Chapter 30: Check Mate

Start from the beginning


"Quit being so careless!" Weiss scolded. "You only have one pawn left!"

"But you said the pawns weren't very important," the young brunette reasoned.

"That doesn't mean you should meaninglessly sacrifice them," the heiress argued.

Ruby shrugged. "Nothing comes easy."

Weiss gave her a confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sometimes, victory requires sacrifice," Ruby responded simply.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means... Check, and... Mate." Ruby moved her pieces swiftly and smoothly, scooping up Weiss' king in a flash. The heiress had wasted her moves on taking out the pawns within her reach, effectively giving Ruby free reign of the board.

"I can't believe my flipping eyes," Weiss gasped. "I'm the best chess player in the family."

"Well, I'm not family," Ruby replied, holding the white king up to her face and examining it like it was a trophy.

"True..." Weiss hopelessly ran a hand through her ponytail. "I shouldn't have expected anything less. It seems things haven't changed."

"Huh?" Ruby had no idea what she was talking about. Didn't they tie the last time they had a competition?

"Nothing important," Weiss brushed her off. "Except that I demand a rematch!"

"You're on!" Ruby agreed, fire burning in her eyes.

The youngest Schnee in the bloodline gritted her teeth. "This time, I won't lose."


"You know what?!" Weiss slammed her knight on the table, causing a loud clinking noise. "We're taking this to the mat. Beat me once, shame on me. Beat me twice, I kick your ass!"

Ruby shrank in her seat, but she knew better than to resist. When Weiss stood up and clipped stiffly out of the room, she followed begrudgingly.

"Wait here." Weiss went into her room and shut the door with a slam. Ruby cringed and whimpered pathetically. Oh man, she thought nervously. What is she gonna do to me, stab me and then serve me as a Ruby kabob to the rest of her savage family? I'll be cooked on a spit. I don't wanna be medieval pork roast...


The brunette squeaked and jumped around to face whomever had snuck up on her. Unsurprisingly, it was Blake.

"Heh. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you like that." The raven-haired girl calmly looked down on her little friend. "Is Weiss bullying you? I heard yelling, then a slam, and now I see you shut out of her room."

"Not exactly," Ruby replied sheepishly. "I kinda beat her at chess a bunch of times and made her mad. ...Have you ever eaten her victims for dinner? Answer me honestly."

Blake laughed. "Of course not. The worst thing she's ever actually done to someone is sue them out of their property."

Ruby looked like she was going to faint.

"Whoa, whoa, I wasn't saying she was actually going to do that!" Blake put an arm out to steady her. "Look, Weiss hasn't hurt you yet, and considering how long you've been together, that's saying something. I wouldn't worry if I were you."

"Not, like, together-together," Ruby stuttered. "I dunno. She seemed really ticked off."

"Then let her blow off some steam," the cat Faunus suggested. "We all get angry and then let out our emotion at some point in our lives."

"But don't you have nine?" Ruby whispered, sending herself into a giggle fit.

Blake glared at her with all the menace she could muster, which was a lot. "I'm warning you, y-"

Weiss opened the door at that instant. She was fully garbed in her fencing gear and held a rapier Ruby had never seen before. It had its own sheath and looked really fancy, which she didn't find to be surprising.

"Blake?" The heiress looked just as irritated as she had before shutting the door. "Whatever. Leave us alone. This is between us."

Blake put up her hands and backed down the hallway quickly, knowing better than to argue.

"Blake, noooo!" Ruby wailed as she dropped to her knees. "You're my only hope!"

"You're coming with me," Weiss growled, grabbing Ruby's arm roughly and literally dragging her across the floor.

AN: dun dun duuuuun!

Idk. C u in the next chapter! I don't think I need to say the rest, yalls know the drill.

Oh wait! It's chapter 30! How the heckles did I get this far without quitting? Wow! Thanks for all your support! Couldn't have made it without you guys! <3

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