Chapter 2: Goodbye

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So I kind of feel that this chapter is pretty short compared to how I normally type.  I also want to remind you all that I won't be updating Guardians undercover yet until maybe a few days.  I'm waiting to see if anyone has any questions.



Tsuna and Hayato got out of the car and made their way up the steps and towards those doors that would lead them to the fateful and for some unwanted meeting with Byakuran. Once they had gone inside Hayato scanned the place making sure that there was no danger. But just being there was danger enough to put anyone on edge, but Tsuna seemed so calm as if he was walking in his own home.

"Juudiame, please be safe." Hayato said as he looked at Tsuna who softly smiled at him.

"Don't worry Hayato. Everything will be okay, it will all be okay." Tsuna said as he smiled at Hayato and placed his hand on his shoulder, 'I pray it does.' Tsuna thought as he looked away from him.

"Vongola Decimo we have been expecting you." A voice said behind them. Both Tsuna and Hayato looked at the source and saw a young woman no older than twenty-three years old, "Please come this way." She gestured with her arm for them to follow her as she walked off.

They both followed her, and with every step that they took Hayato felt his heart beat faster, not in fear for himself, but for Tsuna. He knew that Tsuna was very capable of taking care of himself, but he couldn't help but worry. He knew something was going to happen. He wasn't sure though, for all he knew it could be that he was just nervous for Tsuna's safety, but no matter how much he tried he just couldn't shake off the feeling of something bad happening.

Tsuna too felt nervous, but his reasons were completely different from Hayato's. He was nervous since there was a possibility that the plan that Shoichi, Kyoya and he had made would fail. They made sure that everything was done at the right time, a perfect plan, but there was still that small chance of failure.


Takeshi was waiting near by the meeting place just as he was asked to, but even if he wasn't asked he would have still come and waited.

Takeshi watched from a distance as Hayato and Tsuna got off the car and headed towards the building. He waited a few seconds after they went in to move closer. He got out of his car and walked over to the building to wait.

He was expecting to have someone stop him from moving any closer, but there wasn't anyone there. Only the occasional person walk by, but other than that there was no one. Under different circumstances he wouldn't really think much about it, well that is if he was still the clueless child he used to be that is, but just seeing how empty it looked gave him a bad feeling. He wanted nothing more than to run to where Tsuna and Hayato were and take them away from there.

Scanning the area further Takeshi walked in further into the building to be a bit closer, but still at a close proximity of the door.

It had been nearly ten minutes since he had gone inside, ten minutes of torture since waiting and not being able to do anything was very hard, ten minutes of worry when he heard it. When he heard a sound he didn't want to hear, not at this place and at this time.

He heard the sound of a gun going off. His first thought was of Tsuna, and ran off in the direction of the sound hoping that it had nothing to do with either Tsuna or Hayato.

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