Chapter 3

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Where the hell have you been? You've been missing for over an hour." Jazmine asked, her voice laced with concern.
"Oh nothing I lost." I responded shrugging my shoulders.
"For over an hour? I don't believe your bs. Just tell me." She begged.
"No nothing happened. Like I said I just got lost," I lied. But I knew I didn't do too good of a job judging by her facial expression.
But before she could say anything else, Niall came running into the living room , his crystal blue eyes frantically searching until they landed on me.
"Hey Aria, I need you to help me set up dinner asap. Mister Styles was not in the best mood when he left Perrie's room and I don't want him to be upset because dinner wasn't set up the way he wanted it. So could you help me?" Niall begged with a puppy dog face to top it all off.
I laughed. "Ok ok. But I don't even know how he likes his dinner set up," I explained after giving in to Nialls begging.
"Oh I'll guide you as you go but all I really need you to do is put out the plates and silverwear at each seat." He explained.
"Alright." I agreed and then Niall was leading me to the dining room. It was a well lit room with lots of windows, each and every one of them being framed with satin cream colored curtains. The walls were painted a lighter cream color than the curtains, and had lots of detail and texture. In the middle of the room, there was an extremely long dining room table with over a hundred chairs. The chairs and the table were made out of a dark wood and polished to a sparkling finish. To finish it all off, there were vases and flowers that decorated the room, and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. I was in awe.
"Hey, start setting up the table," Niall snapped his fingers in my face, taking me out of my head and returning me back to the real world.
"Oh yeah, sorry it's just-"
"Absolutely breathtaking." He finished off for me.
"Yeah," I breathed. I then noticed him getting closer to me making my heart flutter. I didn't notice I was backing up, until my back eventually hit the wall.
"Just like you," he said barely under a whisper while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and wrapping his hands around my small waist.
I blushed and looked down at my feet not used to this type of treatment. He put his pointer finger underneath my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.
"You do know that. Right?" He asked me looking me deep in the eye.
I chuckled. "This is pretty cliche don't you think," I asked.
"Im being serious Aria." He said causing my smile to vanish.
"Well, I'm not really sure," I started off tearing my eyes from his gaze and looking everywhere but at him.
"Listen to me. You are absolutely gorgeous, and don't let anyone tell you differently alright? Can you do that for me?" He asked his voice full of seriousness. I couldn't promise anything like that.
"Alright," I lied just to make Niall feel better. A huge grin spread across his face making me feel a bit guilty.
"Good. Thank you." He said quietly.
"No problem." I responded smiling back.
Just then, the dining room doors slammed open, revealing a young brunette with chocolate colored eyes. He was covered in tattoos and had a piercing in his eyebrow. When he saw the position we were in, he smirked and leaned against the door frame crossing his arms. 
"Good thing I caught you and not Harry mate, he's already in a sour mood as we know it."
Niall awkwardly backed away from me and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I know." He mumbled.
"Why would Harry care about what I do and don't do. He's selfish and couldn't give two shits about anyone." I said, the two of them obviously taken back by my sudden outburst.
"You can't say stuff like that Aria," the brunette told me, his eyes widened.
"Why can't I? And I don't even know who you are so why should I trust you?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.
He smirked and pushed himself off the doorframe and walked over to me taking my hand kissing the top of it and looking up at me.
"The names Liam." He told me.
"Nice to meet you Liam," I said. "But I still don't understand why I can't simply speak my mind." I explained.
"Because he's our master, and if you talk bad about him and he finds out, you get punished," he explained.
"That's just the way it works around here."
I was taken aback by this. I didn't want to be punished. He's not my parent or anything so he had no right, I thought.
"So just watch what you say ok?" Niall asked grabbing me by both my shoulders. 
"Alright I'll try to keep my thoughts to myself. But no promises." I bargained.
"Well at least it's somethin out of her," Liam stated.
"Oh and Niall, Harry needs you it's extremely important," Liam said.
"Oh shit," Niall moaned and rolled his eyes. "Do you think you and Jazmine could take care of this by yourselves, I've really gotta go." He asked.
"Of course. She'll probably try to get out of it but I will make sure she does it," I explained.
"Great thank you! I owe you one!" He exclaimed as he turned around and ran out the dining room doors following close behind Liam.
After pestering Jazmine for what felt like forever, I finally managed to get her to help me.
When we finally finished getting the food from the chefs and setting it all on the table, along with silver wear, napkins, candles, and flowers we were glad to be done. But overall it came out quit nicely. I was pretty impressed by the way it turned out.
"Alright I'll go tell everyone dinners all set up, you go upstairs and tell Harry, he should be out of his meeting my now." Jazmine explained rushing out of the room to tell everyone to come into the dining room.
I really did not want to talk to Harry after what happened earlier today but I had no choice.
I exited through the huge double doors and took the elevator to the top floor. After the elevator dinged and the doors parted, I walked out and in front of me, was a set of black double doors.
I hesitated, but lightly pounded the door with my knuckles twice. After what felt like forever, I decided to knock again, but as I was about to set my knuckles down on the door, it swiftly opened, revealing a furious looking Harry.
"What do you want?" He asked in an angry tone.
"Uh-I-I just came up to tell you that-uh dinners-um set up now." I stuttered.
Something about Harry made me so nervous around him; frightened even but I didn't understand why.
I looked up to see Harry now smirking down at me.
"Alright, I'll be down in a moment. Oh and Aria," he began.
"Yes," I answered slightly worried.
"Why don't you sit next to me tonight, yeah?" He said raising an eyebrow. I didn't say no because I was pretty sure that I didn't have an option.
"Ok," I responded.
I turned around and pressed the button to go downstairs anxious to be away from Harry for as long as possible.
"By the way, you look pretty hot in that outfit Aria," he smirked looking me up and down.
I began to feel self conscious and crossed my arms over my chest. Just then, he grabbed my arm and pulled me so that I was close to his face, my eyes widening and I could feel his hot minty breathe on my face.
"That was a compliment, and I don't give those out often. What do you say?" He growled at me.
I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes but I refused to cry in front of him.
"What do you say?" He repeated.
"Th-thank y-you," I spoke out in a shaky voice.
He smirked and let go of my arm.
"Good girl." Just then, the elevator doors opened, and I stepped inside hitting the first floor button, the door shutting in front of Harry.

