reflecting on summer (bc its almost over and i am not ready)

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          im writing this 8/11/16, while playing bloodsport on slack. a week ago, i had gotten home from my last day volunteering at summer school, and while looking at the group picture that was taken of the class i was with on my camera, it occurred to me i had had a pretty decent summer.
(9:19 pm, atria just got killed by parlance. shakes fist at rng)
anyways! most summers consist of me staying in the same nightgown for a few days, living on my laptop, and going swimming. i did go to new jersey in august, but that was a "my entire family is there so i have to go there and be social with random adults i dont know" thing. but i did more things last summer.
this year, my mom had to get back surgery (dj khaled voice another one) a few days before school let out, which meant i couldnt do a lot over the summer, because no one could drive me. im too young to have a driver's license, my dad was only off for most of june, and my mom couldnt drive anywhere for most of the summer for the reason i just mentioned.
despite this, ive had quite a bit of fun this summer. i saw panic! at the disco in concert five days after school let out (was anyone else at the june 22nd show?), had my friend stay over at my house a lot, resulting in a few adventures, such as trying to make iced sweet tea. then there was summer school.
i had to volunteer at someplace over the summer for hours, due to getting accepted into my school's chapter of njhs. so i ended up volunteering at my old elementary school, helping my third grade teacher with summer school. and i was dreading it. i had to wake up early (6 am to be exact) to go help children for two hours. sounds horrible. i thought it would be. but it wasn't.
when i think of summer school, i think of a bunch of children who arent exactly the brightest, and do not care about school or dont want to be in summer school. but third graders havent reached that point yet. they want to learn.
plus, i wasnt gonna be the only one helping - i was helping out with a frondo who is kind of a brother to me. but i was still expecting suffering, because: children, the idea of having to teach said children, and having to wake up at 6 am.
but it was actually fun. the first day went like this:
    •    arrive
    •    talk to frondo
    •    follow class we were with to classroom they were in
    •    take attendance and lunch sheet down
    •    go outside briefly because there was a pokestop on the front lawn of the school
    •    discover the giant green dino plush that was in the library
    •    return to classroom, play wordo (word sort bingo) with small groups
    •    and leave.
and it was honestly fun.
but now im stuck in the hell that is "summer is almost over and im not ready."

wow okay mobile is weird for posting. aaanyways ill go back and do formatting and all the jazz soon. ill also post things on my summer adventures, aka "this is why xxarr shouldnt be trusted with children."
here's hoping this posts!

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