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Darkness surrounds me everywhere.

I'm alone in every sense except for the sound of a constant beeping.

I try to lift my feet to walk towards the beeping but I could not. My feet were like the roots of a tree, firmly planted. I'm drowning in darkness, it consumes me, it's all I am, all I see, why?

I just lay there, for what seems like seconds but could easily have been years until I hear something.

A tight grip on my hand.

My eyes search the darkness for this person, could they lead me to my escape?
I stare further and further into the darkness to see... light.

By focusing on the light it increases, a small candle flicker of a light shone to a industrial size blaze.

I turn towards it and approach the end of the tunnel. A bright light meets me at either side and I fade out of consciousness. The tunnel shuts without a warning and leaves me alone in the darkness once again.


When I wake the second time I look around and see darkness again. But this is not the darkness I'm acquainted with.

In this darkness I am able to see the walls and not an never ending void of black.
This darkness holds furniture; a chair in the far corner of the room, a bedside table with a fresh vase of peonies and... an IV and heart monitor?

My eyes settle down on my attire, I'm wearing a white dress, a hospital gown at that. My feet lay bare and my arms except for a cord stuck into my wrist and a wrist band with a wire. I follow the wire and cord, my eyes lead back up to the IV bag and heart monitor.

So this was for me.

The sudden realisation causes my heart rate to fluctuate; my heart pumps erratically, I breathe slowly to try and calm my nerves but the sudden truth that I am in a hospital bed with no idea why causes my mouth to run drier and my heart to beat faster.

I cling to the sides of the bed trying to settle the panic in my throat and the violent breathes leaving my lips.

At the frenzied sound of the heart monitor a group of nurses burst through the door, all of them hovering over me trying to settle my erratic heart.

They clamber about, one tampers with the heart monitor, one refills the IV bag, the other just stands there, writing on their clipboard and another tries to calm me down, she breathes in and out slowly and heavily then motions for me to do the same.

Eventually I settle and without a word being exchanged, they leave me alone again.

The steady beep of the heart monitor runs again, the silence joint with the periodic beeps reminds me of minutes earlier when I was encompassed in darkness with that sound being the only thing keeping me sane.

There's a soft rap on the door this time before its pushed open. A figure emerges from the illuminated hallway into my dark room. The figure travels to my bedside table and flips the lamp on.

The sudden illumination of the room allows me to take in his features. My eyes settle on his face, he has dark brown eyes, almost black, short black hair, a small slightly crooked nose and thin lips.

The man inches closer to me and brushes the strands of hair that dropped to my face in the midst of my fit, his fingers brush my cheek, the touch that is meant to be loving makes my skin twitch with uncertainty.

"Hey, are you okay?" His voice is unexpectedly rough, with his short build and lack of muscles I was expecting a gentler tone.

I try to speak but my voice stays in my throat. It's as if I haven't drank in years. I try to speak again but a round of coughs erupt from me.

The man takes a seat beside my bed and places a rough hand on my hand, stoking my dorsal of my hand with his thumb.
"Hey, hey. Here," The unknown man hands me a plastic cup of water with a straw. "drink this."

After placing the straw to my cracked lips and taking a sip, I turn to the man and ask him what's been plaguing my mind since I saw him.

"W-who are you?"

My words seem to shock him as he yanks his hands from my own.

He stares at me with wide unbelieving eyes for a minute.

After that phase of shock that came to the man, he started a newer and angrier phase. Denial.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" He paces up and down the small hospital room violently, tugging at his hair furiously and murmuring to himself.

"Please, stop, " I call out to him, his pacing making me antsy, "I'm sorry but I don't remember you. I can barely remember me."

"Of course you know who I am! I did not go through all this just for you to lose your fucking memory!" And with that he storms out of the room slamming the door behind him.


The pacing man had left hours ago and the only company I get is from the flurry of nurses who come and go wordlessly every half hour to check on me.

But before the nurse leaves she turns to me and says "Doctor Victor should see you shortly."
Then closes the door behind her.

It takes about two minutes for me to identify the doctor that the nurse talked about.

A woman wearing a lanyard with a ID card with the words 'Dr Lianne Victor' enters the room. The woman is of a light brown complexion and about five feet and seven inches in height. Her raven hair is straight and swishes in her ponytail as she walks calmly towards me.

"Oh Mrs Palmer," she smiles brightly at me, with all her teeth on show, "you're awake." Her brown eyes flicker around the room a moment before a look of confusion settles on her face "Where is Mr Palmer? Has he left already?"

"H-He just left."

"Oh. Well I guess I can tell you whilst you're alone." A frown settling on her face before she clears it away to smile at me again.

"Mrs Palmer, I'm sorry to say, but you have amnesia."


It is wonderful seeing you again chapter 1 is on its way. But just a little note from me "dorsal" is the back of the hand. Kaily wrote that part and when I told her to remove it she refused. So that's for all us commoners who do not like to spend their homework time googling synonyms for random words.

I do my homework! Just not at home. Anyways picture at the top is Lily Collins who plays Rosaline Palmer.

Au revoir mes petit filous







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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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