When I got downstairs, I went to the seat next to the end of the table that I supposed was Harry's seat because it was much nicer than any of the others. But as I went to sit down, someone beat me to it and pushed me out of the way.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? This is MY seat, not yours." She emphasized.
I looked up to find Perrie smirking at me with a face of satisfaction.
"Well I went up to Harry's room and he told me that I get to sit here tonight not you." I told her.
I heard I few oh!'s from the other slaves and I smirked.
Just then a raspy low voice voiced out "Perrie."
I looked and saw Harry slowly walking in with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You heard Aria."
He leaned down close to her face. "Get up." He said in a commanding voice.
"But sir, I always sit here and-"
"Get up!" He yelled.
Perrie looked down and voiced a quiet 'yes sir' and slowly got up, walking to another seat.
"Aria," Harry said motioning for me to sit down in the seat.
I quickly sat down and folded my hands in my lap. Harry sat down as well in the seat next to me, and then everyone began to talk and take food and place it on their plates. I began to do the same.
I was very satisfied with the way the food came out, it was amazing.
Suddenly, Harry spoke up. "Aria, have you become acquainted with Jazmine?" He asked.
I nodded, unable to speak due to the food that I was still chewing. After I swallowed, I spoke up.
"Yes, she's very kind to me," I answered.
"Good...good..." He trailed off. The rest of dinner was silent, but I was alright with it. It was nice. After everyone was finished, they got up, and began to head up to their rooms. I was about to do the same until I felt a hand on my forearm, pulling me back into my seat.
"Wait, stay here," Harry demanded and I obliged.
Eventually the last person left, and I faced Harry locking eyes with him.
"What did you need me to stay here fo-"
Before I could finish my sentence, I felt Harry's large hands grab the sides of my face, and kissed me on the lips full of lust and need. I was in shock and didn't react, causing him to groan and bite my lip. I came to my senses and began to kiss back, putting one hand on the side of his face, and the other on the side of his neck. For some odd reason, one part of me didn't want to pull away, but another was screaming at me too. Harry wanting to deepen the kiss, pushed his tongue against my lips asking for entry, but I didn't oblige. He then but my lip, causing me to gasp and he pushed his tongue through. I felt him smirk against my lips as we fought for dominance, him obviously winning. His hands began to travel down to my waist, as I moved mine to the underneath of his shirt, feeling his muscles tense up at the sudden contact. Just then, he broke the kiss, and looked at me, smirking.
"I'm sorry love, but we will have to continue this at a later date." He then got up from his seat, and walked out of the dinning room. I sat at my seat, surprised at what had just taken place, but I eventually got up, and proceeded to my bedroom.

Hello hello hello!!!! Finally updated!! Woohoo!! So sorry that this took literally forever but in dealing with a lot of drama at the moment and haven't had the chance to update. I also got really bad writers block so 😁. Anyways hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter. Bye love you guys!! ✌️
Xoxo Alora Mae 😘😘

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