Chapter 19 Fight

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Rage fills me instantaneously and I launch myself in Jacob's direction.

Arms encircle me immediately to hold me out of reach from Jacob and I fight them vehemently. Two more arms wrap around me and I allow myself to be held back. Even in the midst of all the rage I know I can't show my full strength.

"You motherfucker!" I screech and claw at Jacob.

"Reyna calm down!" Leah snaps and tightens her grip. Leah and Olivia seem to be the ones holding me back.

"It's okay!" Olivia insists.

"No it's not! He kissed her against her will!" I growl angrily. I admittedly also feel anger at him for kissing someone besides me.

"I'm sorry okay!" Jacob exclaims and backs away from me. "I'm sorry Bella and I'm so sorry Reyna!" He looks at me with genuine guilt in his eyes making me freeze. Why is he looking at me like that?

Leah and Olivia cautiously let me go and Bella replaces them with her good hand on my arm.

"Reyna it's okay," she whispers. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask still staring at Jacob warily.

"Yes I'm sure," Bella says.

"In that case, Jacob drive us home right the fuck now," I order darkly.

"But we're having fun Reyna!" Gloria whines. My face contorts but my eyes stay on Jacob.

"I'm sorry but I can't be here right now," I murmur and stalk away.

"Reyna?" Koda calls but I ignore her. In the back of my mind I feel a little guilty about ditching but the rest of me is screaming to get away.

"She'll call you all tomorrow with a million apologies and offers to hang out but it's just getting too much," Bella explains and jogs after me.

Wordlessly I climb into Jacob's car and stare blankly ahead. Bella gets in and sits in the back with me holding onto my hand while Jacob climbs in the front. He stares ahead quietly and starts driving down the road.

In that moment my head starts throbbing and I scowl. I have no reason to be upset besides the fact he kissed my sister without permission. I can't be angry he kissed her and not me, I can't be angry he doesn't like me. I have no reason to be this sad.

It's all too much, everything that's happened, that's going to happen is all too much for me.

The ride home happens in the blinks of an eye and soon Jacob is pulling into our driveway.

Not two seconds later the Volvo careens up and screeches to a stop before us. Bella is a wincing as she climbs from Jacob's car holding her hand. Jacob hops out quickly with a frown already fixed on his face and I slide out shakily.

Edward darts from his car and starts on a war path directly for Jacob. I don't stop him, I'm too pissed at Jake to protect him. Bella however leaps between the two boys.

"Not here, Edward. Please," Bella begs but he just goes around her getting directly in Jacob's face. I let out a huff of laughter and shake my head. A part of me wants to see them fight.

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