Chapter 17 Kiss

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"Here we are the rez grocer," Leah announces. There's shared smiles and small laughs before we walk in together. Groups pair off to find different things while I go straight to the candy aisle. I really want some mentos.

"Nathan you need to stop worrying," a familiar voice groans and I grin. It's Isla and Nathan!

"Is that queen Isla and king Nathan I hear?" I ask aloud and swing into the aisle. The pair instantly looms over with wide grins. An unfamiliar girl is beside them looking confused. "Is this a ruler of a neighboring kingdom?"

"What's happening?" the girl asks and Isla chuckles.

"Right sorry this is Reyna. We had a joke about being queens. Queen Reyna please meet queen Wednesday of joy," Isla introduces and Wednesday awkwardly bows.

"It's a pleasure," I say. "I'm glad I caught you guys again because I am about to set more bags of popcorn on fire with a new pyro friend, you should all come."

"Well I've got nothing better to do," Isla replies.

"Sounds like fun, sure I'll come," Wednesday says.

"Count me in," Nathan adds. This day just keeps getting better and better.

With candy in hand I strut to find the others and tell them of our new tag alongs.

"Hey Leah-" I stop short upon seeing Leah has Luna pinned to a freezer full of ice cream as they passionately kiss. Leah pulls away quickly and they both blush a bright red.

"Reyna hey, are you ready to go?" Leah casually asks.

"We were just gonna grab some ice cream!" Luna hastily cuts in.

"I'm just gonna check out now," I say managing to keep a giggle from escaping. "Grab some chocolate!"

As we stroll away Isla leans into me and lowers her voice.

"Who were they?"

"Oh that was my friend Leah and her girlfriend Luna," I answer.

"Who else is joining us besides them?" Wednesday inquires.

"Well the pyro would be Olivia, then we have perfect ray of sun Miakoda, photographer genius Autumn, and of course feisty new friend Gloria," I reply happily. I am really happy to be spending time with so many people beside the Cullen's. "Oh and my sister should be joining us too." I do feel suspicious and wary about Jacob dragging her off but I refuse to dwell on it.

"Wow since when are you queen of socialization?" Isla exclaims and laughs.

"You have more friends than I have ever had in my entire life," Nathan grumbles. I can't help but chuckle and shake my head.

"I just met most of them today actually and Nathan you can totally befriend all of them. You're a cute and nice guy with a sense of humor." Nathan grins at me and I side hug him.

I check out with the candy quickly and leave the store to find Gloria, Miakoda, and Autumn waiting with the popcorn and a lighter.

"Girls! Mind if some friends of mine join the fun?" I question brightly. Gloria smiles at Wednesday and Isla before looking Nathan up and down quizzically.

"Sure! The more the merrier," Autumn responds.

"I don't mind," Koda adds.

Just then Luna and Leah shuffle out of the store with a carton of chocolate ice cream and matching flushed looks.

"Yay we're all here! Let's go set things on fire!" Olivia cheers loudly and dashes back in the direction of the beach.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" Isla whispers to Nathan while Wednesday excitedly takes off after Olivia.

"The best time of our lives Isla. Just go with it."


Olivia made quick work of creating a large base fire in the sand and surrounding it with a circle off pebbles for "effect." It surprised me how good she is at efficiently making fires and admittedly made me jealous.


"So all we do now is throw he popcorn bags in and watch," Olivia declares and starts taking the plastic off the microwave popcorn. Autumn starts helping her so I back up to speak with Isla and Nathan. They seem more reserved to each other than Wednesday is.

"So when did you guys become friends?" I ask curiously and Isla's smile darkens.

"We aren't friends," she says and walks away from me and to where Wednesday is chatting with Gloria. Stunned I watch her and frown.

"Don't think too much of it. Isla has lost a lot of people she's close to so she doesn't like to admit we're close," Nathan assures and I nod in understanding. Isla seems so bright yet dimmed at the same time.

"I understand, losing people is really tough. I know the feeling," I murmur and hug my arms around myself. I wish Jade was here. I want to laugh with her about setting popcorn on fire and giggle over all the new people I'm meeting.

"If you don't mind me asking who have you lost?" It's a heavy question that I don't really want to answer.

"Four months ago my girlfriend died really suddenly." The forlorn look on Nathan's face is instant and empathetic. "Still hurts."

"God that's awful," he says after a minute and I sigh in relief. I am so glad he didn't apologize, I'm sick of people apologizing. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm getting by, I have my sister and my friends." I inhale deeply and wipe a stray tear. "Enough with the sad this is fun! We're being dumb teenagers and setting shit on fire. What's more fun than that?"

"I can think of a few things," Nathan counters and I playfully shove him. "But this is buckets of fun!"

"Thanks," I deadpan.

"Alright you guys ready?" Olivia questions loudly making Nathan and I turn to the fire. Olivia, Wednesday, Luna, Leah, Isla, and Gloria are all holding a bag of popcorn. Nathan and I quickly step into the circle around the fire and pick up bags as well. "Now!" All the bags land into the fire and smolder for a minute before catching flame. It's not long before the bags burn away and kernels start pulling everywhere.

Shrieks of laughter resound as we run around the fire dodging kernels and catching some to eat.

It isn't long before I realize I haven't been this happy in a long time.

"Reyna!" I look up from where I'm hiding behind Gloria to see Bella jogging up.

"Bells! Duck and cover!" I run to her and tackle her to the ground playfully. Bella barely laughs and shoves me off. I frown and look at her with concern. She's cradling her hand and looks absolutely furious. "What happened?"

"I punched Jacob in the face and broke my hand," she replies stoically. I quirk and eyebrow and stare. Why would she punch him?

"Why'd you punch him?" Bella sighs and gazes at me while biting her lip.

"He kissed me."

A/N: So fun chapter right? Lots of cool people and one new gal. Wednesday was made by funtaylor21215

Next chapter will have Jade I promise!

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