❤️Chapter 7❤️

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Finally after 4 days of not writing i finally did this ❤️ 😂 okay enjoy.

Y/n's POV

I really wanna go up to him but i'm scared.

Okay so i started walking just trying to act normal and looking around for any danger.

He starts looking at me.

I smiled and started jogging up to him, "Hey!" I sigh.

"Hi" he smiles back.

"So are you alone here?" I ask

"Yeah, basically i got no one to be with" he looks away.

"Ah you can stay with me and Tobi over there if you want?" I point to Tobi .

"Sure" he gets up and starts walking with me. "So what is your name?"

"My name is y/n what's yours?" I look down and walk a bit faster

"Harry" he giggles .

He is just so cute and nice i'm about to cry, i start to blush and he puts his hand around me and asks me whats wrong.

"Im fine i just get a bit nervous meeting new people." I look up to him.

"Ahh ok lets sit down " he looks at Tobi "Hey"

"Hey" Tobi turns over to him and gives him a nod.

Me and Harry had eye contact for a bit.

I just feel like we got some kind of connection ok ok, i know we only just met but ive found him cute since i first saw how he looked like.

"Guys we should really start walking now" Tobi looked frustrated.

We started walking, what was wrong with Tobi he just seemed so strange when he said this.

"Y/n can i talk to you?" Tobi mumbles.

Aye chapter 7 here idk this chapter is so shit only 1 POV im sorry okay i just havent had enough sleep. 😩

Contagious// Wroetoshaw ffWhere stories live. Discover now