| 2. Enchantress for president

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THE BLONDE-GIRL wasn't all cupcakes and rainbows, murderer and a meta-human. It was not like she woke up one day and realized that she was sick, no. Her problems had always been there, lurking around in the shadows or/and backgrounds. Amy's powers came from within herself, it was more as a cosmic joke than a gift.

Amy Rose suffered from an mental illness called 'DID' also known as 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' which also could be called as 'Multiple Personality Disorder'. It began long before her parents deaths and before her mother wrote those books, but it had always been there.

Her mind-control powers was a cosmic joke, that had been giving to her from someone with a bad sense of humor.

-"What's the catch? You don't get Oscar's for killing people, last time I checked..."  Amy said and there was always a catch with Amanda, and under one layer of lies, laid another layer and so on. The lies never seemed to end with the ruthless woman. Amanda shrugged her shoulders, -"Nothing" and Amy rolled her eyes, -"Everything you do always comes with a price, you're like an evil rabbit who likes to kill people" Amy had no idea where she was going whit this conversation and neither did Amanda, from the look of her face.

-"You're gonna help me do some good" Amanda stated but not as a question, more as a statement. Amy looked around the four by four meter room she was sitting in. -"What? From the goodness of my heart?" Amy asked but her focus turned into something else, she saw herself standing without handcuffs or in prison clothes behind Amanda. "She always puts herself first. Say 'you do it' and then get the hell out you of prison" She spoke and she looked exactly like Amy but different much more darker and much more aggressive.

Once every blue moon she was let out of the depths of Amy Rose but Amy never liked her, always killing and making a mess. Amy rolled her eyes at the darker version of herself, -"Shut up!" Amy angrily almost screamed and even Amanda flinched, she was just about to open era much to speak but quickly changed her mind as Amy screamed. Of course, Amanda knew all about the Amy's 'split personalities' and her bad 'Mood swings' so the ruthless woman decided that it was best to keep quiet until Amy had finished.

"She's playing you, that's all I'm saying. You don't want to let me out, that's fine but we both know you want out" Evil Amy spoke as she walked around the small room and Amy's eyes followed. The blonde's eyes turned away from her alter ego and turned on the dark skinned, powerful woman.

-"Is this your little TaskForce X project? And here I was thinking, when do the U.S. Government let out criminals?" Amy asked but Amanda didn't answer the question but rather asking one, -"How bad do you want to get that chip out of your neck?" And Amy couldn't say no to that offer she had been sick and tired of that ringing once in her ear, she wanted to be brain free of metal and such inside her head.

IT WAS said that Amy Rose would be on the presentation of Amanda's TaskForce X project along side Dr. June Moone, who first was going to show everyone what the hell the Enchantress was. And then Amanda was going to presume to show everyone what one of many meta-human's was capable off. A shaking officer was holding a gun at Amy, he had given her simple commands in a shaking tone, his face was mapped with fear and respect for the blonde girl.

-"I guess you read my file..." The blonde girl muttered as she was forced to sit five meters away from the guard that was guarding her. A slow nod from then officer who held the gun tightly in his hand like it could be ripped away from him in seconds. -"I know what you are" The guard spoke.

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