Stupid thing? I let out a sighed and text her back: What stupid thing, Lauren? What did you do? Oh please tell me it doesn't involve Joe! Please.

Lauren: I kissed him. I kissed him last night, Serena! It was a mistake, but he kissed me back. It was raining and it was nice. I liked the kiss a lot. I really like him.

Serena: Oh god, Laur. He has a girlfriend. What were you thinking?!

Lauren: I was thinking: There's this hot guy here why not kiss him? He's really nice, S! I really do like him...

Serena: I don't know what to say but this, if you TRULY like Joe than you need to talk to him.

Lauren: What it he doesn't like me?

Serena: I know he does, but if he says he doesn't, it's his lose.

Lauren: Thank you, Rena. That made me feel so much better 😊

Serena: You're welcome. Text or call me and tell me how it goes.

Lauren: Kay.

I let out a sigh and switched my phone off. What the hell was Lauren thinking?! Joe had a girlfriend, and she has taken a liking to him. I have a feeling this is going to be messy. Not just for her but myself.

I pushed that all to the back of my mind and put my drawings in my bedroom. As I went down the stairs I could hear the beeping of the microwave. Fuck. Jason must be back. When I entered the kitchen he was sitting at the island eating some leftover food.

"Don't just stand there, Serena. Eat something." Jason said without even looking at me. But his voice was cold and rude like. I grabbed an apple and started eating it. "Your friend came by Joe's today."

"Okay, so what?" I questioned. Jason made my blood boil, he really knew how to get me going.

"Well after I left he texted me and told me she was there. Than later texted he might break up with Heather for Lauren." Damn it. This is kinda- okay mostly- my fault.

"Well sorry. I can't control how people feel or what they do. So I'm sorry." I rolled my eyes and finished my apple. I walked out to the garbage and there the apple core out. When I turned around Jason was right there. "Fuck, you scared me." My hand was over my chest.

"You should really stop fucking swear. My bride shouldn't swear." Jason told me with his arms crossed. Well whatever.

"Oh stop, Jason. I won't swear out in public with you. I have to act like a Manning wife."

"That you do." Jason told me.

I walked out to the fridge and opened it. I grabbed a shake out of the fridge and started drinking it. I walked to the living room and turned on the tv as I sat on the couch.

I fell asleep on the couch but was awoken by knocking from the front door. I sat up and stretched. I heard the door opened.

"Jason!" Two girls squealed.

"We came to see you!"

"My favourite girls." Jason said. "Let's go up to my room."

Shit. I hope his tramps wouldn't see me. I heard footsteps going up the stairs and to Jason's room, once I heard the door close I started walking up the stairs to the library. I heard loud moans and rolled my eyes. Once I was in the library I sat on the couch I was on earlier today.

Grabbing a book I dimmed the lights and started reading. My eyes scanned each and every word, taking in everything about this book and every that was happening in the book. My eyes began to grow heavy as I laid down fully and the book dropped out of my hand.

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