Chapter Fifteen: Marethyu

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I AM SO SORRY THAT IT HAS TAKEN A YEAR FOR ME TO UPDATE I FEEL AWFUL ABOUT IT. I also know that this part isn't very long but we do get to learn a little bit more stuff.

Thanks for sticking with me.



Chapter Fifteen: Marethyu

Marethyu was finding it hard to believe that all of this could have happened so fast. One moment Victoria was a bright and vibrant hero and the next she was just gone, now being twisted by the Earth itself. He'd known for a long time that this would happen, that she would be consumed, but it was one thing to know and another witness and ally become an enemy by no will of their own. He'd always known that Victoria's path would end with darkness and suffering and he'd done his best for the past thousands of years to train her soul no matter what form it took, to fight off the impending doom that always shadowed her once bright future. The Lost Princess of Rome or respectfully Romeldale, Marethyu was painfully aware of the title that had sealed Victoria's fate many millennia ago. Romeldale too had fallen into darkness, something else Marethyu had been powerless to stop. The fate of Romeldale is what led to this exact moment where Marethyu shed his traditional form that many fear to his original form of Josh Newmen from San Francisco, who now wandered the silent streets of Brooklyn. Nothing felt right anymore, the Earth trembled and laughed under his feet while twisting with rot and decay. How could everything have gone so wrong?

Josh remembered what Victoria had been like back in Romeldale, she and her family were a beacon of light in a time where the Elders and Gods' greed had once again begun to corrupt the good that humans could create. The humans who had occupied Romeldale in Victoria's lifetime had been very distant descendants of those who survived the fall of Danu Talis, the previous home of all life in the Earth Realm. Those who had survived, abandoned the Earth Realm and left it to the Elders, who also abandoned it, leaving it to grow into the big round blue and green planet it was today.

Romeldale had been a realm of its own, created by Josh's sister and her close allies who sought to give the humans a new start away from the Elders and their superiority complex.

Josh laughed lightly as he thought back to the time long ago when he wasn't yet aware of his vast knowledge and argued that Sophie would be changing history by creating a new world. That was the moment that Aether, this silver hook that acted as his hand showed him Romeldale's future and Earth's past being intertwined because that was how it always had been even if he hadn't known it. Sophie had been terrified when she saw the distant glazed look in his eyes as Josh had lived all of history; everyone's past, present, and future all at once in a brief passing moment. Josh remembered what he'd said as well as the distant stoniness of his own voice.

"Romeldale must rise and Romeldale must falls.

For only victory can emerge from such tragedy"

His sister had looked so sad to see him change so much in a matter of seconds because Josh was no longer there, only Marethyu, Death remained as well as this vast knowledge of space and time. But Sophie took his words in stride.

"All worlds rise and fall, all that matters is the impact they make and the legacy they leave behind, because it is the past that changes the future."

Marethyu couldn't help but wonder if this would be one of those many times where the world would fall again, because no matter how many times he tried over many thousands of years he could not see past the rise of Gaea and the fall of Victoria, now he was merely stuck wandering aimlessly like any other creature. All futures collided at this one moment Marethyu was walking into.

A lone smartly dressed figure stood lazily with his hands in his pockets outside of the abandoned Java Jones. Everything after the dark figure was uncharted territory, and the figure that stood with his back toward Marethyu was a being he hadn't seen personally since the figure had caused the fall of Romeldale and Victoria and William's cursed painful cursed existence.

"Marethyu," the man practically purred upon Marethyu's arrival.

"Erlik," Marethyu greeted coolly. The two dark figures who normally would have seen out of place in a city such as New York looked right at home in the streets that were now shadowed by the weight of the worlds twisted core. The God of Death turned to face Marethyu, his normally carefree and sadistic face now carried a look of worry. The god's dark eyebrows were furrowed over his bloodshot black eyes while his mouth was set in a grim frown.

"I presume you already know why I'm here," Erlik reckoned.

"Actually no," Marethyu admitted. "For the first time in years I do not know what will happen next." It felt odd confessing weakness to a being that started the Black Plague just for laughs, but there was no way out of it, either he knew what Erlik wanted or he didn't.

"Well that's certainly shocking," Erlik confessed, a small smile spreading across that god's face. "But that's beside the point I want to know what we are going to do about my sweet Princess Victoria being swept away by a harbinger evil and lust as well as a Psychotic Earth Goddess."

Sounds like he's describing himself, Marethyu thought.

"Why should you care? Don't you live to see her brutalized?"

"Because she's my wife and no one gets to brutalize her soul besides me."


yeah so there it is. Again sorry its so short. Whelp Let me know what you thought in the comments below. Any theories about this new figure Erlik and his relationship with Victoria.

What about Marethyu??

As always I love you all! 

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