Chapter 14

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Daniel PoV


I started packing my bags.
I was leaving sooner than I thought and the even vision of being with Bryson killed me.
I wasn't leaving till 3 weeks so that gave me time to talk to him.
I mean I care about him a lot but I have to think of what's best for me.
I was stuffing some clothes into my bag but I stopped as I saw my little sister walk into the room.

Dasia:hey danni(smiles)

Danni:hey Dasia

I continued packing.
I had a lot on my mind.
I just wanted time to think.

Dasia:why you look so sad?? Your going to the dance school you always wanted to go to since you knew how to your acting like it's a disease(laughs)

Danni:it just....I did want to go but then I met Bryson and my life here seemed to be going so smooth and good.....

I looked down stopping in the middle of my packing.

Dasia:listen can't make your life....I mean sure you have an opportunity of a lifetime....but you can always go so summer.....and cheer while your ins cho like last what you wanna do not what mom wants you to do

Dasia hugged me before walking out my room.
I sat down and thought.
Maybe she was right....

Bryson Pov

Everyone cheered for me as I finished performing.
I made my way off the stage to where timberland was sitting.
His body guards put a red rope around him because of all the girls trying to get him to sign autographs.
Thanks to Tae and peanut everybody knew he was here.
I sat down at the table and shook his hand.

Timberland:aye mike(bodyguard)get everyone out here I need to talk to Bryson

Mike nodded.
He motioned for everybody to leave out of there giving me and him privacy .
After everyone was gone we got down to business.

Timberland:listen Bryson....I can't believe you have such a great voice.....I mean your voice is....incredible and the songs you make.....are real....


Timberland:listen I have to be back in Miami tonight....but I would love to sign you and make you a part of my I know it's all coming so fast......but here's the contract(hands Bryson a paper) all i need is for you to think about it and sign it.....then give me a call and I'll have you out in Miami making music in no time.....just think about it

I was in shock.
I couldn't believe this was happening to me.
I stood up and shook timberland hand.
I grabbed  the paper and headed out.
But I couldn't even be exited.
Because this could mean leaving danni.....


Gm:im so proud of you baby.......really I am...(kisses Bryson on the cheek)

Bryson:thanks grandma.....(smiles)

Bryson:so tomorrow night I'm inviting the whole family over for a cookout....let's tell everyone your news ok....and you can even invite Daniel

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