Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


The room temperature dropped dramatically causing goosebumps to rise of Magnus’ arms. His breath escaped in a cloud of white. Victoria’s body was shaking wildly and tendrils of gold were escaping from her fingers. The one hundred other beds that lined the room began to rise into the air as did the nightstands and chairs. The very earth that they stood on began to shake, and a low rumble echoed throughout the room.

“Her aura is out of control!” Magnus shouted over the roar. Marethyu rushed forward and grabbed one of Victoria’s trembling hands with his one good hand. Sophie did the same.

“We’re going to have to put a tap on it!” Marethyu yelled at his sister. She nodded.

An electrical charge went through everyone’s bodies causing Sophie’s blonde hair to rise off her back and sparks to bounce off of everyone’s clothing. Magnus watched Victoria hoping that there would be no sign of pain as they stifled her aura. Sweat began to breakout on Sophie and Marethyu’s brows, and they gritted their teeth together. Slowly the temperature became normal and the furniture crashed to the ground causing Magnus to flinch.

Sophie fell to her knees in exhaustion and there was a small gray streak in her bangs that slowly became blonde again. Marethyu picked his sister up and laid he on the bed next to Victoria. Sophie fell instantly asleep.

“What was that?” Isabelle gasped as she stared in shock at Victoria.

“You know that whole aura thing I started telling you about?” Magnus replied. Isabelle nodded. “Well that is what happens when a very powerful aura starts to slip out of control."

An aura? I have heard of such a thing, but it is mainly used as a metaphor.

"That is only used by those who don't know what they're talking about," Magnus barked before letting out a sigh. "An aura is basically someone's life force. If you use too much of it, well you die. Some can draw energy from talismans, but most are wise and try to use as little of their aura as possible.”

“Is Victoria’s aura killing her Magnus?” Isabelle asked.

“No. I.. uh... maybe it is best if you handle this Nicholas,” Magnus suggested. He gestured for the gray-haired man to step forward, and take his place beside Victoria. He was silent for a few moments before kneeling near Victoria and taking her blood-stained hand with his.

“Victoria has the rarest aura, it’s pure gold. If you would indulge me for a moment I would like you all to take a big whiff of the air, please.” Magnus watched Alec’s nostrils flare and his eyebrows scrunch together. “Tell me, what do you smell, Alexander?”

Alec’s blue eyes widened before hardening again. “Blood and... and oranges?” Nicholas smiled at him.

“Very good. What you smell is Victoria’s aura. Now when you smell mine,” a globe of green light spilled into his hand and the smell of peppermint masked the smell of oranges and blood, “you smell peppermint. My aura is green, and I chose to have it smell of peppermint. Now each and everyone of you has different colored aura. I suspect that some of you may have multi colored ones and others may not. If I could demonstr-” Nicholas was cut off as a force threw him against the wall.                

Perenelle rushed to Nick's side. His body slid to the floor with a thud and he gave a small moan. The witchlights in the sconces began to flicker before going out completely. The only light came from the outside fall sky that leaked in through the window. A loud bang rang through the halls of the Institute.

"What was that?" Clary whispered her breath coming in white puffs. There was silence in the Infirmary, all that was heard was the sharp intake of Victoria's labored breathing.

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