Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ringo slowly let his eyes blink open, and he let himself get his bearings. After a moment, he shot up, and stared at his surroundings. He was still in that hotel room from what seemed like so long ago. He glanced at his finger; the ring was gone. 

Somebody sat up next to him, and he realized it was George, then Paul and John were awake, rubbing their heads.

The four glanced at each other, each having a question on their minds.

"A dream?" Paul asked after a moment.

"About a ring, right? Thodron and Rathiard?" George asked, everyone nodded. 

"An identical dream?" John asked. Everyone shrugged.

"The ring is gone," Ringo announced, "At least it's not stuck."

"I wonder, have we really been laying here for three days or something?" Paul asked, no one had an answer. 

Suddenly the door to the room burst open, and an impatient Brian burst in.

"Come along, boys! We have our press conference, and then it's off to Washington! What are you laying there on the floor for?" Brian stared down at them, confused, and the Beatles stared at each other.

"Washington?" George asked, puzzled.

"When was Ed's show?" Paul questioned, and Brian stared at him.

"Why... Last night. Do you feel alright, Paul?" Brian asked, and Paul nodded quickly.

"Oh, yeah!" Paul smiled, but his smiled faded as he looked at the others.

"Well, come on!" Brian commanded, "I'll be right outside."

Brian excited the room, and the four Beatles helped each other stand on shaky legs. 

"It can't have been real." Paul decided.

"No, but it gives me some ideas," John grinned, "Songs and things." 

"We could make it into a movie, for a laugh," George said seriously.

"Oh yeah. I can see it now! Brand new Beatle movie! Ringo's name for a reason! Deadly ring stuck on Ringo's finger! Can they save themselves!?" John laughed.

"Well, anyway, let's go along. Brian's right, it's time to go." Ringo smiled at his friends, and then left the room, Paul right behind him.

George and John stood in the room, and George commented, "It seemed so real."

"Yeah, lad, but it really couldn't have been..." John scratched at his hat, and then sighed, "What's this now?"

John reached under his hat, and felt a paper tucked in the brim. He pulled it out and unfolded it. 

"It's a note." he commented.

"Read it!" George urged, and John nodded.

"I guess you're home now. I know what you must think of me, and of our land, but I tell you this: It is quite a beautiful place, and if you ever were to return, I promise I would only do my best to make it the best for you. The chance of the four of you being able to come back is highly unlikely, but I don't lie when I say I'd like to get to know you four and become your comrade. I wish you the best of luck in your 'band' and may peace and happiness find you.

With the utmost hope for a good future, 


John felt his hands drop to his sides, and the note flutter to the floor in a shocked silence.

George picked it up and read it, then commented, "So it was real."

John said nothing, but tore the paper into a million little shreds.

"Wait!" George cried, "Now Paul and Ringo will never know!"

"Good," John replied, "Some things are best left forgotten, left unknown. But we'll never forget, Georgie. We'll never forget, and we'll just keep on remembering how it was peaceful, and nice, and evil. Nothing's all good, and that place was no exception. Yet wouldn't it be nice to go back, George? Wouldn't it be nice?"

George watched John stare intently at him, and George realized something deep inside himself, "Yeah, it would." he told John.

"Come on, we should be going." John opened the door to the room, and George excited out to his friends.

John noticed a clock on the wall. Nine minutes had passed since they'd first left. Nine minutes, and in those nine minutes something had happened that would change his life forever.

Then, he too went to stand with the other Beatles, remembering a place that could only be from his dreams. But it was real, and he could never go back. But he could try. He and George could try. 

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