Chapter 1

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Aria's POV:
I shivered from the icy breeze and pulled my hood up over my head, zipping up my hoodie. I heard a loud bang coming from a dark ally, causing me to jump, and ran quickly away from the area. As I walked on, I saw the store come into view. It was very dirty, and the sign that once lit up years ago, was now dark and covered with dirt and debris.
I walked up the hill to the entrance, and walked through the already opened sliding doors. The lights inside would blink on and off every so often causing me to feel uneasy. The stares from the other customers and workers did not help very much either. After grabbing a few items, I walked over to the cashier trying to be quick about it so I could go back home. I felt someone burning holes into me, and turned around to see that the cashier was staring at me with what looked like a mixture between concern and pity.
"What is it?" I asked stuttering a bit as I did so.
She blinked as if coming to reality. "Oh, um, nothing." She responded quickly shaking her head and picking up one of my items.
That was weird. I thought to myself.
On one of the racks, there was a newspaper issued today's date on it.
Why not? I thought as I picked it up and put it with the groceries. After she finished ringing me out and I paid, I picked up my 2 bags. As I was about to walk away, I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me back ending up being face to face with the cashier.
"Be careful, and good luck," she said to me with genuine concern in her eyes.
"Ok thanks, and I will," I answered letting out a short laugh.
After a second to long, she finally let go of me and I rushed back home.

     When I got home and shut and locked the door behind me, I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom on the phone. She was talking in a rushed and quiet tone, so I assumed she was talking to my older brother, Stefen or my father.
When she finally noticed my presence, she gave me a little wave. Just then, her face turned into a blank expression, confusing me. She returned to talking to whomever she was speaking with, and I decided to take a look at what the newspaper had in store this week.
When I saw the cover, my stomach dropped. I began to breathe heavily and felt as if I were going to faint.
What?! This can't be happening, this can't be happening!" I thought to myself pulling at the roots of my hair.
By this time, my mom was off the phone and by my side.
"Yes I know sweetheart, your brother has just told me," she told me pulling me into her embrace.
I pointed at the newspaper with a shaky finger. "The-the newspaper-why-what is happening?!" I asked stuttering.
"Shhh," she hushed. "Everything's going to be ok, your going to be ok," She responded in a calm voice.
"Mom, I'm scared," I told her letting go of her a bit so I could look her in the eye.
"I know sweetie, but don't worry, Stefen is coming home tonight so you won't have to worry ok?"
"Ok," I responded drying my tears.
"Why don't you go to bed, it's getting late alright?" She suggested.
"Yeah, I think I'll do that," I sniffled.
"Make sure to lock your door and close your blinds. And no matter what you hear downstairs, do not come down you go it?" She asked in a serious tone. I nodded in response.
"Good. Now go get some rest." She said pushing me lightly towards the staircase.
"Alright." I responded weakly and slowly ascended up the stairs.
Why couldn't it be like it used to be when I was kid? When there wasn't so much conflict. And this whole return of the slavery thing is really messed up. The world ended slavery for a reason.
I went up to my bedroom and sat down on my bed letting out a shaky breathe in an attempt to calm myself down. Eventually, I got up and went to my closet retrieving a pair of adidas pants, and a baggy t-shirt. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth. I then returned to my bed and slipped underneath the covers, turning off the lights and pulling my blanket up to my chin. I closed my eyes, and I gradually fell into a deep sleep.
I heard a loud bang come from downstairs, and then my mom scream.
My eyes snapped open and without thinking, I ran to my door. 
Wait, mom said to stay in my room no matter what. I though to myself.
But she could get killed. Another part of my brain told me.
That did it, and I slowly creeped down the stairs stopping mid-way and crouched down, watching what was going on downstairs between the bars.
I saw three terrifying men dressed in black with huge guns surrounding my mom.
"Tell us where Aria is, and we won't kill you," one of the three men threatened.
"She's not here," she said in a shaky voice keeping her eyes straight ahead. "I'm going to ask you one more time," said the man. "Where is she?!"
"I told you, she's not here," she said again her voice coming out almost as a whisper.
Just then, on the back of the men's jackets, I saw it: The symbol that my family has always feared. My father told me that if I see anyone with that symbol, to quickly get away. The symbol of our enemy: The Ruthless.
My breath hitched in the back of my throat. As I was contemplating whether I should reveal myself or not, my foot on the step slipped causing a loud noise, catching the attention of the three men and my mom. My moms eyes widened.
"There you are," the man who threatened my mom said.
"Now, you need to come with us. Gary, take her away," he ordered.
"No," I responded causing him to raise an eyebrow at me.
"No? No?!" He asked almost in disbelief.
"Well then, I guess you can say goodbye to your mother," he said as he pushed her down onto her knees, and the other man putting a gun onto her temple.
"Stop!" I yelled running over, only for the man called Gary to step in front of me.
"Please don't kill her! Why do you even want me?! We did absolutely nothing!" I yelled.
He let out a dry chuckle. "You have no idea do you?" He asked me. I was extremely confused as to what this guy was talking about. I looked over to my mom, only to see her head hanging low, and her eyes filled with guilt. What did I not know? Has my family been keeping something from me?
"What is it that I'm supposed to know?" I asked in a more confident tone, although that was not how I felt at all.
He looked over to my mom, whose eyes were still trained to the floor.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He responded dryly with a smirk plastered across his face.
"Yes I would actually why else would I be asking?" I said feeling anger rise up inside of me.
Woah, feisty one aren't we? But, I don't think I should be the one to tell you. So are you coming or not?" He asked.
I took a shaky breath. "Yes," I responded.
"No! Kill me! Just don't take her! Please! She's all I have!" My mom sobbed.
It broke my heart to see my mother look so desperate like this. So. Broken.
"No mom, I have to do this," I responded, tears beginning to fall down my face.
"I love you mom," I said and ran over to her, hugging her as tight as I could. This could be the last time I hug her ever again.
"I promise you, we will find you and bring you home, alright?" My mom whispered into my ear.
"I know mom. I know." I answered.
"Alright, now let's go," said the leader I supposed of the three men, and pulled me away from my mom.
I was then shoved out of the door, and pushed into a van on the way to who knows where.
The entire ride, the title of the newspaper flashed behind my eyes, which sent chills up and down my spine:
The Ruthless: Searching for Aria Koby

