Jack Frost - Frozen Kiss

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In which you're human, but you and Jack have been friends. (GxB/BxB)

       Two pale, icy hands covered your eyes the moment you stepped through the gate of your yard and onto the sidewalk, freezing you in your tracks as you quickly batted your lashes on instinct, surprised. Of course, it was hardly seconds before you already knew who it was, what with the hands and the laughing voice beside your ear as he said, "Guess who!"

     "Well gee," you said as you continued to blink your e/c eyes, which made his hands twitch the slightest bit from the tickle. "I honestly have no idea."
     "Oh, you ruin the fun," Jack said as he used his staff to propel himself around you, hopping from foot to foot the instant his bare feet landed on the hot concrete of the sidewalk, before he stuck with floating several inches off of the ground. "Ugh--how can you stand this heat-?"
     "First off," you interrupted, a brow raised, though you were amused with his reaction, "It's called shoes. They're there to protect your feet, you know." It was, after all, summer. "And, secondly, the weather is hot, so the ground is bound to be."
     Jack placed a hand on his hip, though he looked even more amused than yourself, and he raised a brow as he gave you a mocking--and yet charming--grin. "And is there a 'third' to this little lecture?"
     "Oh, shush," you said before pursed your lips and turned, beginning to walk down the sidewalk, reminding yourself of where you were supposed to be. "Besides, it's not the world's fault you can't handle the heat. There's always ways you can deal with the situation."
     "What, like this?"
     Before you knew it, he was thrusting his hand out, causing ice to immediately scatter under your feet and go several yards ahead of the direction you were going, and not expecting it you slipped off of your feet, falling backwards. Fortunately, Frost was quick, feet dropping onto the ice and arms wrapping around you before you could hit your head, your h/c hair brushing over your eyes as you blinked repetitively at the sky before Jack's face came into view.
     "Well," he mused aloud, a wild grin on his face, "that was a close one."
     "Close, and nowhere near what I meant," you responded with a grunt as your eyes flickered from his well-structured face to the ice before you, grumbling as Jack helped you back onto your feet. "I was thinking more like a layer of ice under the soles of your feet or something, smartass."
He gave you a sheepish grin. "Oops?"
     "Oops doesn't even cover it," you said, and just as you were about to tell him to get rid of the ice before anyone noticed, it was already gone, causing you to sigh in relief. "You're lucky we never seem to have an audience during your little...antics."
     "Oh come on, -----," Jack groaned, though he still grinned, quickly stepping in front of you before you could begin walking again, big blue eyes dancing as they peered into yours, leaning unusually close. "What is with you today?"
     "I'm like this every day," you muttered. Or, at least, you had been ever since you had completely acknowledged that you actually adored Jack, which wasn't very long ago. At the thought, your cheeks flushed, your eyes dropping to the ground as if nervous that Jack would be able to read your thoughts, and you charged around him. "What do you want?"
     "And now you're acting like we never hang out almost all the time!" Jack continued to groan, and you peeked over your shoulder to see him following after you, a slender hand running through his short, white hair as he seemed to give something some thought. When he glanced back up at you, you quickly turned and looked ahead. "-----," Jack said, "hold on a minute."
     You sighed and whirled around. "Jack, I really need to get to -----, so whatever it is-" You cut off as Jack's fingers wrapped around your wrist and yanked you to him, his frozen lips pressing somewhat roughly against yours from the impact before the kiss softened, his eyes shut. Your eyes, however, were wide and staring at him, unsure of how to react. Though you loved this random move, and though you had feelings for him, you were simply astonished with the fact that this was even happening.
     Before you knew it, Jack was pulling away, his eyes open again and on yours, appearing to be somewhat nervous. "There's something I haven't been telling you either," he said. Though, after a second, he seemed to be listening to something only he could hear. Then, blushing and pulling away from you, he quickly said, "Hold that thought--gotta go--bye!" Then, just as suddenly, he was gone.
     You stood there, merely gaping at the empty air before you. Then, frustrated, threw your hands into the air. "Dammit, Jack!"  

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