded feeling him bury his face into my neck.
"We should get up," I said trying to sit up, only to have Niall pin me down.
I chuckled. "Niall, we gotta get up," I told him, only to get a groan in response.
"5 more minutes?" He breathed closing his eyes again.
"Ok fine," I huffed.
We laid down like that for a bit, until Niall spoke up.
"Your absolutely beautiful, you know that?"
I blushed at his comment and looked down at my hands. "Well thank you," I responded.
"Anytime," he said smiling.
"Well, 5 minutes is up," I told him a moment later getting up before he could pull me back down.
"What? No it's not," he whined.
"We have to get ready, or else Harry will get mad at the both of us," I told him.
"I know." He looked down and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Harry fūcking sucks, he doesn't deserve anything that he has," Niall said frustration was clearly written all over his features.
I looked down. "Yeah, I know. But there's nothing we can do."
He walked over to me and lifted my chin up so I could look up at him. "We will get out someday. I promise." He told emphasizing the word 'will'.
"Ok," I responded not knowing what else to say. 
"But for now, I have you. Which is good enough for me." He said, causing my face to turn 50 shades redder.
I've gotta go get ready," I told him opening up the door, stopping before I stepped out into the hall.
"Bye Niall," I said and with that I closed the door.

"So, I heard that you were hanging around with Niall all day yesterday," Jazmine said wiggling her eyebrows at me. We were currently in the kitchen peeling the skin off of potatoes for dinner later on tonight.
"Yeah, I was," I told her feeling a blush creep over my cheeks.
"Wait, so it's true!?" She asked.
"Yes! But Shh!" I hushed as I saw her mouth drop but almost instantly turn into a smirk.
"Did you do the nasty?" She asked nudging her shoulder against mine.
Her question made me blush, again.
"What? No!" I defended.
"But we did have a pretty heated make out," I added quietly.
Jazmine heard and looked up at me in shock.
"Wow. Won't be long until he gets into your pants, huh?" She joked laughing at me.
I just simply shook my head at her and continued to peel the skin off of the potato.

Later on that day, I was able to get some time to myself and I decided to head up to my bedroom. I sighed as the elevator doors opened, revealing the hallway in which my bedroom was. I walked down the long hall, arriving at my door and opening it. After closing it I jumped back and screamed at the sight of a large figure standing at my window.
He turned around and gave me one of his popular smirks "did I scare you love?" He asked in his deep, husky voice that sent chills up and down my spine.
"What are you doing in here?" I asked still in a bit of shock.
"I have a new job for you to do around the house." He said walking towards me.
"Ok, what is it?" I urged him on. I just wanted him out of my room. I wanted some time away from everyone, especially Harry.
"Every other day of the week, you are to clean my room top to bottom."
Wait. What? I thought. Isn't nobody allowed to go into his room?
"Isn't it against your rules?" I asked him slightly confused.
"Yes, it is actually," he began. "But I need somebody to clean my room for me."
Can't he just do it himself? I thought.
"You start tomorrow." He stated and walked to my door and opened it. He stopped and turned around to face me. "Come up at 12:30. And don't be late." He then shut the door and I sat down on my bed.
Now it's going to be a bit harder to avoid him.

That's the chapter!! Hope you guys like the story so far! What do you think is gone happen on Arias first day?? I've got lots of things in mind (insert cheeky wink here) 😉. Love you!!
Xoxo Alora Mae 😘😘

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