Chapter 3

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One of the men holding up a shining silver sword growled something that sounded vaguely like: "Djisincjos kdndomen inabsdk isnnfuinsn?" and the four Beatles glanced at each other as of asking: 'Did you understand him? No? How about you?'

"Erm, sorry to 'ave bothered you, but we really must be on our way," George declared after a moment, but a sharp poke from a sword quickly made the youngest Beatle forget the thought of leaving this mass of weaponry. 

"Englishest," one of them muttered to another, and the one in front called loudly: "Thodron!" 

A very old man tottered to the front of the group, and spoke a few words to the one who appeared to be the leader. After a moment or so, he approached the Beatles. When he saw them, his face had shock written all over it, but after a moment he regained his stoic posture, and he began talking quietly. 

"So strangers," he rasped out in an ancient voice, "I am told that you speak the tongue of Englishmen. What is your purpose in Florgensorth?" 

The Beatles glanced at each other, and then Paul asked, "Florgensorth? Is that where we are? And yes, we do speak English."

"Yes, you have arrived in Florgensorth, what is your purpose here? Our quaint village has not had the visit of the Englishmen in centuries, but the last that came had a purpose here." The man told them.

"Quaint, that’s one word for the place," John laughed, and the man glared at him.

"Um, well we don't have a ‘purpose’; we'd just like to figure out what we're doing here." Paul interrupted John, hoping these people could help. 

"Every Englishman has had a purpose!" The man insisted, and the Beatles glanced at each other.

"Um, okay, we'll I'm not too sure what ours is, but where exactly is Florgensorth?" Ringo asked, and suddenly one the men gasped, and pointed to the wooden ring that Ringo was wearing.

"Wenjsjnrn rionduikdm!" he declared, and everyone else stared at Ringo in shock. 

"What?" Ringo exchanged a glance with his friends, who were clearly as confused as he was.

"You wearest the Ring of Veldt!" the old man exclaimed, and Ringo shrugged.

"I do? I just found this in my 'otel room is all, but it somehow has me name on it, see?" he pointed to his name, and again the old man gasped. 

"The Ring of Veldt has chosen you to complete it task!" the man told Ringo, who looked confused.

"What?" he asked and the man shrugged.

"I don't know what, but the Ring of Veldt is aware that something is going to happen to you!"

"Wait, wha' is this 'Veldt' thing you keep talking about?" Paul asked finally.

"I was wondering the same thing," George told Ringo quietly.

"Why Veldt is where you live, isn't it? Or I guess you Englishman call it Earth, don't you?" the man said simply, and the Beatles stated at each other.

"...This isn't Earth?" Ringo asked. 

The man looked shocked that he'd ask such a thing, and he shook his head. 

"Have you really never been informed of the ring?" he asked, "I heard from the last travelers that the ring was being forgotten, but I thought everyone was still informed about it."

The Beatles didn't say anything, so the man continued.

"Well then, I will tell you. The ring is a connection between our two worlds. Earth, as the men from Britannia eventually called it, and this world: Golithiadth. The ring was created by a man from Golithiadth, and he traveled to Veldt and arrived in a place called Dansk. There, he talked to some local people, who gave him their langue, and he added it to the ring, making it possible for anyone with the ring to go between the two places. He tried to go home, but found the ring did what it wanted, and instead it took him to a land ruled by men called Angles and Saxons. He also took the langue from there, and finally the ring took him home. The ring travels between the three peoples on its own accord, and goes to people who it knows will have something important to do here. One man per village is required to speak all three languages, and that would be me. 

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