What was he even doing with this girl?


 The sun had begun its descent by the time Lev and Lucky actually took off in search of their adventure. Caddy had kept on talking—she was catching up due to missing Zora that morning.

"Alright, we have to be off." Zora grinned at Caddy and pulled her into a hug. "I apologize for running off like this, but we must arrive at our destination before it is too late in the day."

Hugging was something that Lev noticed Zora did a lot of and that was unnerving. People didn't really touch each other affectionately very much back home. Why didn't they do that? Lev wasn't used to it, but if he'd grown up expressing affection that way or receiving affection—what was this affection?—then perhaps he would be used to it and not so put off whenever given to him.

"Come back tomorrow!" Caddy waved at them, wisely choosing not to hug Lev. Kennedy smiled from where she was behind the counter.

"We shall endeavor to."

Out the doors and into the quiet light of the hours before darkness.

"That took much longer than I expected, but that is quite alright." Zora skipped a bit then stopped to look back at him. "Do you know why it was alright?"

Would he admit he didn't? That would be better than coming off as foolish if he answered affirmatively then was further tested. "No."

"It was alright because it was people. Always make time in your busy day for people—even if they cause you to be late for or miss something. Sometimes being with the people before us is more important than whatever we have our jolly minds set on."

"Hmm." He supposed he could understand that. It made sense, in a way. Nobody had ever done that for him. Except, perhaps, the sisters. They'd taken him in instead of preparing their shop for the day. He supposed that was what Zora meant by being with the people around rather than being focused on oneself. "I could do that."

"Could you?" She grinned and looked up at the sky as they walked. "That is most excellent. I hope your words come true. There is nothing more satisfying than loving people around you."

Inner turmoil sent the clouds rolling into Lev's heart. Did he know what that meant? Loving people around him? It seemed a bit complicated. He wasn't sure he could do that, actually. But he had to have answers of some sort, even if they weren't the ones he was originally searching for. "How do you do that?"


He took a deep breath, trying to calm his heartbeat. "Love people."

Zora smacked her lips together and continued walking. Had she heard him?


"I am utilizing my mind for once, Lev. Please do not interrupt while I think."

"Oh." He felt bad for not realizing that.

They passed through a tunnel and Zora ran her hand along the stones. "I believe that loving people can only be understood through actions, not so much words. I cannot explain to you what it means to love people, Lev. You can only learn through actions."

"Are you going to teach me?"

"You merely have to observe, Lev. What I did back there with Caddy was an example of loving those around you. I charge you to do the same. Answers to any important questions in life will not come easily. You must realize that."

"I want answers to come easily though." He groaned a massaged his forehead. "It's ridiculous that they don't. What if answers never come? What if I'm stuck here?"

Intention Man (title in progress)Where stories live. Discover now