Chapter 44 - Temporary Alliance

Start from the beginning

It was time.

"Your highness?" Vyker cocked his head.

Kaillum smiled, understanding. "Attack!"

The wave of soldiers fanned out across the battlefield making for the gaps in the wall that had formed during the first bout between Balar and the Talurians. Arclite's forces ran along the left and Kaillum's down the right. They expected confusion on the part of the Talurians when first entering the Keep. They will assume more enemies to fight. The Merkadians will have to quickly make a show of action against Balar and his forces. If obvious sides were not drawn, the casualties would escalate uncontrollably.

Kaillum calculated their distance from the walls, taking care to add time for navigating the twisted wooden palisades. Nearing the entrance to the outer defenses, the air seemed to thicken.

Kaillum's feet slowed.

He looked to his left and to his right. The whole line of forces was slowing. Not moving less, but stuck running in place. A few soldiers stopped and took a step back, and with a foot's distance behind, normality returned. Kaillum tried the same, then lunged forward again, but hit the same sort of barrier.

Arclite looked in his direction and then both looked back to Taverous, who was already working a counter spell with his companions.

"Balar," Kaillum mouthed the name. Arclite nodded. "At ease! Kaillum shouted out over his soldiers. "There's no way to force our way through. Save your energy."

* * *

Thandril and Arteus ran at the wall of undead, remnants of the Talurian army steps behind. This was their last attempt. Thandril watched his creations run ahead of them, showing a speed unknown to humans.

Balar's undead waited, poised with their swords held high.

Staffwielders aimed their weapons. Once in range, their staves unleashed bolts of death magic. The forest beings took the brunt of the assault, losing limbs and chunks of their torsos. The advantage of being a creature of life and not of death was the ability to re-grew missing pieces.

By the time they reached the undead, they were once again whole.

Thorns the size of broadswords grew from the Forestials' arms, landing in the chests of the undead. Thandril was next, and barreled through, splitting the line into two sections. Arteus' blade fell upon four of them before they could regain their footing. The rest of the Talurians troops entered the battle. They fought with the strength of a force triple their size, but that would still not be enough.

Balar roared, sending a ripple across the courtyard dropping the Talurians to their knees.

The undead lashed out with the advantage and drove their blades into disoriented troops. The surviving warriors managed to deflect the blows but were pushed back further. An unexpected, mental hiccup occurred throughout the undead. Something had caused their controller to lose focus.

Balar was distracted.

The remaining Talurians regrouped. Shouts could be heard coming from outside the Keep.

"The Merkadians?" Arteus breathed heavily. His left arm limply hung at his side. "They sure know how to take advantage of a situation."

"They are coming to help." Thandril grabbed the Captain's arm. "You alright? Let me see."

Arteus laughed. "They are helping themselves to our remains."

"I've an understanding with their leaders."

"What?" Arteus pulled his arm away. "Was that where you were when I couldn't find you?" He glared at the druid. "Have you delivered us into the hands of our enemies?"

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