After about an hour long drive, we finally stopped, which I was relieved about because it was becoming quit stuffy. The back of the van opened up, revealing one of the men.
"Get out," he ordered. I did as he asked and stumbled out of the back of the van.
I then took in my surroundings.
"Why are we at the airport?" I asked.
"We're taking you to London," answered the one called Gary. I was surprised that he actually gave me a straight answer, and so were the other two I supposed because they responded by shooting him a glare. They began pulling me inside of the airport, when we came up to a lady at the front desk.
She was a very pretty and petite woman who looked about in her mid twenties. She had long blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail, and bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle.
"Hello, welcome to United Airlines, how may I help you?" She said in a cheerful tone with a huge fake smile plastered across her face, showing her paper white teeth.
The leader of the three men leaned across the desk, and whispered something into her ear, causing her eyes to widen and her smile to wipe off of her face. He eventually pulled away, and she put the fake smile back on.
"Alright, if you would just follow me please," she said as she walked around the outside of the desk, and began walking toward a door. She came to a halt, and opened the door, revealing a set of stairs going up. She led us up the stairs, and when we finally reached the top and the door was opened, I noticed we were passed security.
"Thanks Nathalie," said the leader.
"No problem, and gold luck!" She said giving us a quick wave, and heading back down the stairs.
We then boarded our plane, and took our seats, which just happened to be in first class.
"Why are we going to London?" I asked Gary.
"It's where he lives," he responded, as if I knew who he was.
"Who's he exactly?" I asked out of curiosity.
"He's our boss." He simply responded.
"Oh. What's his name?" I asked.
"His name is Harry. Harry Styles but do not call him Harry unless he gives you permission." He warned me with seriousness in his eyes.
"Oh. Ok." I answered not wanting to ask any more questions about this Harry guy. My father has told me many a times about him, but he always addressed him as "The Devil Himself".
"So, what are the other men's names?" I asked Gary out of curiosity.
"Well, the leader out of the three of us, is Blake. And the other guy, his name is Chris," he responded.
"Oh ok," I said. I decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the trip.
"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat belts, and we hope you have a great trip with United Airlines. We will be arriving there in about 7 hours."
Well, this is going to be a long flight. I thought to myself.
As we began to drive down the takeoff lane, I peered out the window, and saw the world slowly became me smaller and smaller. People could not be seen, the cars looked like ants, and the houses and buildings looked quit different too. I leaned back against my seat, and felt myself grow tired. My eyes fluttered shut, and I fell into a deep sleep.

"Aria, wake up," I felt someone shake my shoulder, and I shot my eyes open.
"The plane landed, we have to go," said Gary.
"Oh ok," I answered and stood up, following him off the plane. After leaving the airport, there was yet another van waiting for us. They pushed me in the back of the van once again and we were off.
When the van stopped and I stumbled out before me, there was a very large mansion.
"Mr. Styles said to just come in when we arrive because he's off at a meeting," said Chris. "So let's get a move on, yeah?" Asked Blake as he ushered me inside. When the door opened, I was in shock. The house was even more beautiful on the inside then it was outside. Slaves rushed around the house doing their daily tasks.
"Go and wait in there," said Blake and gestured to what looked like the living room.
I sat down on one of the couches and did not dare to move. "Let me tell you something that's really going to do you good," Blake started. "Do not call him Harry unless he gives you permission. Do not go into his bedroom, and most of all, no sneaking around, and no sass because he does not tolerate that. Understand?" He asked. I nodded in response.
Wow this guy sounds nice. I thought sarcastically.
Just then, a tall young man walked into the room, his boots making a low thud with every step he took. He was covered in tattoos, and had piercings in his lip, nose, and eyebrows.  He was quit intimidating to say the least. But I wouldn't let him see that.
When he saw me he smirked. "Well, well, well. Aria Koby, what a pleasure," he said with a thick British accent.
"Leave!" He commanded the three men. Instantly the three of them walked out of the room without hesitation.
"So, what do you think?" He asked I supposed about his house.
"Well it's very big and beautiful," I answered "didn't expect someone like you to live in a place like this." I added causing him to look at me with surprise. He then smirked once again (which was kind of annoying). "Feisty one aren't you?" He said. "I guess so Mr. Styles," I answered.
"Please," he began. "Call me Harry."

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