Chapter 16

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Cha Min: Stop making us wait and say it!!

I've rarely seen Min Cha so excited to hear a story.

Wonho: I'm not making you wait, I just-

Kihyun: Who cares. Start.

*Wonho flashback*

I was walking down the hallway with Hyungwon to the washroom when I heard voices from the girls' washroom. We continued walking by telling ourselves that it was only people talking, but then I thought I heard a man's voice. In the girls' washroom?

I approached the door and put my ear on it.

It was Jooheon's voice!

Hyungwon got closer.

I looked out the small vertical window to try to determine the other person, but I couldn't see. Then he uttered her name.

Suk Hee.

Now that I knew who it was, I focused more on the conversation.

Jooheon: Even if it brought something positive, you shouldn't have done that. It's inadmissible to do such a thing to a friend.

Suk Hee: Jooheon, you won't tell them, huh?

Jooheon: No, I have respect for Ha Neul.

I wasn't too sure I understood what they were talking about, but I made the connection with last night.

Suk Hee: Exactly! I have respect for her too! It's to help her that I did that.

Jooheon: To help her? Are you kidding me?

Suk Hee: I knew very well what I was doing.

Jooheon: No, but seriously, do you take me for a fool? You did it in your own interests. There is not a moment when you thought of Ha Neul that evening.

Suk Hee: Want me to be honest? I absolutely have no regrets. Ultimately, it benefits to the right person so it's not so serious.

Jooheon: You're impossible damn.

Then I saw him looking for the exit and I went to hide myself quickly pulling Hyungwon with me behind the wall next door. He passed us without noticing. A single look was enough so that we take the direction of your practice room.

*End Wonho Flashback*

Me: What were they talking about? I'm not sure I understood everything.

Hyungwon: From what I understand, they did something, or rather, Suk Hee did something, and Jooheon didn't seem to approve.

Kihyun: It's taking us very far...

Wonho: But what we know is that he doesn't want to tell Ha Neul. You should try to extract information from him.

It was true. He said he wouldn't tell me because he respected me. What could it be? I'll ask him directly when I see him, it'll be less complicated.

Me: You will have your answer later tonight. I intend to make him confess.

Wonho: No! I told you to subtly get information. He must not know that I heard him.

Me: Don't worry, I'll just say it's me.

We got back to our dancing and the guys left.

Three days later I still hadn't managed to talk to Jooheon. He finally regained his usual liveliness and I didn't want to spoil it. It really annoyed me that he acted as if nothing had happened. Although he wasn't aware that I knew certain things, I found it a shame that he hides it to me like that.

However, I decided that today was the D day. No matter what happened, I needed to know. I was in right to know.

I picked him up in the kitchen as he was eating with the other members.

Jooheon: Why now? It cannot wait?

Kihyun: Go Jooheon. We will keep you a bit.

He rose, slightly frustrated. It wasn't strating well. I had to find a way to start the conversation without being too direct. I had to go another way. Psychology as Suk Hee said.

We went to sit in the living room of the company.

Me: So, are you okay with your mother? I mean, since you're back to normal...

It wasn't totally straightforward, but in a sense it was. Let's be honest, I was zero for such cases.

Jooheon: She will have to get used to it.

Still, I was sure that her mother had nothing to do with his change of behavior.

Me: You have explained her that we were too young to get married?

I knew beforehand that he didn't say such a thing to his mother. She seemed to have a great influence on him.

Jooheon: Yeah, something like this.

Me: There's nothing else that inspired you to counter the words of your mother?

Jooheon: No, not really.

Well, the time had come.

Me: Jooheon... I heard you talked Suk Hee this week.

He looked up and looked down. Completely indecipherable.

Jooheon: And what did you hear exactly?

Me: It's to you to tell me.

I wasn't expecting him to be so honest. I thought I would have to ask him many more questions before he says something.

Jooheon: Currently, the only thing I want to tell you is the four truths about your dear Suk Hee. But kindness for her, I'll give you her version.

Me: What happened the night she came to talk to you?

Jooheon: She brought me in the lobby of our building down. She started talking. I wasn't really listening, it was useless crap. Then she came toward me, more and more closely, and she kissed me.

Kissed. That's the only word that had invaded all the space in my head.

Jooheon: I tried to push her away, but she insisted. When she finally let go, she told me something like that I had to choose between her and you. I was so shocked that I haven't been able to answer and I went back alone. And that's why the next day I made sure to kiss you in front of her to show that it was you, my choice.

So technically, as the good friend she is, she tried to steal my boyfriend?

Jooheon: And what she told me in the bathroom was that she did that so I would realize how much I loved you and that I wouldn't let my mother break us.

If I understood well, she did it to help me? She didn't use the best technique, let's be honest.

Jooheon: I only love you, Ha Neul, and believe me that I'll never get into girls like Suk Hee. Watch out for her.

I couldn't decide on what I thought of Suk Hee now... I'll have time to think about it later.

He took me in his arms and I laid my head on his chest. How good it was to feel him so close to me again. He placed a short kiss on my lips and I looked up to ask for another one. Then I saw someone in the doorway.

?: Knock Knock!

I let go Jooheon to see who it was. It's with great surprise that I recognized I.M! I went to jump into his arms when I saw another person behind him.

End of chapter 16! Sorry for the long wait T_T Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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