Chapter 9

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*POV of Jooheon*

Exasperated, I got up from the coffee table on which we played. I felt the guys throw me accusing eyes. Pff. I went out and took without hesitation the direction of Ha Neul's room.

This girl annoys me. She just talks, talks, talks, talks, and she was always touching my arm or giving me pats in a cute way (that I didn't find cute at all). And the worst of all, she called me oppa. Oppa. Let me laugh. I am sunbae, stop calling me oppa damn, I don't want to be your oppa. And even though in the age standards I was, I decided that with her it would be different. I was his sunbae, I had more experience, shut up with your oppa. We were only professionally related. Where did she learn respect?

Without even realizing it, I swore quietly walking through the corridors of the hotel. Some people threw me strange looks, but fortunately, there were few people.

Arriving at the door of Ha Neul's room, I knocked loudly. I was truly tired and I needed to be with the only person who could calm me down. No answer. I knocked again. It was better to open up. I waited a few seconds and tried again instantly. Still nothing. I gave a frustrated kick on the wall. Where was she?! Didn't Minhyuk tell her that I was coming?

I tried to call, but I remembered that I had left my phone in one of my coat's pockets yesterday. I turned back to my room. I'll ask the guys if they saw it.

Change of plan.

I'm going to find her. All to avoid the glue pot.

*POV of Ha Neul*

I walked out of the massage parlor. It was rare for me to feel so calm and relaxed. I noticed the sun loungers around the pool. It was a really good atmosphere to take a nap. I put my bag on the floor and lay down. I picked it up and pressed it against me to make sure it won't be stolen. Then I closed my eyes and let myself go to the sweet sound of water. It was the perfect time because the pool was empty at dinner time.

Unfortunately, shortly after, I got woken up with a voice that was more than familiar to me.

Jooheon: But what are you doing here, like that, trying to have a good time while I'm looking for you everywhere since 15 minutes? I needed you and you weren't f*cking there.

I opened my eyes slowly, grimacing. It was so unpleasant to be apostrophize this way, especially when I knew that I had done nothing wrong. What was his purpose to come shout in my ears at that moment? I had given up the idea of ​​seeing him tonight so why is he showing up now?

Me: Oh yeah, you needed me. Too bad that I haven't been there at the right time. Because you see, when I needed you, well you weren't there. And after, you just come and yell at me? You're having fun with others while I've been waiting for you during two hours in my room. And when I decided to go finally go out to make up the time that you made me lose, you find me and you tell me what I did wrong when it is you who has it all wrong?

Jooheon: I asked Minhyuk to go tell you!

Me: But after I asked him to tell you to invite me face to face.

Jooheon: What does it change?!

Me: It changes everything!

We were both very upset. Luckily no one was around. When we were at the same level of anger, and, at the same time, the tone often rose very high. I regretted that this had to happen in a public place. Especially next to a pool. And when our fight is over, I will remember it every time I see a pool. Because it's not every day that it happens in the presence of a pool. Oh why did I think of that? Never again will I see the pools at the same angle. This in-depth reflection on my future with the pools were really not necessary. Fortunately, Jooheon couldn't hear my thoughts. I would have lost all my credibility.

Jooheon: It's been a while now that we are dating, I don't need to ask you to go out in person. We're passed that stage. It's nothing that once I invited you to eat through someone else.

Did he purposely say such stupid things?

Me: I do mind. You're so busy playing with my band that you don't have two minutes to invite me to have dinner with you?

Jooheon: What? So you're jealous that I spend time with your new friends. Just know that I went to find you because I couldn't endure being with them anymore.

Why should I be jealous that the two members of my group spend time with another group? I mean, there's not only Jooheon in Monsta X.

Me: Hey, I'm not jealous, far from it. I have more pride than you think. My esteem is much more than the surface of jealousy.

Jooheon: Actually you don't even care that other girls are interested in me. To see me escaping from you because of another girl leaves you completely indifferent?

Me: I didn't say that!!

Jooheon: So what are you saying?

We stared at each other for quite a long time without saying a word. I just felt like hitting him. I couldn't help but to have these scornful eyes on him.

Jooheon: I'm still waiting.

However, at this time, a hand took me by the arm and led me to the opposite side. I turned quickly to look qt Jooheon. I was wrong to think he would try to hold me back. There were only his eyes staring at us.

End of chapter 9! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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