Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ringo groaned and again weakly pulled against the chains. As expected, they didn't budge. 

He hadn't quite known what to think of what had happened just a little while earlier, whether it had been a horrible dream or reality, but he had a feeling it was real. The ache in his body said so. 

He didn't know what Rathiard was trying to accomplish by that flash of lighting as a response to Ringo's question about letting him go. 

'Maybe it was a kindness to put me out of me misery sooner,' Ringo thought ruefully, but then pushed these thoughts aside. 'Oi lads, where are you? Why can't you know that's not me?' 


The morning light streamed onto Rathiard's face, and he sat up. It seemed he was the first one awake again, and he decided to get himself some food. When he stood, his eyes traveled to see Paul, who was nearest, and Rathiard smiled.

Paul didn't suspect him. Paul wasn't being clever, but he was being quite smart. It was not smart to suspect him. 

Rathiard had heard John's discussion with Paul before he had fallen asleep, and he now knew that John knew his secret. Paul would be sorry that he hadn't trusted John, but not as sorry as John would be for telling Paul about the magic in the woods. As far as Rathiard knew, George had no idea what was going on. Sure Rathiard had fallen asleep when Paul had returned, but when he had woken again, it appeared as though George hadn't moved. 

Rathiard headed outside, spotting a rabbit that went dashing into the bushes. At first he thought of how he wasn't supposed to eat meat because he was 'Ringo', but then he shrugged and shot some magic through the air. Moments later he entered the bushes to pick up the dead rabbit, and he silently roasted it on a fire. He then ate it, pensively thinking about how to handle John and make sure George didn't find out Rathiard’s secret.

"Hey, Ringo? Where'd you go?" Paul's voice cut through the morning air, and Rathiard quickly doused the fire. 

"Hello Paul, just getting a look at the sunrise. Isn't it pretty here?" Rathiard smiled, and Paul nodded. 

"Yeah I think so," he agreed, "I just wanted to check up on you. George and John are ready to go, but John claims that the way we were going won't work. He says we'll have to back track a bit, and you know John. There's no changing his stubborn mind."

"Oh really?" Rathiard asked Paul, following him back to the cave, and Paul shrugged. 'We'll see about that.' Rathiard said to himself, and then they met up with the other two Beatles.

"Shall we go?" George asked quietly, and Paul nodded.

"Yes let's. Lead on John." Paul sighed, and John turned, surprised to find Rathiard nearly right behind him.

"I heard we're going back a bit," Rathiard questioned him, cheerful, though with an edge. 

John paled, but nodded, "Yes, the way we're headed simply won't work. Come on," he was about to walk around Rathiard, when he suddenly realized he couldn't move. He tried to open his mouth, but found he couldn't speak. Panic washed over him, and he turned his eyes to stare at Rathiard, whose eyes bore into his. He tried to think, talk, anything, but he was unable to communicate, and then his whole world faded to white, and then black...


George glanced at John with worry. He was just standing there, staring at Rathiard, and then suddenly he proclaimed, "You know what, I must have been wrong. The way we were going is just fine. Let's carry on." John smiled, and he started to head down the path, and George stared after him in shock.

"You? You were wrong, John?" George called after him, and John looked back

"Well, there's a first time for anything, isn't there lad?" John smiled, "Come on!" 

Paul shrugged his shoulders, and then followed after John, Rathiard right behind, George staring after them in shock. After a moment he ran to catch up with John and he whispered to him:

"What about our plan? What about going after Ringo?" George hissed, and John laughed.

"What do you mean? Ringo's right here." John whispered back, "Why are we whispering, by the way?" 

"We are whispering because we agreed last night that that isn't Ringo, that's Rathiard, remember? We were going to save the real Ringo today!" George whispered sharply, and John rolled his eyes. "Have you forgotten or something? What's wrong with you John?"

"Nothing wrong with me, lad, you seem to be the one with the problem. I haven't got a clue what you're talking about, not in the faintest, but Ringo is right here, and going back doesn't sound much like you. I thought you wanted to be getting home."

George eyed John warily, and then he said, "Yes, alright John. I guess I was thinking about something from a long time ago or something. Just forget I said anything."

"I already have," John grinned, and then he marched ahead. 

Paul and Rathiard passed George, laughing merrily about something, and Paul asked, "Why'd you stop Geo?"

"Oh, no reason," George replied, "Just waiting for you two. I'm ready." George silently followed after Paul and Rathiard, his mind racing.

What had happened to John? It was because of Rathiard; George was sure, but why? Did Rathiard know that John suspected him? If he did, wouldn't he know that George knew he wasn't Ringo as well? What was Rathiard using against John, mind control? And how could George help Ringo? The real Ringo. He had to get to him very, very soon, he knew, but how?

"You seem to be deep in thought," Rathiard suddenly appeared next to George, and George had to restrain himself from jumping.

"No more than usual," George replied.

"Well it seems to me that it is more than usual. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Rathiard questioned George, and George glared back at him.

"That's my business," George replied.

"Well you know it's all of our business if it's something that could affect the group." 

"Well as a matter of fact there is something." George glanced at Rathiard, and Rathiard seemed to grow very curious.

"Yes?" he asked

"You know, I don't think John is behaving like he normally would. For example, a little while ago he said that he wanted to go back a bit, an' then he completely changed his mind. Totally. Have you noticed anything strange about John, Ringo?" George asked quietly.

"Um.... No, but I'll certainly keep my eyes open and tell you if I notice anything," Rathiard said quickly.

"It's probably nothing, but he just seemed unusual. That's all," George shrugged, and then watched as Rathiard hurried off to talk to Paul.  

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