chapter 2

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The floating palace
Owner: luxrion frozenleaf
Weapons :long artilleries,filled with runes and the surrounding are filled with different kinds of legendary tier array formations, self sustainable, heavy guarded by metals golems, etc.

Change: the tribes will be change into clans

Third person's pov.
When Luxrion became 6 he mined the one under his room only to find a inexhaustable mine of legendary to God rank.

So he made his armors and weapons. The armor's color are light blue with a ruby sculpt into a leaf with difine details. The leaf are surrounded by a different type of runes.

On his back,a diamonds wings attached. On his weapons,he uses a bloodstone on the arrowheads and a silver Steels body. On his swords he uses the diamonds and black adamine ores. His weapons are made from gravitinium ores and other legendary to godly ores.
Like that he got a 10000 set of armors with is full of runes and arrays.

All of that refit on his sized..
" mother,where are we going??" Luxrion asked his mother.

"Where going to my friend's city she is neutral and got a crowned imperial prince as her husband, she is neutral as our clan has been protecting that city,the dragon city."

His mother told him while patting gently her growing stomach, after 6 years, luxrion will be having a younger sibling.

The mother is on 2 months of pregnancy but it just budge a little.

On a certain city castle, a young married couple are talking.

"Hey! Darius, ellena will be here in 20 minutes! So change your dress less formal!"the woman yell at her husband. When a girl at luxrion age

Her name is Aphrodite her mother's name is Gaia their last name are kratos.

"Oh and she will be here with her son"gaia said.darius didn't say anything as he already know that arguing with her will be pointless as she always win.
Elena and luxrion entered the castle halls, there Gaia and her family smiling
"Welcomed elena and to you luxrion how's luxciel(luxrion father)doing?" Gaia welcomed them as they talked with Aphrodite.

"Dairus can you entertain luxrion where just going to bath a bit. Thank you"elena said then walk away

""A bit huh!!probably hours!"they give a loud sigh and murmurs the same team.

they look at each other then began to laugh.

""Hahahaha""the two idiots.
"Follow me, i will let you see a metal ship fall from the sky."darius said while walking off with a smile.
"Kay!!" Luxrion followed him towards a underground castle.

After 5 minutes they appeared on underground docks with a spaceship that is being studied by the city's scientists and inventors.

You can see countless of machines that they invent in 20 long years they spent studying it.

The head of the project turned out to be the genius of science world here in this empire.

"Good afternoon your Highness, and to you mr..?"she said and ask the named of luxrion.

"Luxrion frozenleaf, just your 'ordinary' 6 years old."he said with a friendly smile while releasing his war-emperor and magus-emperor pressure. The surrounding people and even the crown prince darius paled with the pressure clearly suppressed.

"Ordinary my ass, well can you retracted that pressure od yours, thank you. Well prince this data we decoded, this can take us into the void(space), this ship is a data ship and it filled with advanced technologies blue prints,that is also the source of energy that fuel it."she said. Luxrion approach the spaceship and he found the world alliance of seraphim flag.

"-tjgszhhvxj-1009654-inffjczthj hixhjcsyib ogh udzjbb(seraphim code 1009654 information and history of interstellar of seraphim people)"

-conxdjkvy acceivx-(code accepted)"

A blue hologram with the history of seraphim people with interstellar adventure. And a female voice that luxrion translated.

For thousands of year ago, a man invented the science. He create many strange devices,weapons and mechanical vehicles.

On that time, his worked cost conflicts upon of many kingdoms and empires that result into second great war.

They kills their foe for a single man. The war rage at 200 years and the man just sigh and take out his lethal and dangerous weapons.he said,

"People of seraphim, stop the war or the world will collapsed,.there are enemies praying on us from beyond!!

Let's us joined force or they will slaved us!!

That's what he said but they didn't listen as they continued the war. But a spaceship block the sun bringing darkness from above.

See?!! What did i told you!!!? They here!!the man taunt as he aimed all his weapons ti the spaceship that later be known as harvesters queen.(AN/yep like the one in INDEPENDENXE DAYresurgence). They used all of their techniques and skills as they bring down the queen.

The death count numbered to millions as the people cried in grief, cried for thr fallen so the man lit their grief as he invent many defence systems,spaceships and weapons that can be used to the aliens.

The people swarm the castle he is staying as they want to have their revenge. And so he take them,teach them how to fight,teach them how to defense and teach them how to save others that need help.

They battled against the Queens as they make alliance and enemies alike. that is what it said."

"You! know how to read it!??!"

"Because I'm a legend"luxrion proudly said.

"Arrogant! Well what do we do now?"she ask.

"Hide it from the people create a spaceship and move this to the moon where you can build a defense systems,then have two inventors to make our life here modern era"luxrion said.

"That's amazing!! Lets do that! Like this we can force the clans ans the empires to unite!! Ley! Rem!!............" Her voice fade as she run underground.

"Well,I'm off!!"luxrion said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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