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I hated my life. I really did. If I could go back in time, if I just said no to the adoption... This wouldn't be happening. Alisson would be next to me, laughing and joking. I would've been laughing in this moment, maybe at the stupid girls next door who said rap was cool but they only knew Slim Shady...

But, no. Here I was, laying down next to Hailie on a hotel bed. My father was talking on the phone, complaining about a house and his ex wife. I wanted to jump out of the hotel window, I really wanted to change the past. I wanted Alisson to be there with me, but she wasn't. And I had to hold back my tears.


Haile turned over.

"If you're over 18, why are you following Dad? Why not Mom?"

Hailie sighed. "I can't get a job without people freaking out that I'm his daughter. People won't stop following me, they won't stop treating me badly. Haters won't stop picking on me, people who think I'm hot won't stop harassing me. Dad can help me, Mom is nothing without him. She's going to lose her house, all her money... My future depends on Dad. I know, it's sad. But I can't do much about that, only change my hair."

I felt my stomach tighten. If she couldn't find a job because of those reasons, then what could happen to me? She didn't have any social accounts, maybe twitter, but that's it.

But me, I had an instagram with a large following, a small fan base, a twitter with an even bigger following. People didn't recognize me much in the streets but, at work, what would happen if some die hard fan finds out where I worked?

Basically, it was it for me. I'd have to follow my dad around, or else I wouldn't have any money. Hailie was 18, Alaina is around 21, Whitney is still little. We all had to follow him around like ducklings still, we couldn't survive out there on our own, especially when almost half of America knew who you were.

"We found a house in Miami, it's near a good school and a recording studio for Lilyth."

I sighed and kept scrolling down on my feed. "Why would I need a recording studio?"

"For your band." he answered. "You better get some auditions going, your new high school is known for having talented people. Angel Heaven will sound better than ever."

"Dad, you said it yourself, there isn't a band anymore. And don't tell me to look for new members, it wouldn't be the same. Allen and Brittney can't be replaced, they're my friends. Maybe you don't have much of them, and I understand that you might not get it, but I won't be a dick to them."

His mouth was open, as if he was going to respond, but he couldn't gather the words. He shut up and turned around slowly, walking out of the hotel room.

"What. The. Fuck." Hailie said slowly. "Why-no, How can you say something like that to his face?"

I glared at my phone, I couldn't look at her. But I could feel their eyes on me, full of curiosity.

"Because its true. People can't be easily replaced, you can't replace people you love. Allen and Brittney were my best friends, so was... Alison. And I could never, ever, replace them." tears started flowing thinking about Alison.

"Imagine losing someone, will replacing them with another person who looks the same be the same? No, that's why when I lose someone I lose them forever, because getting over it is better than holding on to a fake person forever."

Alaina looked at me seriously, not with hatred anymore. For the first time, she seemed normal towards me, maybe she even understood me for a second. However, this lasted for a few seconds, she gave me a weird look and walked over to the window to get some fresh air.

Whitney sighed to herself, she was drawing in her notebook. She was a pretty cool artist, her drawings had something special to it.

"Guys, Lilyth is right. We can replace objects easily, but with people it's different. When something is unique and has a meaning, it's not replaceable. Just like Mom isn't replaceable."

"Mom isn't exactly unique, Whitney." Hailie said. "I mean, I love her because she's my Mom and all but... I hate the person she is. How could she do something like that, again?"

Alaina made a grunting sound. She spun around, glaring at the three of us angrily.

"STOP alright, stop talking about Mom." Alaina snapped. "I don't want to hear a single word about her, I don't want any opinions about her. Got it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why not? Why can't we talk about her? Are you afraid of confronting the truth? She's our Mom, for God's sake. If anything, we should talk about her, about what she's done. We can't run away from reality."

Alaina sighed angrily. "You just don't get it do you?! You act like you're a victim, you act like you're so special and so mature in this situation. But, guess what? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. Yep, that's right. We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't been born."

"Alaina, stop. You know this isn't her fault. It's nothing she could've stopped, she didn't ask for this." Hailie said.

Alaina glanced at Hailie. "You, stop acting like if you weren't mad at her too. You were with me that day, you heard what Mom said to Dad."

Hailie's face turned red, she looked like she was ready to punch her.

"Alaina, jesus christ. Mom was the one who cheated! Mom was the one who hid it from him! Mom was the one who was depressed! Stop defending Mom, stop blaming her actions on Lilyth."

I wanted to know what was going on, I wanted to know the truth. Depressed, my Mom was depressed when she had me?

Whitney wasn't looking at the conversation, her head was inside her notebook. But I could see small smudges in the paper where it seems tears had fallen down. I couldn't believe how silent she was, how she didn't dare to respond.

"Whitney..." I said.

She looked up. "I don't know what they're talking about, I don't know how or why it's your fault, but I believe Alaina. If she says that it's your fault, it's your fault. And I will never forgive you."

Those words made my heart stop. I don't know how I managed it, I made two of my new sisters hate me. I couldn't blame Whitney though, she was small, its normal for her to believe the big sister.

I turned around and took out my phone.

@LilythMathers: Appreciate your life guys, even if it's shit, it can get worse if you complain about it.

It's been a while, huh? I decided to continue this book, since I have new ideas for it. My writing has improved in a year, so I hope you enjoy. ❤️

instagram: ohsweetvile

twitter: ohsweetvile

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